The mark of the beast


Mar 2, 2009
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I was reading the news earlier,The man of sin said he had talked with the beast Sunday on a phone call .The beast was asking advise on how to deal with its enemies. The man of sin said he replied to "do what you have to do."
I still expect the man of sin to give the beast his armed forces next year.Then the mark of the beast will be given to them who have followed after the beast.

By this time next year I expect we will all know what the mark of the beast is .
The beast called the man of sin today to discuss the beasts security.

According to scripture it is the man of sin who gives the beast a host which practices the authority of the beast on its behalf.
Not likely at all. Few know. Few will know.
About four years ago the beast made mention that he wanted everyone in his kingdom to receive implantable microchips .I expect that is what the mark is.The beast is good at things like that .He even said so .

It could be given out in his kingdom within the next 6 months.
Hi.. thanks. I don't know why some skip over worship the beast. That has to come first and its written all the whole earth worship the beast or die. Then they take the mark. Yet we know those whos names have been written in the Lambs book of life before the foundation of the world will never worship the beast. Its written they worship or die. Its not time the door I believe yet could be another 20 years and still be inline with the word of God. He came to save the world not condemn it. Age of Grace is still here.. He is out there saving HIS creation. Yeah for GOD so loved the WORLD
A mark can mean a visible impression, identifying seal, inscription or label and also the thoughts of the mind and actions of the hand. The mark of the beast is just that which is full of political self governed power that disguises itself as a religious system full of symbolism that is very deceptive to those who have no Spiritual discernment. From its throne will be displayed many signs and wonders that will promise peace and safety during the time of great tribulation as Gods wrath will be poured out during the seven trumpets sounding. Many will take this mark believing it to be a visible sign of God, but with a great falling away from God will be deceived and separated from God forever, Rev 13, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

The mark of the beast is to those who have no understanding of the word of God as they reject the teachings of Christ as they are lovers of self, 2 Timothy 3:1-7, and will allow themselves to be deceived in their mind as they reach out with their hands and bow down to this Luciferians false religion that promises them provision, peace and safety during the time of Gods great wrath in the end of days as they have no faith in Jesus who supplies all our needs, Philippians 4:19. To understand this mark of the beast we first have to understand what and who this beast is and its controlling deceptive power.

Galatians 6:17 From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

Revelation Chapter 13

John saw a beast (beast is often referred to as nations in scripture) rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns, (crowns denotes Kings) and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. The beast rises up out of the sea as the sea here is symbolic of people and nations as in a sea of humanity, Daniel Chapter 7:1-8; Revelation 17:15. This beast is a Luciferian system of political, economic, military, environmental, educational and false religious power that Satan has always worked through.

The seven heads are that of the Babylonian Empire, Medo/Persian Empire, Grecian Empire and Roman Empire.
Seven remaining nations that still exist today:

Babylonian Empire:
(Iraq) The lion represents the winged lions that guarded the royal places of Babylon. This Empire ran from 2000BC - 1759BC

Medo Persian Empire:
(Iran) The ribs of the bear are part of the consuming greed that devours the first empire. This Empire ran approximately from 536BC - 330BC

Grecian Empire:
(Greece, Turkey, Syria, Egypt) Four wings of the leopard described the swiftness of this empire that ran from 334-331BC. It wrestled world dominion from Medo-Persia. After the death of Alexander the Great the kingdom was divided into four minor kingdoms that continued as prominent factors in world politics until the Roman Empire gathered it back as one kingdom.

Roman Empire: (little horn, Daniel 8:9-14, 23-27)
Iron represents the stronghold this nation had. Daniel chapter 2 mentions the iron element of this empire that it to will be divided and broken as God will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed.
This Empire ran from 753BC -27BC

The ten horns represent the nations the Roman Empire scattered to when the deadly wound was put upon them, Daniel 7:23-25; Rev 13. The deadly wound came in 1798 when General Berthier of France captured Pope Pius VI, who soon died in captivity in Valence, on August 29, 1799. Seven of these nations are the ancestors of the modern nations of Europe.

These ten nations were the Anglo-Saxons (English), the Franks (French), Suevi (Portuguese), Visigoths (Spanish), Burgundians (Swiss), Alemanni (Germans), Lombards (Italians), Ostrogoths, Heruli, and the Vandals in northern Africa. The last three being Ostrogoths, Heruli, and the Vandals had already been destroyed by the Roman Empire before their deadly wound came in 1798.

What was and was not and yet to come has always been the Roman Empire that has always persecuted Gods chosen from the foundation of the world whose names is found written in the Lambs book of life. The beast out of the sea is the revived Roman Empire as its deadly wound has been healed as we see in John s vision as Satan gives this beast his power, seat and great authority. They, being those whose names are not found written in the Lambs book of life bow down to the authority of the beast and its false religious system as they are deceived having no truth or understanding found in them as they are lead about like a bull with a ring in its nose as they bow down to this pagan authority, Hosea 4:6, 7; 2 Thessalonians 2:3.

The beast was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue for three and a half years which equals 1260 days, Daniel 7:25; 12:7; Revelation 11:2, 3. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindred's, and tongues, and nations. Daniel 7:24, 25 and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, He will think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Another beast comes up out of the earth that looks like a lamb (false Christ) with two horns. The two horns represent the Old Roman Empire that received its deadly wound back in 1798 that caused them to scatter into the other ten nations (horns). The wound was healed in 1929.

Here is the patience and the faith of the saints as they wait upon the Lords return as they are told to flee when the beast takes his throne in Jerusalem as God has a place prepared for them. They will have to wholeheartedly draw on the Lords strength without hindrance while enduring the 3 1/2 years of this beast in the end of days.