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Bible Study The Kinds of People God Wants !


Jay T

The Kinds of People God Wants !

You and I had nothing to say about our coming into this world, and where we spend eternity is entirely in our hands, and depends wholly upon our own choice.

If you choose to spend eternity in God's everlasting Kingdom, then you must bring your life into harmony with God's ways, with his ideals and standards, with His Laws ...and pattern of living.

For He will not change His Kingdom to suit your convenience or comform to your ideas.

His is a Kingdom of Righteousness (Right-doing) and Peace and Joy.
If you want to live in God's Kingdom, you must be Righteous (Yourself), at peace with God and man.

The Prophet Isaiah states the matter very clearly and leaves no one in doubt regarding who will make the change.

He says: "Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near...let the wicked forsake his way, and the UNrighteous man his thoughts.....FOR MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS, NEITHER ARE YOUR WAYS MY WAYS, SAYS THE LORD.

Such is the difference between God's eternal Knigdom and the Kingdoms of this world.

Here on this earth man's ideas and ways prevail, BUT over there God's thoughts and standards hold absolute sway.

If you don't like them, then you will not be there.

For God does not want you there in His everlasting Kingdom UNLESS you want to be there and are willing to conform your life in EVERY detail to His ways and wishes, to His pattern of noble living.

That is it, as far as His Kingdom is concerned, and he says in effect: Take it or leave it !

There will be no compulsion, no coercion, no undue persuasion, no force of any kind.

There will be no more compromising, or coddling.

It is this or else. God is through with sin and sinners.

He has set a day when sin and those who hang onto their sins will be eradicated and destroyed wherever it may be found.

God has, for thousands of years, felt the pain and sufferings of people, who have been effected by sin and its consequences.

He has felt the starvation of little children....

He has felt the pain and suffering of those people who died under the terrible diseases, such as cancer, Black Plague, etc.

He has felt the pain of people, who have lost loved ones, through wars...accidents....etc.

God knows the kinds of people He wants with him throughout all eternity in His Kingdom of Peace and Joy, where no more sin, sickness or sorrow will be found.

As God looks down upon this world of ours, He does not see may different religions or faiths by which men live.

He does not see even one of them.....Christianity divided as it is into many different sects, groups, or denominations.

This division among the Christian people did not originate with God.
It is not recognized in the scriptures.

For if we read in Psalms 14:....we come to the conclusion that in God's sight there are in the world but 2 classes of people.

Verse 2 says....."The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God".

"Here is the patience of the are they that keep the commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus", (Revelation 14:12)
Jay T said:
The Kinds of People God Wants !

You and I had nothing to say about our coming into this world, and where we spend eternity is entirely in our hands, and depends wholly upon our own choice.

If you choose to spend eternity in God's everlasting Kingdom, then you must bring your life into harmony with God's ways, with his ideals and standards, with His Laws ...and pattern of living.

For He will not change His Kingdom to suit your convenience or comform to your ideas.

His is a Kingdom of Righteousness (Right-doing) and Peace and Joy.
If you want to live in God's Kingdom, you must be Righteous (Yourself), at peace with God and man.

The Prophet Isaiah states the matter very clearly and leaves no one in doubt regarding who will make the change.

He says: "Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near...let the wicked forsake his way, and the UNrighteous man his thoughts.....FOR MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS, NEITHER ARE YOUR WAYS MY WAYS, SAYS THE LORD.

Such is the difference between God's eternal Knigdom and the Kingdoms of this world.

Here on this earth man's ideas and ways prevail, BUT over there God's thoughts and standards hold absolute sway.

If you don't like them, then you will not be there.

For God does not want you there in His everlasting Kingdom UNLESS you want to be there and are willing to conform your life in EVERY detail to His ways and wishes, to His pattern of noble living.

That is it, as far as His Kingdom is concerned, and he says in effect: Take it or leave it ! )

Many read this passage and stop there, claiming "It's hopeless then. What is the use?"

God made a way, where there seemed to be no way. We were born in the image of Adam. When we are born again, we are given the power of the Holy Spirit ~ so that we can conform to the image of Christ.

