- Feb 21, 2010
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- #181
I feel it is important to clarify that this debate is not about whether Joseph Smith is a true prophet or if the LDS church is true. It is simply about certain reasons you have given that you felt would disqualify Joseph Smith from being considered a true prophet. I haven’t been asking you to give in and admit you were wrong in leaving the church. I have not insisted that Joseph Smith was a true prophet or that the church he was instrumental in founding is the true church of Jesus Christ. I have only asked you to consider the possibility that some of the reasons you have used to disqualify Joseph Smith just don’t work in context with the Bible. If you don’t feel comfortable considering the possibility that you may have been misled about this one detail, I understand.This whole debate has become tedious and if you falsely want to believe you won--I certainly cannot change that.
It is however, abundantly clear that one of us will be very disappointed in the End becaus we've been led on the wrong pathway and basically worshiped the Wrong Christ.
Now this is another topic altogether. There is no truth at all in the assumption that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has in recent years, changed their doctrine and teachings to somehow “fit in†with mainstream Christianity. It is true, however that as the culture changes, the way the message is delivered needs to change in order to avoid misunderstanding. Areas of emphasis change based on the audience and what they already understand or assume. The way I present the gospel to a Baptist will obviously differ from how I present it to a Jew, Muslim or Buddhist. The same would be true when comparing a 19th century Baptist to a 21st century Baptist. If I don’t adjust the delivery of the message based on my audience, I am a very poor teacher indeed.Of course you do not see the difference because you Chruch is now trying to fit in with mainline Christianity and I've had these debates before with Mormons before who clearly do not see the differences in the two Christs.
I understand very clearly the differences between the way you understand Jesus Christ and the way I believe. I could outline your beliefs to you and you would agree that I have accurately articulated your understanding of Christ. On the other hand, most of what you have said about what Mormons believe in Christ sounds completely foreign to any informed Mormon. That doesn’t mean Mormons want everyone to believe there are no differences. It just means that, for some reason, many Evangelicals can’t bring themselves to believe Mormons when they explain what they believe. Many Evangelicals will believe a Mormon critic on what Mormons believe before believing an informed practicing Mormon. Can you see why that would be frustrating to Mormons?
If you really understand what Mormons believe about what the Terrestrial Kingdom is like and who will be there, you will realize it is almost exactly the description of the Evangelical heaven with Christ. So Mormons believe that you will end up exactly where you are expecting to if you continue on your current path.I have considered that I walked away from a Church that claims the "Fullness of the Gospel" or really claiming to have "The Only True Gospel of Christ". I understand clearly the implications of that decision and going by some LDS prophets, I would likely be relegated to the outer darkness or at best, the lowest level of Heaven or the terrestial kingdom--if the LDS Church be true.
This is exactly what I have been trying to say. We have not been debating whether Joseph’s doctrines are true or not. The discussion was about some of your grounds for disqualifying him as even being a possible true prophet. That is why I wonder about why you would back away from the discussion.As to Joseph smith and the Church he restored [or said he did]--he is either a True of False prophet and some of these questions you posed really have little to do with debating the Doctrines or Beliefs he ordained in the LDS Church and whether they be true.