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Bible Study The Growth Bible Series: - Getting Even-


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I will be offering Bible questions and what I feel are Biblical answers to these questions. Let us study these that we allow ourselves to grow in the Lord. All responses are welcome


How should I get even when someone hurts me?

My answer:

Jesus gave proper attitude regarding vengeance when He said,

Matt. 5:40 If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also

This does not mean you should not defend your family, your property or your country, but rather that you should not attempt personal revenge, even though you might use the means of the law to compensate for a personal injury. Paul reinforces this theme:

Rom. 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. (See also verse 20-21).

Self-revenge has no place in the Christian Life. We are told to "give place to wrath," which means you allow God to handle the situation, rather than taking revenge yourself.
You should "overcome evil with good" (Rom. 12:21). You must resist the impulse to retaliate, but do good to those who do evil to you.
Yep, I have been guilty of this sin and God spanked me for me.... :oops:

Now , I just let things hard as it is for me to do this....I have been wronged many times, but I keep telling myself...They will hear about it at the white thrown judgment or if they get saved they will still have to see Jesus at the judgment seat of Christ....Come to think of it, I will also be at the judgment seat of Christ....Good thing I have my legal papers that tell me I have been justified by the blood of the lamb and have the Lord Jesus Christ signet stamp on them. 8-)


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