Rom 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate [to be] conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

2Cr 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, [even] as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Jay T said:
As God looks down upon this world of ours, He does not see may different religions or faiths by which men live.

He does not see even one of them.....Christianity divided as it is into many different sects, groups, or denominations.

This division among the Christian people did not originate with God.
It is not recognized in the scriptures.

I tend to believe that we have labels to the different sects, groups or denominations. It is man that has labeled the denominations. It is the enemy that says that it ought not be so.

Paul tried to tell us a couple of times that there are different parts of the same body. Each part has a different function. That does not make one part better than another. It does not make one right and the other wrong.

Rom 12:4 For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:Rom 12:5 So we, [being] many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

1Cr 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also [is] Christ.

1Cr 12:15-17 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body [were] an eye, where [were] the hearing? If the whole [were] hearing, where [were] the smelling?

Yet, here we are two thousand years later, and the eye is still scolding the ear for not being able to see. Condemning it for not being exactly like it is. Ridiculing it for being different, believing it wrong for being an ear because the eye is perfect as an eye, and therefore believes that in order to be perfect, one must be an eye.

Dissociation is a terrible disorder. One that ought not exist in Christianity. Yet, because of the lack of faith, the lack of knowledge, and fear, it has always been easier for a Christian to go to battle against another Christian than to join forces with one another and go to battle against the wicked.
Gabbylittleangel said:
I tend to believe that we have labels to the different sects, groups or denominations. It is man that has labeled the denominations. It is the enemy that says that it ought not be so.

Paul tried to tell us a couple of times that there are different parts of the same body. Each part has a different function. That does not make one part better than another. It does not make one right and the other wrong.

Rom 12:4 For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:Rom 12:5 So we, [being] many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

1Cr 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also [is] Christ.

1Cr 12:15-17 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body [were] an eye, where [were] the hearing? If the whole [were] hearing, where [were] the smelling?

Yet, here we are two thousand years later, and the eye is still scolding the ear for not being able to see. Condemning it for not being exactly like it is. Ridiculing it for being different, believing it wrong for being an ear because the eye is perfect as an eye, and therefore believes that in order to be perfect, one must be an eye.

Dissociation is a terrible disorder. One that ought not exist in Christianity. Yet, because of the lack of faith, the lack of knowledge, and fear, it has always been easier for a Christian to go to battle against another Christian than to join forces with one another and go to battle against the wicked.


Then are you saying that the Revelation 17:5 ones are only 'mans labels'? (That is a question) And if not, use any of the many 'folds' (John 10:16 & especially clear is 'Inspiration' Revelation 18:4) such as the Mother of all of these. Is Rome just a 'label' of man that battles Christian against Christian????

As sincere as you seem to be, tell me why Christ requires separation from all of these labels that you say.. 'join forces with one another'???
And even most important, if Christ was inside of all of these labels, that are claiming to be Christian, (any of the folds) why would they need to leave or forever be lost?? So the bottom line question is, are they Christian 'labels' and if not, who is the 'folds' leader?????? (compare Revelation 3:9)

Now: Again, as always, we are talking of only the folds, denominations, as you call them, labels? I am not talking of the 'ignorant' yet sincere Christian that are in yoked 'membership' as of yet. Is that clear? satanic folds still having some of Christ's very own yet there in the satanic stuff. :sad

It is hard for me to see how the starter of this thread being a Christian, :oops: has passed on without a reply to the [post]. Perhaps it was just overlooked or whatever takes up our time????

John the Baptist said:

Then are you saying that the Revelation 17:5 ones are only 'mans labels'? (That is a question) And if not, use any of the many 'folds' (John 10:16 & especially clear is 'Inspiration' Revelation 18:4) such as the Mother of all of these. Is Rome just a 'label' of man that battles Christian against Christian????

As sincere as you seem to be, tell me why Christ requires separation from all of these labels that you say.. 'join forces with one another'???
And even most important, if Christ was inside of all of these labels, that are claiming to be Christian, (any of the folds) why would they need to leave or forever be lost?? So the bottom line question is, are they Christian 'labels' and if not, who is the 'folds' leader?????? (compare Revelation 3:9)

Now: Again, as always, we are talking of only the folds, denominations, as you call them, labels? I am not talking of the 'ignorant' yet sincere Christian that are in yoked 'membership' as of yet. Is that clear? satanic folds still having some of Christ's very own yet there in the satanic stuff. :sad

It is hard for me to see how the starter of this thread being a Christian, :oops: has passed on without a reply to the [post]. Perhaps it was just overlooked or whatever takes up our time????


