Relic said:
Surely, it wasn't for housecleaning, laundry, yard work and sitting at the computer wasting time at 3 o'clock in the morning when you can't sleep after a hard day of back aching work!
I was making a silly joke. :P
Surely, if we look at our daily lives as a burden, we will be missing the mark.
When we focus on doing all that we do as if for the Lord God and His glory, then we are going to be in His blessing, which is the uplifted spirit of praise and the reward is joy in the Lord.
This is a hard lesson for many, but
Deuteronomy 28: 45-68 explains the psychology of right and wrong type of attitude/actions towards life. It's about consequences of our actions, of our lack of hearing the voice of righteousness for us from the Lord God. Some people just don't understand, nor do they want to face the fact, that life does not go without consequences of all of our actions.
Our choices are given to us, it is up to us to listen to the fair enough warning/ precautionary measures of the Lord God to take heed to His good intent for us. If we ignore His voice... If we go about life with a negative outlook and take negative actions, we will not get the blessing, but we are asking for the negative. The bible is not all that complicated.... We either see things from the blessings of the Lord (wise choice, indeed ! ), or we can choose to see things from the negative side of life and live in the misery of it. (unwise choice, indeed. )
If we do thing as if they are a burden, we will suffer that which is a "burden". It's like this.... "You named it, you then done went and claimed it." In other words, "we get what we ask for!"
On the other hand..... If we do things as if they are for the Lord's purpose, we will then reap the rewards of that with is a 'blessing". Same principle stands..... "You named it, you then done went and claimed it." "We get what we ask for!"
If we look for the things that bring about a blessing, we will reap the reward of the positive mindset towards the blessing of the Lord, which is His intent.. that is... to bless us all. If we look for the things that bring about despair and a heavy heart, we will reap the consequences of the negative thinking and actions.
So with all that being said.....
I love the benefits of a hards days work! The rewards are all to awesome. We can overcome this "world" Doesn't mean we are to be lazy and think we don't have to do anything for the Lord and his purpose in Life. :-D
What would life be if we didn't have to do anything? boring....
Yes, Life would be boring and really miserable without having to have things to do in life that make for a "blessing of the Lord".
Deuteronomy 28:47 says so much! We should not be intimidated by the truth of it. But we should be forewarned of the perils that go with the negative actions and mindset of those who refuse to listen to the righteousness of the Good Lord God.
vs. 47: "Because you did not serve the LORD your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything,
Praise God for all he has given us to do in life! He wants us all to prosper and reap the rewards of His blessings. Focus on Him by the renewing of the mind, In Christ Jesus. :bday:
God wants to bless us! We need to stop the attacks of the whiles of the devil; the one who puts us down. We must all
overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus, and see the glory of the Lord God. His blessing and mercy is awesome! :-D