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The Nephilim

wow, that kind of pretentious attitude does not seem very christ-like my friend. calling people "coocoos" is not a nice thing to do, let alone your own brothers and sisters in christ?

one of the great attributes i have gained from communing with god is the ability to be open-minded. not only the ability to be open minded, but to be open minded without being a hypocrite, for there are many "christians" who think it is unchristian to study subjects such as the nephilim.

but i thank god that he has allowed me to study these seemingly "coocoo" subjects without any hypocrisy, artificiality and arrogance that is so prevalent among many.

what i've learned now is that in reality i know nothing at all. and what i do know is only the tip of the iceberg. i am by nature a very ignorant and close-minded creature, and only by the grace of god does that change.

i would suggest my friend to first grow in humility, and then you will be able to consider these subjects that take spiritual maturity to accept.
nice blog by the way. chuck missler is also a good source for information regarding the nephilim and how it relates to the end times.
sixth seal said:
wow, that kind of pretentious attitude does not seem very christ-like my friend. calling people "coocoos" is not a nice thing to do, let alone your own brothers and sisters in christ?
lol...take it easy, the idea of demon humans mix breeding is cooccoo, no matter how saved you are and calling crazy crazy is not unchristian. Do not be so thin skinned. You have to realize the whole thought of it is beyond the pale
sixth seal said:
nice blog by the way. chuck missler is also a good source for information regarding the nephilim and how it relates to the end times.
If you prefer science fiction over scriptural truth
watchman F said:
[quote="sixth seal":2ncl0onv]nice blog by the way. chuck missler is also a good source for information regarding the nephilim and how it relates to the end times.
If you prefer science fiction over scriptural truth[/quote:2ncl0onv]

if you want to talk about scriptural truth, then let's talk about how the scriptures command us to act to others and especially fellow christians. is it with pride and arrogance, calling others names, or is it with humility, meekness and understanding?
Can angels marry humans?
And other speculations on the sons of God and daughters of men.

Question: What is Genesis 6:1-4 talking about when it speaks of sons of God marrying daughters of men? Is it talking about humans marrying angels or of Seth's line marrying Cain's descendants?

Genesis 6:1-4 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. (NIV)

Option #1 - Angels married humans

The term "sons of God" is used in Scriptures of both man (Romans 8:14,19, Galatians 3:26, 1 John 3:2 KJV) and angels (see Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7 in most translations except NIV). There is no indication in the Bible that angels can have sexual relations... quite specifically God says that they do not marry (Mark 12:25, Matthew 22:37). Granted theses passages speak of heavenly angels, but it appears that they were created without the need/ability (see also Luke 20:35-36), so there is no reasonable extension to say that fallen angels somehow acquired it. You have to insert a lot of unsupported speculations into Scriptures to say that this references to angels, even fallen ones.

Option #2 - Seth's line was intermarrying with Cain's line

Because God determined that the Messiah would come through Seth's line, and Noah (the only righteous man left on earth [Genesis 6:9]) was his descendant — who God foreordained would be the one whose descendants would repopulate the earth — it could be argued that the "sons of God" were descendants in Seth's line whom were intermarrying into godless lines [i.e. of Cain]. BUT, again, some has to be read into Scriptures to get there. For example, where in the Bible were Cain's descendants explicitly banned from marrying any of Adam's other descendants? While it is not directly stated, it can be held to be implicit based on later teachings for Israel and the church. This is not as great a stretch as the first speculation about angels though. Since Cain "went out from the presence of the Lord (Genesis 4:16)," it makes sense that his offspring would be godless, not knowing the Lord. More directly "sons of God" would reference all who followed the Lord with the implication that "the daughters of men" were of those who did not. God appears to have always opposed mixed marriage (see 2 Corinthians 6:14, Deuteronomy 7:3-4, 1 Kings 11:1, Ezra 9:1-2) and it would be no surprise that consequences would result from them [Genesis 1:3-4].

Option #3 - Marrying too many wives.

An often unconsidered third option exists for this passage. It can be directly understood that because man was living so long, they were taking multitudes of women as wives — note the plural! Here it is expressing God's displeasure over his people taking multiple "daughters" as wives, ignoring His expressed desire and intent for marriage (Genesis 2:24). Therefore God was now limiting their life span to 120 years (Genesis 6:2). This is the most direct sense of the passage, without reading in extra speculations. Proverbs 29:16 says "When the wicked increase, transgression increases" (NASU). Simply put, God was then limiting how many transgressions could occur by limiting the number of wives and offspring. Imagine how many kids you could have with multiple wives in 900 years or so!
Apart from other clarifying texts, some Bible passages are occasionally more difficult to understand. Adding extra-biblical speculation to those texts is dangerous and, in effect, is adding to Scriptures. As with the second option above, wherein an appeal is made to implicit teachings of Scriptures, this must be acknowledged. Preferable to all implicit interpretation, or at least complimentary to it, any direct sense of the passage should be a primary foundation of our understanding. Beware of adding to Scriptures by speculations.
sixth seal said:
[quote="watchman F":1d7r1osw][quote="sixth seal":1d7r1osw]nice blog by the way. chuck missler is also a good source for information regarding the nephilim and how it relates to the end times.
If you prefer science fiction over scriptural truth[/quote:1d7r1osw]

if you want to talk about scriptural truth, then let's talk about how the scriptures command us to act to others and especially fellow christians. is it with pride and arrogance, calling others names, or is it with humility, meekness and understanding?[/quote:1d7r1osw]I told you once and i will tell you again i didn;t call anyone names, I called the idea of angels interbreeding with human crazy, and it is.
change said:
Can angels marry humans?
And other speculations on the sons of God and daughters of men.