I was not aware that this would have been hard to understand.
I was referring to different parts of ONE BODY. Not parts of something else that claim to be part of the body of Christ.
Revelation 17:5 Does not appear to me to be speaking of the Body of Christ.

You are either part of the body that will spend eternity in heaven with God, or you are not.

Whenever you read my post, and I use the term Christian, born again, saved, believer, the body of Christ, the church, etc, etc, Then I am referring to individual people who are collectivly part of one body.

The labels that I refer to are Baptist. Methodist. Pentecostal. Southern Baptist. >Put the name of your denomination here<. Got it?
The Body of Christ is the Body of Christ.
Parts of the body of Christ are parts of the body of Christ.
The foot is part of the body.
The hand is a part of the body.
The ear is a part of the body.
The eye is a part of the body.
All parts of one body. All parts. All one body. Read the Chapters from where I got the verses where Paul tries to say that.

Mans labels = Baptist. Methodist. Pentecostal. >Your denomination here<.
Baptist believer = part of the body of Christ
Methodist believer = part of the body of Christ
Pentecostal believer = part of the body of Christ

One who claiming to be Christian and is not is very, very different thing from being Christian. I don't include such people when I speak of Christians.

John the Baptist said:
As sincere as you seem to be, tell me why Christ requires separation from all of these labels that you say.. 'join forces with one another'???

Jesus prayed to make us one. He was speaking of His people. He wants the parts of the body of Christ to work together, not apart from one another. He wants us to minister to one another, not condemn one another. He repeatedly corrected his disciples for their continual bickering over who would be the greatest in the kingdom, but is seems as if we are following the example of the disciples rather than submitting to His prayer that we be one.

Jhn 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we [are].

I believe that he wants a bit of eye hand co-ordination in the body.

John the Baptist said:
....satanic folds still having some of Christ's very own yet there in the satanic stuff.

Possibly no less witchy than those who sit next to your in your church. We are all in process.

It is a bit hard to figure out what it is that bugs you about my post.

My point was: "The body is made up of different parts, but it is one body."

The reason I wrote the post if because I am growing exceedingly weary of the Christians throwing stones at the other Christians in this forum and somehow thinking that Christ is pleased with their aim. I am weary of watching the body of Christ publicly shooting itself in the foot in this forum. I am weary of there being so many enemies against the body of Christ, and watching Christians who would rather attack their brothers and sisters in Christ instead of defending them.

My purpose in my post was to attempt to get the eye to see and the ear to hear. Because in reading the posts that are often made in here it seems to me as if the eye has condemned the ear for not seeing. There are some on the forum who feel that they are called to sever other parts of the body from the Body of Christ. They fail to recognize that they serve the same Lord.

I am about as tough as any Christian can be, but they grieve my spirit. I know that it must break the heart of the Lord. He sees all of the work that needs to be done. All of the lost that needs to be saved. All of His children who are beaten, abused, and in need of help. And He is watching the parts of His body fight with one another.



I was not referring to parts outside of the body of Christ.
OK. It was this that threw me off perhaps?

You say:
"I tend to believe that we have labels to the different sects, groups or denominations. It is man that has labeled the denominations. It is the enemy that says that it ought not be so."

Me again: Parts of the same body (One Faith. Ephesians 4:5) I understand.
Thanks for the clarification!

I see where the confusion came from. I was quoting from Jay T's post. He used the term. I used Jays words trying to avoid any confusion.

Jay T said:
...As God looks down upon this world of ours, He does not see may different religions or faiths by which men live.

He does not see even one of them.....Christianity divided as it is into many different sects, groups, or denominations.....
Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness ?

Remember......Jesus Christ tells us we are to keep the 10 commandments of God....(John 15:10).

Satan tells us not to worrry about it (Revelation 12:17).