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The "key" that opens the door to understanding Revelation?


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The word "Revelation" means to "to reveal" or "unveil" something. Is it relevant today? Yes, Revelation is a Prophetic book.

It's also a sister book to Daniel. They both were written to people living in this final generation, or in the "latter days". You can read more about that generation by reading The Parable of the Fig Tree (Matthew 24:32-44), where Christ said, in part, “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. “

So, the Book totally relevant to this generation ... at the end of which, Christ returns. However, those who do not understand the sequence of events about to happen will be deceived. For example, many Christians think that Christ returns before Satan is booted from heaven to earth. This happens at the 6th trumpet. Christ returns at the 7th trumpet.

The following verse holds the key, which opens the door to understanding Revelation.

Revelation 1:10
I (John speaking) was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

If you do not understand the above verse, the entire book of Revelation will not make much sense, because the sequence of order will seem odd.

John is telling us where he was. “I was in the Spiritâ€Â, not in his flesh body, “on the Lord’s Day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpetâ€Â. He is taken to the future in the Spirit to the day of the Lord. This is not referring to a day, such as Sunday. It’s referring the the same “Day of the Lord†that Paul refers to in I Thessalonians 5:2, “coming as a thief in the night.†Also, in II Thessalonians 2:2-3, Paul leaves no doubt that at the “Day of the Lord†Christ returns. This will not happen until “after there will be a great falling away first†and “that man of sin be revealed, the son of perditionâ€Â. In other words, Satan must first be revealed, in his role as the Antichrist (instead of Christ in the Greek), before the 7th trump will sound, which is the last trump.

The day to which John was taken was in the future, because that’s when the Lord’s Day happens. We are, however, living in the generation that will see it come to pass. In addition, we will live through that which John saw and experianced, while he was in the Spirit. There is only one day that is called "The Day of the Lord" in all the Scriptures.

Isaiah 2:12 For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low.

This is the day that Christ returns. This is the day "God's cup of wrath" is poured out upon His enemies. So John was taken in the Spirit to the last day of this earth age, before the start of the age of the Millennium. If you are still in your flesh body, that day hasn't happened yet, and it is still future to us.

Every verse that you read in Revelation from this verse to the end of chapter twenty two, will be viewed from the Lord's day, either looking backwards or forwards a short period of time. If you don't come to that point of time in your understanding with John, the rest of what he is saying just will not make sense.
Very Very Good, Grasshopper!!!
  • Most today try to view the book of revelation with a futuristic perception of events. The Book of revelation makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, if it is viewed like this.
Each individual event within revelation MUST be viewed as if you are there experiencing the actual event itself, for it to make sense. This gives us Hindsight to what has already occured, what is currently happening, and what is Yet to Happen.. This perception leads to the reasons Why the events are occuring, Who is involved in the events, what the events are being accepted as, and the movers and shakers behind each event. You have found the Key!!!
This will not happen until “after there will be a great falling away first†and “that man of sin be revealed, the son of perditionâ€Â. In other words, Satan must first be revealed, in his role as the Antichrist (instead of Christ in the Greek), before the 7th trump will sound, which is the last trump.
You indicate in your post that you believe that Satan is both the “son of perdition†and the Antichrist. I have been led to a completely different result.

While it is possible to prove that Satan can not be the Antichrist or the “son of perdition†from many different avenues in Scripture I will only address one here as to be brief.

First can we agree that Satan is but an Angelic being and while he can communicate over what we consider a vast distance quite quickly he is unable to physically be in two different places at the same time?

If we agree on the above then there are several Scriptures which demonstrate that for Satan to be the Antichrist, ‘the son of perdition and the devil all at the same time he would have to be in more then one place at a time.

Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Rev 20:1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
Rev 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
Rev 20:3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever

In Rev 19:20 the Antichrist also called the beast is cast into the lake of fire but Satan is not, he is bound with a great chain and cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand yrs Rev 20:2,3.

Then in Rev 20:10 after Satan has been loosed one final time he is cast into the lake of fire where the beast, the Antichrist already resides.

The Scriptures can not be broken and God is very specific concerning this to make sure we are not confused. The beast which is the embodiment of the the Antichrist and Satan are two separate beings with two separate rolls to play in the second coming of our Lord Jesus the Christ.

There are many other Scriptures that demonstrate that the Antichrist will come as a man just as our Lord Jesus the Christ came as a man. It is not possible for Satan and the Antichrist to be the same person.

If I have misinterpreted what you have written I am open to correction.
Isn't the Bible fun? It's so agreeable to disagree.

Unfortunately, much of what is printed in today's "Christian" books is a rehash of what Martin
Luther said a long time ago. Which means it's dated, biased, and incorrect.

