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The knowledge of God avoids crime and corruption in devotee



The knowledge of God avoids crime and corruption in devotee

Now the criminal nature is put off, – society becomes peaceful.
Similarly the devotee will not be corrupt – by knowing God’s nature.
God will give you whatever is necessary – at the appropriate time.
You are His devotee, why to worry? – no need of corruption.
Even if you accumulate wealth, – it may harm your family.
Your child may be spoiled due wealth, – then wealth is harmful.
Yes, the wealth is terrible poison, – if it is earned by corruption.
God may bless your child directly – to earn infinite wealth here,
If He is pleased with your selfless service, - which is better?
The knowledge of God avoids – crime and corruption in devotee.

If individuals are transformed – the society is perfectly peaceful.
You cannot control crime and corruption – by employing controllers.
Controllers become criminal and corrupt, – no end to your effort.
Ancient kings supported – the propagation of spiritual knowledge.
It could control the sin, – crime and corruption are the two halves of
The sin, you are spending ten times – on employing controllers, but
There is no trace of control, - spend a small part of it on scholars
To propagate spiritual knowledge, – the sin is controlled fully.

In the name of secularism – the present Government neglects
This aspect and tries to cure – symptom of disease but not cause.
... Even with the presence of knowledge of God, wouldn't sin still exist? Murder, rape, child abuse... All have been performed by christians at one point... Didn't King David Murder a dude just so he could have sex with his wife? Knowledge of God reduces probability of crime I suppose... But even then, aren't the greatest leaders in Christianity attacked the hardest? That's why I'm never surprised when a pastor ends up having an affair with someone, or murdering someone (in my own experience, one of my pastors did both... and he was a cop!)

I agree with the sentiment of knowledge of God should reduce the desire to sin... But even then, it's up to us to decide not to sin. That's the glory of God... the ability to choose something other than sin...

Maybe I totally misunderstood this post though... and have now made a fool of myself...
Maybe I'm just getting into semantics, but what "knowledge" of God. There's no "knowledge" of God, by definition.

Anyways, threatening people with punishment usually is a good way to get them to behave. I'm not sure if superstitious myths are appropriate though, in this day and age.

Valid point Dante (I loved "The Divine Comedy" by the way, good job with that one), knowledge of God is impossible... As knowledge itself is impossible. There's no way to"know" anything... so I guess in this case "knowledge of God" should be interpreted as "strong belief in God"...
Tell Tale said:
Valid point Dante (I loved "The Divine Comedy" by the way, good job with that one), knowledge of God is impossible... As knowledge itself is impossible. There's no way to"know" anything... so I guess in this case "knowledge of God" should be interpreted as "strong belief in God"...

I concur. I think the other major flaw about supposing a knowledge of God, is that it would therefore negate faith, as you can't have faith if you have knowledge.

Tell Tale said:
knowledge of God is impossible

Tell Tale said:
As knowledge itself is impossible. There's no way to"know" anything.
Again, self-refuting.

Now that I've stated the above, were you just pointing out the obvious problems in dattaswami's arguments, or were you stating something that you actually belief and really shouldn't?
Miracles only prove the existence of unimaginable God. Anybody including the demon demonstrating the miracles is in the service of God to establish the existence of God to an atheist. Miracles exist widely with God in human form, devotees and even evil demons. Establishment of existence of original unimaginable God is the fundamental subject that needs wide publicity and hence God has spread miracles in wide range. Once the existence of God is accepted, the atheist becomes theist. This is the foundation step.

Even Shankara spent all His life in the first step only to convert atheistic Purvamimamsakas and Buddhists. Existence of God is needed even to establish Pravrutti through creating fear for hell. If God and hell are not accepted, the sin will grow to climax in a slow and steady way. Atheists promise to follow justice even without faith in God, but such promise is not having strong basis and it can be violated at any time. God doesn’t mind even atheism provided the justice is maintained in the society. But there is always a possibility of violation of justice if the hell disappears from the mind. When you are provoked to do injustice, at least the concept of hell and God will control you to certain extent. At least the percentage of people committing sins will be reduced. Of course, the concept of God and hell is not bringing the percentage to Zero, but if that concept is totally absent, by one day or other the percentage will be hundred.

For this point only, God comes down to establish His existence and there by create the fear for hell so that at least the percentage of sin and injustice comes to a minimum level, though complete eradication is impossible. God is not at all bothered to establish Himself for the sake of Nivrutti. If the society runs completely on justice, He will not mind even if all the human beings are atheists.

Free said:
Miracles only prove the existence of unimaginable God.
What miracles?
If you see just a leaf and observe it deeply with the knowledge of Botany, you will be shocked with the miraculous work of God which reveals its unimaginable design, unimaginable co-ordination of functions of various cells etc. Through such unimaginable structure of the leaf you are first recognizing the unimaginable super power (Maya) of God. Immediately you will accept the possessor of the super power (Mayi) who is the Lord as said in the subsequent line of the same verse (Mayinamtu Maheshwaram….). Therefore, the deep analysis of the nature which is Science is exposing the miracle of God to every body in this world and there is no need of a separate miracle.

Therefore, Science is the best religion exposing the existence of God to every ordinary human being on this earth including atheist. Therefore, I have given a place for Science in the symbol of Universal Spirituality. A scientist does not require a separate miracle to recognize the existence of God like a realized soul since the deeper analysis of this nature reveals the unimaginable power of God and there by His existence. A scientist who does not believe the existence of God is not a scientist at all. Thus, an ordinary ignorant devotee is helped by God through unimaginable ways. The exceptionally excellent devotee finds God’s help even through the natural ways. He thinks that even the natural respiration is by the grace and power of God only.
dattaswami said:
Through such unimaginable structure of the leaf you are first recognizing the unimaginable super power (Maya) of God.
In other words, the unimaginable is very intgelligent. Again, your philosophy proves inconsistent.
Free said:
dattaswami said:
Through such unimaginable structure of the leaf you are first recognizing the unimaginable super power (Maya) of God.
In other words, the unimaginable is very intgelligent. Again, your philosophy proves inconsistent.
The Universe is infinite with unimaginable beginning and unimaginable end. This means the cause from which the Universe started and the same cause in which the Universe ends on dissolution is the unimaginable God. Mud is the beginning stage of the pot and also the end stage since the pot ends in the mud on destruction. The Universe exhibits the unimaginable God by its unimaginable limits of beginning and end. The space is generated from God and the dissolution of space can only show the real nature of its cause (God).

When the chain is dissolved in fire, then only the gold lump, which is the cause of the chain, appears in its original form. But even if you imagine for millions of years, you can never imagine the dissolution of space and therefore you can never imagine the original nature of God. God is beyond space and God is the permanently unknowable region even for the intelligence enriched with science and logic.

Hence, God is a permanent wonder and the creation consists of some knowable regions of knowledge without any wonder and also some temporarily unimaginable regions with temporary wonder. Now the word Maya can be used for the wonder, which is both permanent (God) and which is temporary also (the deeper layers of the world up to the space).