Mat 10:34 Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to send peace, but a sword.
Luk 12:51 Do you suppose that I have come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division.
Joh 16:33 I have spoken these things to you so that you might have peace in Me. In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.
Rom 2:10 But He will give glory, honor and peace to every man who works good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
1Co 16:11 Therefore let not any despise him, but set him forward in peace, so that he may come to me; for I am waiting for him with the brothers.
Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith,
Eph 2:14 For He is our peace, He making us both one, and He has broken down the middle wall of partition between us,
So, the reader asks, what do the verses above have in common. They each talk about peace. In Galatians 5:22 it says that one of the fruits of The Spirit is peace.
Jesus said in Matthew 10:34 and Luke 12:51 that he came to divide, not to bring peace.
Paul tells the Corinthians to accept Timothy with peace.
So what does peace mean?
Is it the lack of inner turmoil? When one accepts Jesus as his/her savior, they have a peace of mind. In Ephesians 2:14, Paul said that by Jesus blood that the wall between men and God was broken down.
Is it the lack of war? Jesus said there are to be wars, that He was sent to divide.
What does this all mean?
Having God with you brings peace to you. Jesus said often "peace be with you", "go in peace" and more. He also said that men have tribulation in the world, but peace in Him and He who sent Him.
Luk 12:51 Do you suppose that I have come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division.
Joh 16:33 I have spoken these things to you so that you might have peace in Me. In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.
Rom 2:10 But He will give glory, honor and peace to every man who works good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
1Co 16:11 Therefore let not any despise him, but set him forward in peace, so that he may come to me; for I am waiting for him with the brothers.
Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith,
Eph 2:14 For He is our peace, He making us both one, and He has broken down the middle wall of partition between us,
So, the reader asks, what do the verses above have in common. They each talk about peace. In Galatians 5:22 it says that one of the fruits of The Spirit is peace.
Jesus said in Matthew 10:34 and Luke 12:51 that he came to divide, not to bring peace.
Paul tells the Corinthians to accept Timothy with peace.
So what does peace mean?
Is it the lack of inner turmoil? When one accepts Jesus as his/her savior, they have a peace of mind. In Ephesians 2:14, Paul said that by Jesus blood that the wall between men and God was broken down.
Is it the lack of war? Jesus said there are to be wars, that He was sent to divide.
What does this all mean?
Having God with you brings peace to you. Jesus said often "peace be with you", "go in peace" and more. He also said that men have tribulation in the world, but peace in Him and He who sent Him.