Most of the book of Revelation is completed(ex., Behold a White Horse = Christ. Red Horse =
Holy Spirit. Dark Horse = Lights/truth go out in the Church - Dark Ages. Pale Horse = 1/4 of
the 'earth' dead - bubonic plague.)

Revelation is 2 books in one - just like that breath mint Certs. A heavenly view and an earthly
view....hence, trumpet/vials are cause and effect....order from heaven(trumpet) carried out
on earth (vial).

Knowing these few things simplifies the book and eliminates a lot of confusion. We should now,
if I figure correctly, be in the 2nd Trumpet/Vial and approaching the 3rd. I'll stop here because
this is when most people start arguing, and I don't argue.

One more thing. Satan was put in the Bottomless Pit when Christ victoriously emerged from
his grave. He, Satan, will be released at the 5th Trumpet/Vial, causing the First Battle of
Armageddon at the 6th Trumpet/Vial. The 2nd Coming is at the 7th T/V, aka the Second
Battle of Armageddon.

Hate to be disruptive, and I apologize if I am, but you're way off course and I hate to see
anyone tread water when they could be sprinting towards the finish line.
Capt. Kirk said:
Isn't the Bible fun? It's so agreeable to disagree.

Unfortunately, much of what is printed in today's "Christian" books is a rehash of what Martin
Luther said a long time ago. Which means it's dated, biased, and incorrect.

Most of the book of Revelation is completed(ex., Behold a White Horse = Christ. Red Horse =
Holy Spirit. Dark Horse = Lights/truth go out in the Church - Dark Ages. Pale Horse = 1/4 of
the 'earth' dead - bubonic plague.)

Revelation is 2 books in one - just like that breath mint Certs. A heavenly view and an earthly
view....hence, trumpet/vials are cause and effect....order from heaven(trumpet) carried out
on earth (vial).

Knowing these few things simplifies the book and eliminates a lot of confusion. We should now,
if I figure correctly, be in the 2nd Trumpet/Vial and approaching the 3rd. I'll stop here because
this is when most people start arguing, and I don't argue.

One more thing. Satan was put in the Bottomless Pit when Christ victoriously emerged from
his grave. He, Satan, will be released at the 5th Trumpet/Vial, causing the First Battle of
Armageddon at the 6th Trumpet/Vial. The 2nd Coming is at the 7th T/V, aka the Second
Battle of Armageddon.

Hate to be disruptive, and I apologize if I am, but you're way off course and I hate to see
anyone tread water when they could be sprinting towards the finish line.

Your interpretation of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ is both convoluted and confusing, in my experiences with God thou His Holy Spirit i have always found God to be simple and direct.

Jam 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

God wants us, even the simplest and least educated of us, to be able to understand what He is saying to us and what He is about to do.

All previous prophecy is Scripture has been fulfilled literally and fulfilled in such a manner that the lowest of His followers could easily observe and verify its fulfillment. The Book of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ will be no different.
Hi, im new but i am very interested in endtimes veiws etc.
the veiw of the white horse being christ is very intesting, and i dont want to start a argument or anything but my view is that it is, on the contrary, the spirit of the antichrist. The antichrist will not just be welcomed into the world at the start of the 7 years, there must be something building up for him to be set there (have you seen the staute outside of the UN building? it looks like a rider with a crown and a bow. coincidentaly there is a meditation room inside of the building that has 11 chairs around a black alter! I find this kind of disturbing with the 10 kingdoms and the Antichrist etc. but i digress) . The second, or the red horseman are the atomic weapons, as seen in Zechariah 14:12-13. at least thats what it sounds like to me. the third hourse i believe is symbolizing an inflated economy, since YHWH hates unfair wheights and measures, the fourth horse is death, and i havent thought of anything for that yet, but the plague does sound interesting. This is my veiw of everything anyway, Im completely open to any comments
praise the Lord and YHWH bless.
I have a different take on the Opening of the Seven Seals, the first four of which are riders on horses (Revelation 6.) I remember reading the passage about the Black Horse many years back when we experienced our first oil crisis, a gasoline shortage. People were permitted to buy gas only on odd or even days depending on the last number on their vehicle tag plates. Drivers waited in lines for hours for the chance to fill their tanks.

On the television and radio and in the newspapers the constant reports were about oil and wheat. At that same time, there were a worldwide crop failures everywhere except in the United States. We had an abundance of wheat. I could not help but notice the similarity between the news of the day and the message that came with the Black Horse about wheat and oil.

The Black Horse is the nation of Islam riding into the marketplace, balance scales signifying the market. Islam emerged at that time as a great power just as God promised for Ishamel, Abraham's other son, that he would become a great nation. The flags of most Islamic nations contain the color black.

