1800s author, Louisa May Alcott (Little Women, and other books) said something similar in her days, and it wasn't as bad then as it is now. I hate to say it, but on some of the boards I visit, a lot of kids don't seem to spell very well. I keep wondering what they are learning in school. Even I misspell a word on occasion, but it seems now that there are so many of them.
My younger son, who is 10, has some difficulties with Asperger Syndrome ( a very mild form of autism), was put in a regular class and could not cope. About 2 months ago, he was put in a smaller class and is doing wonderfully. He was disrupted and disruptive,and because of his difficulties should have never have been put in that situation. It wasn't fair to the other students, fair to the teachers,nor fair to my son. My older son has moderate autism and was always in a special class. My daughter, thank God, is normal.
I think it all stems from the fact that we have thrown God out of our schools!!