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The Power of God was in my Church today


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As we were having praise and worship today, many started dancing in the Holy Ghost and many were ministered to. One man who had a walking stroller had hands laid on him by our Pastor and me received a Word that he was healed, and started walking with out any help. Also, he started dancing, and was filled with the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. We had the Pastor's wife give the Church a Word of encouragement in interpretation of tongues. The anointing was very heavy and you could almost sense a big wind flowing through the Church.

Church, we need to starting flowing in the Spirit of God. We need to get past our flesh and start doing what the Early Church did so people might see the Power of God that they might be saved.

We need to delare the things of God. Our victory is found in the Cross. Provision has already been provided by the Blood of the Lamb. We need to declare healing over our bodies, our loved ones., we need to declare our loved ones saved, we need to declare healing over our country, our President, our Leaders, our foes, our friends in the World, We need to declare victory in Iraq, over North Korea, and Iran and all of Radical Islam. Why declare it? It's been done over two thousand years ago. God has done all He is going to do. We are the ones that must take hold of it, and start declaring what the Power of God can do.

I was asked by someone, are you one of those Word of Faith People. I said, sure am. Why not? Because we need to realize that we cannot be saved without faith, and the only thing that pleases God is faith. I encourage people here to stand up and shout what God has done for us. Get your healing, victory, and the many things that God has purchased for us in the Name of Jesus.

May God bless, golfjack
Not to be one of contention and not directed to you brother, but even if there was being tounges spoken (which I doubt) the pastors wife should have kept silent.

God in his wisdom created man and women different, not one being better, just different.

He has different roles and different place sof service for each.

Although I dont agree with the charasmaniacs of the day, if tounges were spoken, women are to keep there mouths shut when the if men under their voice. Not that women dont have anything profitable to say, but God's word specifies it that way.

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. (1 Corinthians 14:34)

1 Timothy 2:11-12
(11) Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
(12) But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

I know in a day when cultures are different the Word of God has yet to alter! If it has been true then it still is.

I have been in services where the Holy Ghost got to moving around, nobody clucked like chickens or laughed uncontrolably. People raised hands and voices praising the Lord, some even ran around as they were just so excited and emotional. Yet, there was no confusion and everyone knew where the praise was going, not to man but God of Heaven!

From what I seen, most churches where tounges are babbled it is mostly women doing the babbling. I would venture to say that they are just in need of attention.

1 Corinthians 13:8
"...whether there be tongues, they shall cease;..."

As for his name it and claim it business, where is that in scripture?

People getting words of knowledge is also bunk! God gave all he had to say in his word, he gives no special revelations to man outside of his Word!

I dont want to damper the blessing you may have recieved at church!

I do want to decipher a flesh fest from a real moving of the Spirit of God,
which would cause us to witness, pray, have a burden for the lost, ...etc.

If God were to move he would do it so that something would remain in our life, not just some emotion that gets over when church lets out.


End of my rant, respond as you will.
Agreed, Preacher Boy. The 'charismatics' are so far removed from the character of Jesus (not that I don't have much to learn myself!) that it often becomes a mere circus. This is just NOT Jesus. It's purely emotion and in keeping with the 'showy' culture of that particular church ...nothing more.

Preacher Boy, Who are you to say how God wants to move. What tongues have ceased? Where does it say that the gifts of the Spirit have ceased? Where does it say that women can't interpret tongues? This is the problem with some Baptists that are so willing to say WE ARE NOT WORTHY to come before the throne of God. Some Baptists are so dull, that they become so heavenly they are no earthly good. This is what I have seen in some Baptist churches. They sit back and expect God to do all the work. Did you ever see what some Church Statiticians say about denominations? Try researching this and you will find out what denominations do the most sinning. Oh well, I guess we have differences about How church government should work.

May God bless, golfjack
Re: reply

golfjack said:
Preacher Boy, Who are you to say how God wants to move. What tongues have ceased? Where does it say that the gifts of the Spirit have ceased? Where does it say that women can't interpret tongues? This is the problem with some Baptists that are so willing to say WE ARE NOT WORTHY to come before the throne of God. Some Baptists are so dull, that they become so heavenly they are no earthly good. This is what I have seen in some Baptist churches. They sit back and expect God to do all the work. Did you ever see what some Church Statiticians say about denominations? Try researching this and you will find out what denominations do the most sinning. Oh well, I guess we have differences about How church government should work.

May God bless, golfjack
golfjack, your post seemed to stir up the religious spirits. I think some reacted to Jesus the same way, so you are in divine company.
Praise God for visiting His people today at your church!!
Thanks for sharing that wonderful message with us. I wish I would have been there.

Preacher Boy. Where you there? NO. So why would you want to judge Jack and his Church body and worse yet, Why would you want to steal Gods Glory?
For the record, You also took most of those scriptures you quoted out of context. If you knew anything at all about church history, you would see your error..
Re: reply

destiny said:
golfjack, your post seemed to stir up the religious spirits. I think some reacted to Jesus the same way, so you are in divine company.
Praise God for visiting His people today at your church!!

I completely agree. Similar things to that which Golfjack described happen at my Church too. Singing and speaking in tounges is a regular occurance. I myself have spoken tounges. Laughing and dancing in the spirit is one of the best and happiest feelings ever :biggrin
golfjack said:
As we were having praise and worship today, many started dancing in the Holy Ghost and many were ministered to. One man who had a walking stroller had hands laid on him by our Pastor and me received a Word that he was healed, and started walking with out any help. Also, he started dancing, and was filled with the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. We had the Pastor's wife give the Church a Word of encouragement in interpretation of tongues. The anointing was very heavy and you could almost sense a big wind flowing through the Church.

