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Bible Study The Growth Bible Series: -Live/Die in sin-


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I will be offering Bible questions and what I feel are Biblical answers to these questions. Let us study these that we allow ourselves to grow in the Lord. All responses are welcome


Can a Christian live in sin all his life, die in sin, yet still go to heaven?

My answer:

Some Christians believe that if you are genuinely saved, you are forgiven, and what you do in life makes no difference. Therefore, a Christian can continue in sin and go to heaven when s/he dies because

1 John 1:7 the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin

Some can be turned over to Satan for the destruction of the body, that the soul may be saved.

1Cor. 5:5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

This verse seems to imply that these people lived in sin. or committed a great sin, but went to heaven after they died.
Here is where the rubber meets the road.... I john 3 tells us that anyone who lives in sin is not a child of God....the greek is clear that John is speaking of habitual sin...A child of God will not live in sin, so no that person will not inherit the kingdom of God, because he was never a child of God to begin with....
This is the biggest problem with homosexuality....The lifestyle demands a life of sin, this is why Paul says, these will not inherit the kingdom of God....

As far as 1 cor 5 goes, if there is ''repentance'' and the person does come back to Christ, then truly he was one of Gods sheep....Had he been a goat, he would not have come back and having been giving his choice to choose darkness rather than light, Jesus will not go get him because he is not his...He belongs to the devil, by his own choice...
jgredline said:
Here is where the rubber meets the road.... I john 3 tells us that anyone who lives in sin is not a child of God....the greek is clear that John is speaking of habitual sin...A child of God will not live in sin, so no that person will not inherit the kingdom of God, because he was never a child of God to begin with....
This is the biggest problem with homosexuality....The lifestyle demands a life of sin, this is why Paul says, these will not inherit the kingdom of God....

As far as 1 cor 5 goes, if there is ''repentance'' and the person does come back to Christ, then truly he was one of Gods sheep....Had he been a goat, he would not have come back and having been giving his choice to choose darkness rather than light, Jesus will not go get him because he is not his...He belongs to the devil, by his own choice...

I agree actually, after doing more studing on this topic I found that I might have jumped the gun on my response to my own question.


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