So let us back up to the first seal and the White Horse. Christ is the rider who came and conquered sin by dying and returning from the dead. Christianity is the White Horse.

The third seal and horse is Communism, the Red Horse.

These three empires set the stage and players for the endgame.

The fourth seal brings a horse and rider that are different from the first three. This rider has a name. Its name is Death. The horse and rider have an entourage, Hades, the god of the underworld. Some people have reported strange creatures and crafts assuming they are from outer space. Could it be possible that they are actually from the bowels of the earth and now roam about to kill?

Assuming that the first four seals have been opened already, then we await the next three.

The fifth seal talks about the final person designated to die as a martyr for Christedom. Only God knows who that will be. Jesus said the end will be like birth pains. Some interpret that as meaning an increasing quickening of progression. Once the fifth seal is opened then the sixth may follow very soon afterward.

Rev. 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake...
Rev. 6:14 ....and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

Imagine a world-wide earthquake of this magnitude! The United States will not be able to send rescue to far away places. They will be too busy digging themselves out. Not only that, but the ozone goes away.

Rev. 6:14 And the sky departed as a scroll when it is rolled together......

Scientists say that there are holes in the ozone at each pole. Imagine it zipping up suddenly in a moment. Fighting the loss of the ozone is a losing battle and an ungodly one. Mere mankind cannot prevent it, God will remove it.

Rev. 6:15 And the kings of the earth and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains

They went underground because it was too scorching hot topside without the ozone layer.

Rev. 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes....

Rev. 7:13-14 And one of the elders answered saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

No doubt they died in that big earthquake, not raptured. Now they are around the heavenly throne. Whew! They escaped the horrors of the final seventh seal which begins the Great Tribulation and leads to the battle of Armageddon.
The Book of Revelation, is the easiest Book in the entire Bible to understand. But to do so, One must view it properly. If one "steps back", and views the entire order of events through Revelation, what does one see?
  • First there is the Seals, Followed by the First Six trumpets. I believe these are the Birthpains Jesus spoke of, but the end is not yet. We know this isn't the end, because after the trumpets, we witness the desciption of the 42 month reign of the false Messiah. This is then followed by the vials of the wrath of God being poured out, and the return of the REAL MEssiah.
  • WHen we approach the book of Revelation with "preconcieved ideas" of what we WANT it to say, it can become quite clouded, and doesn't seem to make any sense. If one approaches it as a child, reading a story of events that is still yet future, One witnesses events that occur before the reing of Antichrist (seals and first four trumprts), The rise of antichrist (fifth and sixth trumpet), the reign of Antichrist (11th, 12th, 13th Chapters) the downfall of antichrist, and the return of the REAL Messiah.
  • The book of Revelation, reveals the greatest deception, and seduction mankind will go through. It reveals events that occur BEFORE the reign of the false Messiah, (Seals and first six trunpets) that will be accepted as events prophesied and fulfilled, before the return of the REAL!
It reveals a False KIngdom, as He sets up HIs kingdom as God, and all the world accepts him as the Messiah. It reveals what will happen to those who DO accept Him as their Messiah, and the Judgement that will fall on them. It reveals a duplication!
I would agree with you, Trump, that the key to understanding Revelation is 1:10"

"I was in [the] spirit in (on-KJV) the Lord's day". For that tells us when John's vision took place: 'the Lord's day' which is 'the day of the Lord,' or 'the day of Jehovah.'

It is certainly the sister book to Daniel. And, just as the subjects of Daniel's prophecy involved his people, Israel, as well as the Gentiles (nations), so also Revelation is concerned Israel, the nations, as wel as the earth.

There is no place in Revelation for the church/body of Christ. The church/body will depart to meet the Lord in the air, and then be in the heavenlies first.

I believe 'the time of the end' will be Daniels' 70th week, also known as 'the Tribulation,' for it will be believing Israelites who will read these books in those last days and understand, and be able to count the days, months and years from the middle of the 7 years when the 'man of sin' breaks the treaty with Israel, and sets himself up as god, to the day of Christ's return. This will give them great hope to endure, and be ready for the coming of Messiah Jesus, even though he will come as 'a thief in the night.'

I believe 'the day of the Lord' is not just one day: it includes Daniel's 70th week as well as the 1000 year millennium.

It is true, the day of the Lord is said to be a day of gloominess and darkness, of thunders and trumpets, of seals and bowls, of earthquakes and judgments (see Joel 1:15; 2:1,2,11; 3:9-16; Zech. chapts 12-14). We know these terrible judgments precede the millennium, an era of peace and plenty. These things are not said to occur on THE DAY when Messiah Jesus returns.



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