A Muslim Islamic believer is blind. A Muslim Christian believer is not blind.
Most Muslims are Islamic, not Christian.
But, hey, after they kill everyone off, God will sort us all out just as he says he will do. Some will be judged and enter into eternal life with God Almighty; while others will go the way of Allah and Mohammad into everlasting punishment and fire.
It's kind of redundant when you say Muslims are Islamic, right? Hehe...
However, you know perfectly well (don't you?) that not all Muslims are bent on destroying anyone and everyone who don't share their beliefs. As what always happens, and I'm not just picking at this particular case, an over-generalization of an entire kind of people is being put forth. It just so happens that, unfortunately, the extremists are shouting louder than the moderates and the saner people.
Look, absolutely anyone with a closed mind and extreme beliefs can take any Holy Book and do something terrible--like kill people--and say that the Book grants them permission to do it. I guess it's just easier for people to pick at the Qur'an (Koran--I'm just used to spelling it with a Q) because it was written during times of warfare. No one should say "I've read most/all of it a few times" and find themselves worthy of judging. I've said this before, but theologians have been studying the Qur'an for decades and longer and are still finding new meanings in it, and new ways of looking at it. You can't tell me that an average English-speaking Christian fundamentalist is going to pick up this Book--translated, obviously, by Lord-knows-who--and pick at it at a superficial level and deem themselves expert enough to label it garbage or Satanic or whatever.
I don't know if you know this, but the Qur'an was *not* written all in one go. During times of warfare, down came the passages about killing to protect yourself and your religion because non-Muslims were bent on killing Muslims. That is when these passages came down. It's not like the passages came from the beginning telling those who followed Muhammad to kill off anyone who doesn't think like them--what kind of God does that?
As for the Hadiths, sure, you find them weird and terrible now, but remember the time in which this was written. It's not like they had the best knowledge of modern technology and medicine. Urine may have been considered sinful, but now we know it's just dirty. What most Muslims basically do is make sure they're clean before they pray. The right hand is considered the good hand in the way that there is a belief that when you die, God will give you the Book in your right hand if He wants you to go to Heaven, and in your left hand if you are to go to Hell. Some believe this and some don't, so don't judge on the right hand/left hand thing. I know of Christians who tie their left-handed child's dominant hand behind his back so he could use only his right. But you don't see me judging...
There are other stuff I could explain, but I don't have time to right now. I might later. I just have a question...if you people are so adamant in your beliefs, why do you always find the time to pick and poke and point out all of Islam's deficiencies compared to your religion? Just live your life, and let others live theirs and let God be the judge in the end. You think you're following the Right path? Great. Just stop stabbing at things you don't understand. Islam is based in an entirely different culture than what you have in the Western world, so obviously you're going to find things really horrible and weird...
As for those who kill in the name of Islam--they're not Muslims. They're just fascists and extremists with their own agenda hiding behind a religion that doesn't condone any of this. However, those who are bent on proving Islam a false and violent religion can do so, the extremists are offering plenty of "evidence". It doesn't make you smart and someone who "exposes the bad fruit", it makes you a superficial parrot, just parroting the stuff you see and hear. Those who really dig deep into what Islam is and go past the stuff on the news and past the things they don't understand, are the ones to be commended.