Church, we need to starting flowing in the Spirit of God. We need to get past our flesh and start doing what the Early Church did so people might see the Power of God that they might be saved.

We need to delare the things of God. Our victory is found in the Cross. Provision has already been provided by the Blood of the Lamb. We need to declare healing over our bodies, our loved ones., we need to declare our loved ones saved, we need to declare healing over our country, our President, our Leaders, our foes, our friends in the World, We need to declare victory in Iraq, over North Korea, and Iran and all of Radical Islam. Why declare it? It's been done over two thousand years ago. God has done all He is going to do. We are the ones that must take hold of it, and start declaring what the Power of God can do.

I was asked by someone, are you one of those Word of Faith People. I said, sure am. Why not? Because we need to realize that we cannot be saved without faith, and the only thing that pleases God is faith. I encourage people here to stand up and shout what God has done for us. Get your healing, victory, and the many things that God has purchased for us in the Name of Jesus.

May God bless, golfjack

thats good to hear, thanks for sharing that with us
golfjack-Do you know who Rodney Howard Browne is? What do you think of his "Laughter Movement?"

I don't know the man D46. Don't you think that God has a sense of humor? Why would one want to limit God. Laughter is simply a manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

May God bless, golfjack
Re: reply

golfjack said:
I don't know the man D46. Don't you think that God has a sense of humor? Why would one want to limit God. Laughter is simply a manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

May God bless, golfjack

You know Jack, I believe in the gifts of the Spirit. I believe in divine healing as we all ultimately are healed of God whther it's the laying on of hands or God cures us via surgery, pills or whatever. I believe in God visiting individuals for blessings as well as his Holy presence in the church. However, there are some things I believe we shold put to the test as to whether "these things be true" or not. I don't believe there is anything in the Scriptures about this Laughter Movement which is why I mentioned Rodney Howard Browne, the "instigater" of this movement. I see nothing wrong with rejoicing over a sick loved one healed by the power of God or for a financial blessing coming unaware.

First of all let me state very clearly that there is not one single verse in the Bible which says that when the anointing of the Holy Spirit comes upon a person that person laughs.


"I got desperate during that prayer meeting in July 1979 and made a decision. I said, 'God, tonight is my night! Lord, either you come down here and touch me or I'm going to die and come up there and touch You.' ... I started shouting, because I shout when I get desperate! ... I shouted, 'God I want your fire! Let the fire fall here tonight like it did at Pentecost!' ...

(Sounds like a threat of suicide to me)

"The Spirit was poured out on me that night. I shouted for about 20 minutes. I didn't give up, even when my voice began to get hoarse.

"Suddenly, the power of God hit me at the top of my head and went all the way down to my feet! It felt like liquid fire-like someone had poured gasoline over me and set me on fire. My whole body was tingling.

"The best way I can describe it is that it was as shocking as if I had unscrewed a light bulb from a lamp and put my finger in the socket. I knew it was God.

"When it hit me in my belly, I began to laugh the Holy Spirit comes out of your belly, not out of your head. Your head says, 'What are you laughing at?' Your head says, 'Shut up!' It bubbles. It was so overwhelming, I couldn't stop it, and I didn't want to stop it. ...

"The next minute, I was weeping for no reason. I got drunk in the Spirit, like the people on the Day of Pentecost. I was walking around laughing at nothing, weeping at nothing, and speaking in other tongues, first one and then the other.

"Fire was going all through me. I'd go up to someone and touch them and they'd fall to the floor. Then I would weep even more, because the power of God came on me even stronger.

"I thought the experience would only last about an hour. One day, two days, three days went by. By the fourth day, I was getting worried! Now I wasn't praying, 'Send the fire' anymore; I was begging, 'Lord, please lift it! I can't bear it anymore!'" (Rodney Howard-Browne, Manifesting the Holy Ghost, pp. 13-17).

Tell me this sound biblical!! This is a demonic spirit-make no mistake about that, jack. Satan is a master counterfeiter and has once again taken a gift from God and added something else to it.
My "problem", for lack of a better word, is this; I don't have much of a problem with tongues as long as it doesn't create confusion. My problem is... I don't trust the interpreters. :o

A great man by the name of Adrian Rogers once said, "A spiritual experience is more than just an emotional burp." BTW, He was a Southern Baptist.

From my experience the ones who do the most sinning, then think they can make it up by doing good in the eyes of God are those from the AoG. My experience now. 8-)
I have no problem with it either, Vic but; it's shenanagans like this that give Pentacostalism a black eye and this is one of the many reasons I don't affiliate myself with it. When you look at and hear the heresy on TV programs such as Jerry Falwell and TBN who profess to be Pentacostal, it almost persuades me to join the Catholic Church!! (did I say that?) This kind of movement is NOT of God but is of another spirit and some cannot discern the difference.

I'll say something else regarding Pentacostal folks. I have nothing against them as I was raised in this environment. However, the length of a womans hair or skirt has absolutely nothing to do with her spiritual condition or whether she uses makeup in any form. I lived with a "witch" for a long time who was a hypocrit that had hair nearly to her waist and wore those long "frocks" and even sang in the choir but, she was a completely different person at home. The addage of don't judge a book by it's cover goes in spades when it come to this.
Great post and thanks for the praise report. All Glory to God :)


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