Question: What is Genesis 6:1-4 talking about when it speaks of sons of God marrying daughters of men? Is it talking about humans marrying angels or of Seth's line marrying Cain's descendants?

Genesis 6:1-4 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. (NIV)

Option #1 - Angels married humans

The term "sons of God" is used in Scriptures of both man (Romans 8:14,19, Galatians 3:26, 1 John 3:2 KJV) and angels (see Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7 in most translations except NIV). There is no indication in the Bible that angels can have sexual relations... quite specifically God says that they do not marry (Mark 12:25, Matthew 22:37). Granted theses passages speak of heavenly angels, but it appears that they were created without the need/ability (see also Luke 20:35-36), so there is no reasonable extension to say that fallen angels somehow acquired it. You have to insert a lot of unsupported speculations into Scriptures to say that this references to angels, even fallen ones.

Option #2 - Seth's line was intermarrying with Cain's line

Because God determined that the Messiah would come through Seth's line, and Noah (the only righteous man left on earth [Genesis 6:9]) was his descendant — who God foreordained would be the one whose descendants would repopulate the earth — it could be argued that the "sons of God" were descendants in Seth's line whom were intermarrying into godless lines [i.e. of Cain]. BUT, again, some has to be read into Scriptures to get there. For example, where in the Bible were Cain's descendants explicitly banned from marrying any of Adam's other descendants? While it is not directly stated, it can be held to be implicit based on later teachings for Israel and the church. This is not as great a stretch as the first speculation about angels though. Since Cain "went out from the presence of the Lord (Genesis 4:16)," it makes sense that his offspring would be godless, not knowing the Lord. More directly "sons of God" would reference all who followed the Lord with the implication that "the daughters of men" were of those who did not. God appears to have always opposed mixed marriage (see 2 Corinthians 6:14, Deuteronomy 7:3-4, 1 Kings 11:1, Ezra 9:1-2) and it would be no surprise that consequences would result from them [Genesis 1:3-4].

Option #3 - Marrying too many wives.

An often unconsidered third option exists for this passage. It can be directly understood that because man was living so long, they were taking multitudes of women as wives — note the plural! Here it is expressing God's displeasure over his people taking multiple "daughters" as wives, ignoring His expressed desire and intent for marriage (Genesis 2:24). Therefore God was now limiting their life span to 120 years (Genesis 6:2). This is the most direct sense of the passage, without reading in extra speculations. Proverbs 29:16 says "When the wicked increase, transgression increases" (NASU). Simply put, God was then limiting how many transgressions could occur by limiting the number of wives and offspring. Imagine how many kids you could have with multiple wives in 900 years or so!
Apart from other clarifying texts, some Bible passages are occasionally more difficult to understand. Adding extra-biblical speculation to those texts is dangerous and, in effect, is adding to Scriptures. As with the second option above, wherein an appeal is made to implicit teachings of Scriptures, this must be acknowledged. Preferable to all implicit interpretation, or at least complimentary to it, any direct sense of the passage should be a primary foundation of our understanding. Beware of adding to Scriptures by speculations.
Once again very well put change
watchman F said:
I told you once and i will tell you again i didn;t call anyone names, I called the idea of angels interbreeding with human crazy, and it is.

simply posting "Coocoo, Coocoo", as you did, is essentially name-calling, my friend. blatantly and insensitively calling other people's beliefs as "Coocoo" is the same as calling the person "Coocoo". this is simple logic. again i will say your attitude is like that of an atheist, and very unchrist-like. perhaps you should consider this rebuke not as if i'm saying it but as if god himself is saying it through me. but as of yet you are too proud to accept a rebuke.

and regarding those who zealously spend their energy trying to refute the fallen-angel nephilim theory, i believe they simply are not comfortable contemplating, let alone accepting, these realities. my friends, we are not the only living beings in this universe. it might not be easy to step out of your comfort zone and accept this reality, but this is much more to this universe than we can imagine.
sixth seal said:
nice blog by the way. chuck missler is also a good source for information regarding the nephilim and how it relates to the end times.

Thanks. I have Missler's DVD on the topic. It's excellent.
mdo757 said:
NJBeliever said:
I've updated my blog with a piece on the Nephilim. All comments are welcome.
I think you need to restudy the subject. The word Nephilim means "the fallen ones." In other words, people of a very low moral grade. Also, if the word "angel-s" was translated into English it would be "messenger-s." Angels are from the Pagan religion.

You are referring to the Greek translation of the word angel. The basis of my blog is not the term angel or the term "nephilim" it's the term "sons of god" or B'nai Ha Elohim in Hebrew. I think if you look at the Biblical use of the word as explained in my blog, it's clearly not a reference to human men.
sixth seal said:
[quote="watchman F":2kfo950z]I told you once and i will tell you again i didn;t call anyone names, I called the idea of angels interbreeding with human crazy, and it is.

simply posting "Coocoo, Coocoo", as you did, is essentially name-calling, my friend. blatantly and insensitively calling other people's beliefs as "Coocoo" is the same as calling the person "Coocoo". [/quote:2kfo950z]What if I now say boohoo, boohoo. Will that cause you to keep calling me unchristian. Get a christian world view and then i might care about your opinion.