Part of me believes that man was created as a god by THE GOD. I feel that the 'fall' of man may in fact represent man's falling from his godlike status that apparently he failed to reckognize about himself (at least Eve failed to recognize this).
There are writings such as the Apocalypse of Moses that are loose autobiographies of the first human family that leads the reader to believe that man originally had a nature that was glorious before the fall. Couple that with texts like the one in Romans that speak of man sinning and thus falling short of the glory of God, and we may be on to something. (Maybe that's why Eve was able to speak to the dragon (snake) in the garden of delights.)
There are writings such as the Apocalypse of Moses that are loose autobiographies of the first human family that leads the reader to believe that man originally had a nature that was glorious before the fall. Couple that with texts like the one in Romans that speak of man sinning and thus falling short of the glory of God, and we may be on to something. (Maybe that's why Eve was able to speak to the dragon (snake) in the garden of delights.)