IN My previous Post, Ezekiel 38 in Revelation, We have established when this event occurs in the order of events in Revelation. We must however, also establish where this event occurs in the final seven year timeline, or the 70th week. We know it IS NOT the FINAL BATTLE, and we also know it occurs before the day of the Lord Comes, according to Joel 2:30.
- We can however, get much more precise with the timing of this war. To do so, we need to understand the "undercurrents" and the reason Why this event even occurs.
Ez. 38:3-4 And Say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold I am against thee O Gog, the chief prince of Mecheck and Tubal: AND I WILL TURN THEE BACK, AND PUT HOOKS INTO THY JAWS, AND i WILL BRING THEE FORTH, AND ALL THINE ARMY......
- Have you ever asked the Lord WHY? Why Lord, do you put hooks in the jaws of this army and bring them down on your own People??? What great infraction have they done that has motivated you to do this??? The only time the Lord has done this in times past is for Correction. We are given the answer WHY the Lord brings this army against Israel in Ez. 38:16
And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land, it shall be in the Latter days, and I WILL BRING THEE AGAINST MY LAND, THAT THE HEATHEN MAY KNOW ME......
NOW, I KNOW THAT TODAY'S mORE "POPULAR" TEACHING OF END TIME EVENTS, CLAIM IT IS THE ANTICHRIST, that confirms some form of seven year covenant, AND later stops the sacrifices, but it simply isn't. it is the Lord who will stopp the sacrifices, in the midst of the Week, Using the Islamic world, and Russia, to Do this. Why do you ask? Simple, The Lord will be confirming HIS covenant with many for one week. This is the whole purpose of the 70th week to begin with. Matthew 24:14 Bears this out..Amos 5:20 Shall not the Day of the Lord be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness ion it? I HATE, I DESPISE YOUR FEAST DAYS, AND I WILL NOT SMELL IN YOUR SOLEMN ASSEMBLIES, THOUGH YOU OFFER ME BURNT OFFERINGS AND YOUR MEAT OFFERINGS, I WILL NOT ACCEPT THEM;....
And this gospel of the Kingdom (the new covenant) shall be preached (confirmed) in all the world for a witness, unto ALL NATIONS (with many for one week) And then the end shall come.
- We have established that It is the Lord who is behind this invasion. We have also established the underlying factor as to why this invasion occurs. The following scripture confirms that the King of the North invades to stop the sacrifices.
Daniel 11:27 AND BOTH THESE KINGS HEARTS SHALL BE TO DO MISCHIEF, AND THEY SHALL SPEAK LIES AT ONE TABLE: BUT IT SHALL NOT PROSPER: FOR YET THE END SHALL BE AT THE TIME APPOINTED. THEN SHALL HE RETURN INTO HIS LAND WITH GREAT RICHES: AND HIS HEART SHALL BE AGAINST THE HOLY COVENANT: (during Daniels time, the Holy covenant would of been the temple) and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land. At the time appointed (midst of the week) he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the Latter. For the Ships of Chittum shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return and have indignation against the Holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return and have intelligence with THEM THAT FORSAKE THE HOLY COVENANT (THIS WOULD BE THE ISLAMIC WORLD) AND ARMS SHALL STAND ON HIS PART, AND THEY( notice it is a "they" that stopps the sacrifices, not an individual) shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall "place" (or cause) the abomination that maketh desolate.
- The True 70th week of Daniel, consists of 3 1/2 years of "birthpains", wars and rumors of wars, (but the end is not yet). The "birthpains" climax in the "midst of the Week", when we witness "ARMS" standing on behalf of the King of the North, stopping the sacrifices. The second half of the REAL 70th week, consists of the 42 month reign of the False messiah.