The First Witness
The greatest teacher of all time has just returned to proctor the final exam. It will determine what we have learned and if we really understood what he had to say. Do you really think that this proph is going to give the class an “A†just for showing up and for saying Lord, Lord ? If you were Him after all your hard work, waiting and sacrifice would you give everyone an “A†without a test? But there is not enough time to grade all the papers, so what do you do? How about the many marks their own paper? Is that fair?
The scholars of yesterday did not recognize Jesus Christ. The scholars of today have not recognized the son of Man. The reason they all failed is because they did not have any in-site into the question they must answer. Even after He sent us the answers “The Two Witnessesâ€Â. That question we all must answer is a true test of our wisdom and understanding. It relates to seeing and knowing. It is a hard question to answer. Only a few will graduate to freedom. The question is about the hologram and what we must witness.
To see the truth in a hologram you must know and understand what you are looking at. You must seek and look several times before it is revealed to you. No one else can see it for you, or tell you “just look over there, here He comes out of the cloudsâ€Â. That would be too easy. It did not happen like that before, it did not happen like that this time. History does repeat it’s self.
The scholars of yesterday did not recognize Jesus Christ. The scholars of today have not recognized the son of Man. The reason they all failed is because they did not have any in-site into the question they must answer. Even after He sent us the answers “The Two Witnessesâ€Â. That question we all must answer is a true test of our wisdom and understanding. It relates to seeing and knowing. It is a hard question to answer. Only a few will graduate to freedom. The question is about the hologram and what we must witness.
To see the truth in a hologram you must know and understand what you are looking at. You must seek and look several times before it is revealed to you. No one else can see it for you, or tell you “just look over there, here He comes out of the cloudsâ€Â. That would be too easy. It did not happen like that before, it did not happen like that this time. History does repeat it’s self.