Each time I read about a parent killing their children as a result of a domestic dispute. I ask myself, if two grown people have problems why do they have to take it out on their children.
Just read where a man in USA killed his children. He had a dispute with his wife. Sometimes this happens when there is a custody battle. It seems people are on edge, emotionally immature and are not thinking straight. This world needs Jesus. Hope his return comes soon.
I have to be honest I would have to question the mental stability of people who carry out such atrocities.
And to a certain extent we are talking about extremes here, but alas they do exist.
I do think you raise a good point though. Taking your point out of the extremes in terms of an extreme mental health issue the true meaning of LOVE has been so extorted in modern day society.
The true Agape love of God has been lost.
Today society is teaching that love, being loved, being loving falls outside of Agape love. Further society is plaguing us with adverts that distort the very need to feel that we a loved and loving.
One example. Our household have iPhones and IPads. Every year at Christmas, Mother's Day and Father's Day my kids get an e-mail "Show your mum/dad that you love them, buy them the latest iPad" it's not just with Apple it's with lots of products and all are expensive. Where on earth are my kids going to get the money to buy this. So now the prsssure is on the parents to buy the products. So the pressure is for me to but the iPad for Mother's Day for my kids to give to my wife, or whatever product they have been plagued with.
We tell our kids if you want to give us anything for special occasions a hug is worth more. On my birthday when my kids ask me what would I like I say "ooh a lovely big cuddle"
This pressure doesn't just affect families it affects friendships as well.
Another example is how advertising promotes its products to pander to the need to be loved. Adverts about clothes, perfume, makeup.
Buy these products and you will be loved or lovable. What a load of tosh.
And I have to say it's infiltrated the Church. Show God you love him by giving him your money, or us your money.
We need to raise x amount of money and do it joyfully. I know of people who got into debt, or gave rather than pay off thier debt. In fact I know of people who gave to the church, did not pay their workers then went bust. Therefore leaving their workers of which most were not Christian unpaid and causing them to fall into financial difficulty.
You are right the world needs Jesus, the world has experienced Jesus because he came.
He came with that Agape love. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son"
When Jesus returned to the Father he did so in order for the Holy Spirit to come. He said that's why he had to go.
So we are meant to be and should want to be like Jesus, his represantive in this world. The personification of Jesus with everyone that he has given us.
We should walk in this Agape love he has asked us to. Ok we can't beat the world system and how it portrays love but do you know what?
Step by step, little by little when we touch others with this Agape love, when they realise they don't need perfume, makeup, fancy clothes, have to buy us gifts to be loved, that they are loved warts and all and are created in the image of God and he loves them so much then we are showing them God. If they see that then they do the same to those that they know.
We are Jesus in a sense on this world. He will come back but until he does he has asked us to be him in this world.
Hope I make sense.