destiny said:
I think my take on communion would be along the lines of a "love feast", the breaking of bread in remembrance of what Jesus did for us on the cross. I see communion as the sharing of a meal among believers.
I feel that's what Jesus and His disciples were doing when He told them to, "do this in remembrance of me". I realize my views on communion are not in line with most traditional views.
That's what my church does this as well: the breaking of bread and the drinking of wine (or grape juice) to remember Jesus's last night with his disciples. For he said that the bread is his flesh and the wine his blood, and we should eat these together in remembrance of him.
I take it is a symbolical thing, something that you do to remember Jesus and what he did, and he spilled his blood and broke his flesh for us.
We don't do this to be saved, or to become "better" Christians. But this is more of a Christian thing to do, obviously. You wouldn't do this if you weren't Christian.
It is still relevant today, and it will never be irrelevant. (in this world, at least).
What do you mean about meat-ings? Are you talking about meat sacrifices, like the passover? If so, then that is now irrelevant, I believe.