Re: The Pre-Existence Of Christ
● John 1:14 . . And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.
According to John 5:26 and 1John 1:1-4, the Word is an everlasting life which Gen
21:33, John 10:28, and Rom 16:26 imply is an indestructible category of life that's
impervious to death. So the Word didn't go out of existence when he came into the
world as an organic being per John 1:14 which means of course that Jesus Christ
was a physical being and a spirit being simultaneously right from the moment of
his conception.
The Word's binary characteristics give rise to some interesting events.
For example: Jesus stated that he existed before Abraham (John 8:58) Now as a
man of course that is an impossibility seeing as how Jesus is one of Abraham's very
distant paternal grandsons (Gen 12:4) but as the Word it was easily possible.
Jesus also said he came down from Heaven (John 6:38) That too is doubtful
because he himself said that no man has ever been to Heaven (John 3:13) but as
the Word of course he'd been there.
Jesus said that he was on Earth and up in Heaven simultaneously (John 3:13) Nuff
said, I think we get it.
Jesus drove his opponents to frustration 'cause sometimes he spoke as a man, and
sometimes he spoke as the Word-- the one a Heavenly being and the other a
natural being.
NOTE: Theophanies are common in the old testament; which is basically the
appearance of a divine being in a human form. Now, those theophanies were
expendable because they were not of actual human origin; whereas Jesus is unique
because his human origin can be easily traced to David and from thence to Adam.