Yuck. Who would want to drink that?
Yuck. Who would want to drink that?
Isn't that why we say a blessing over our food? Ok, it's not but it is a byproduct of the blessing. Who here has ever heard of Masaru Emoto? The man who did testing on water as it froze and found out that speaking nicely (or even holding good intent in his heart) would affect the water and make it freeze into beautiful ice crystals, and the other samples he either spoke bad towards, or focused angher or bad feelings on it and there was a significant difference in the crystals. You could even test this at home yourself, as he explains.
There's tons of vids on youtube about him. Search his name, ice crystals or "The rice experiment" He has proven that we all affect our environment. With our words, with our thoughts, or even by ignoring a person. Wrong thread here but he did experiments with different types of music with profound results also.
In my mind this is unequivocal proof of the spiritual realm/alternate dimension/Kingdom of God/paranormal. It has different names to different people but we all talk about the same thing. Of course we know that Jesus is sitting there on the throne, but still.
We are instructed (commanded?) in scripture to live for the Spirit.
Be led of the Spirit.
Test the spirit.
walk in the Spirit.
This is deep and totally scriptural. We have access to the Kingdom since the veil was torn in two at the crucifixion. But if we are walking in darkness, I think we can create our own veil through incorrect beliefs or worldly views.
We are to be obedient. We are to Pray. We are to reed His Word. Are you satisfied where you are now? Spiritually? I am not.
Almost forgot the video of the man behind the experiments. Here it is. Lots more on youtube too. Real interesting.