Some would say it is nuclear weapons, some would say deceases, some would say nature in all its destructive glory. All those are formidable but nothing compared to our number one most dangerous thing with power more affective then all of the above combined . . . False Doctrines. This by far has killed and destroyed trillions of lives from the beginning of sin and counting. Its death toll has no end without God intervening. All denominations are the result of view points unsolved and advertising whos God is thee God which gives way to false doctrines. What better way to keep people confused and disoriented. They look for churches that fit like a good pair of jeans and you best believe they'll find one. We have been conditioned to shop for things, see how it looks or fits into our decor. These days will be filled with even more despotism for peace or belonging that even more doctrines will develope and be more deadly. In Mathew Jesus seriously warns us about these fake teachers and how efficient they are at deception. "Wolfs in sheeps clothing" i see'em everywhere and they look good too. Most will listen to the man in a suit beside a cadillac before they listen to a man in jeans beside a rusty volkswagon. If I recall, Jesus rode a donkey, right? With so much religious propaganda no wonder God doesn't look so good for consideration.