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The Most Dangerous Thing in the World


Some would say it is nuclear weapons, some would say deceases, some would say nature in all its destructive glory. All those are formidable but nothing compared to our number one most dangerous thing with power more affective then all of the above combined . . . False Doctrines. This by far has killed and destroyed trillions of lives from the beginning of sin and counting. Its death toll has no end without God intervening. All denominations are the result of view points unsolved and advertising whos God is thee God which gives way to false doctrines. What better way to keep people confused and disoriented. They look for churches that fit like a good pair of jeans and you best believe they'll find one. We have been conditioned to shop for things, see how it looks or fits into our decor. These days will be filled with even more despotism for peace or belonging that even more doctrines will develope and be more deadly. In Mathew Jesus seriously warns us about these fake teachers and how efficient they are at deception. "Wolfs in sheeps clothing" i see'em everywhere and they look good too. Most will listen to the man in a suit beside a cadillac before they listen to a man in jeans beside a rusty volkswagon. If I recall, Jesus rode a donkey, right? With so much religious propaganda no wonder God doesn't look so good for consideration.​
One can test doctrine in the light of scripture. So perhaps it's not so much false doctrine as complacency. In any case no false doctrine is able to overcome Grace.
Or the powers that be, use religion to make the wars. This way they can topple governments and insert their own regime, make sure many people die, and give religion a bad name. They can also spend all of our money performing these tasks. It's a win win.
So, what's you're saying is "guns don't kill people, false doctrines do"?
Seperate the though of killing and the gun will be no use. Of course people kill but consider the thinking pattern before the trigger was pulled. Lets go bigger here, its the spoken word that begins a war, mentally or outwardly. It takes contemplation to plan a death if not for lack of control. What is fed into our minds from history has been so distorted it isn't funny. And thats just from a political perspective. We're conditioned to consult a theologist when their quess is as good as yours most times. Look at all the different denominations and superstitons in our world today and growing. Its not new to what God told us it would be like. Jesus, stressed the part of looking out for false doctrines and He didn't just mean preachers. Look closely at our billboard society and you should see a utopia of false doctrines everywhere in plain sight. Everything we do outside Gods laws are false and they have their due affects. A little lie is all its takes to start chaos. Satan uses this skillfully through almost everything you see from mans/our design. How did sooo many denominations come to be? Why are sooo many people wearing plastic halos (self proclaimed)? The get a little wisdom and think they know everything. We are those people! We only know what our bible says and nothing more because we can't handle the truth. our actions yesterday and today prove it. So false doctrines/representations begin all conflicts small and large. It was a false statement made by the devil himself that started it all in the beginning.​
Or the powers that be, use religion to make the wars. This way they can topple governments and insert their own regime, make sure many people die, and give religion a bad name. They can also spend all of our money performing these tasks. It's a win win.
Very good perspective. Some firemen start fires to put'em out and look like heros. My theory of 9-11, an inside job.
We will not go into conspiracies theories another post to that effect , and the thread will be closed/deleted...

This forum is for the discussion of God's Word first, with an occasional media headline. In that order....
One can test doctrine in the light of scripture. So perhaps it's not so much false doctrine as complacency. In any case no false doctrine is able to overcome Grace.
And because false doctrine is soo prevelent our grace is questionable if not for the heart of the individual believer. He who puts all his trust in God and no man, even himself. Complacency is an affect of false doctrines in that order. One would not protest his beliefs if they were'nt implanted by some exposure, good or bad, sight or sound. Do you ever catch yourself singing a commercial jingle or a song repeatidly, unable to stop sometimes? It happened because you heard it repeatidly, soo much it became part of your subconscious, like, why soo many people think they need coffee every morning or we have to eat 3-squares a day. All programming and controlling and it all began with false impressiomism. What God calls worldy is false practices especially when using His name in media propaganda, selling Him out through a prayer cloth. If we bow down to any man then we do not know God.
My friends, bad/false representations runs ramped throughout all communications on this planet. Right here on this board are people who want attention, falsifying their character to look impressive to readers. Facebook is full of this. And from these virtual communications we can perpetrate almost anybody and get away with it. Actors are seen as stars, preachers are seen as prophets, judges are seen as Gods, but none are higher then anyone else in Gods eyes. We arrogantly claim favoritism and push forward to proclaim God only to proclaim ourselfes, no different from an actor. This is false preaching at its best and it only takes a little twist in scripture to throw it all off course. Satan is very good at this. Right now you are conditioned to something unknowingly. But I garrantee its right in your face. A woman wears make-up to achieve the lie she has made of herself and grows very sad trying to cover aging. She will die in grief. False doctrine is any information given or self procliamed is incorrect. Our God says 'its not what goes in us that corrupts, but what comes out of us.' Are we completely aware of what comes out of us and where it all came from? We keep finding out how wrong we are.
We will not go into conspiracies theories another post to that effect , and the thread will be closed/deleted...

This forum is for the discussion of God's Word first, with an occasional media headline. In that order....

Not here eduardo