The return of Abaddon-Apollyon, a fallen angelic, is a given in scripture and just who the little human horn will be is not known yet.
The little horn will appear in the northern Middle East rising up among 10 other Middle Eastern kings who will follow him at the time of the end .... his appearance will occur just at the beginning of the tribulation period.
Abaddon is the first beast of Revelation who will come out of the abyss .... released by satan. Here the term "beast" is used to describe a fallen angelic.
This term is used differently in Daniel's visions and symbolizes the succession of different Middle Eastern empires ... three historical and the future and last of Abaddon-Apollyon's human dominions.
This final dominion will include two phases ... a 6th smaller dominion in the northern Middle East followed quickly by an expanded dominion of the region with 10 other kings.
His presence on the earth and actions are noted specifically in chapters 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, and 19. He is the "angelic prince" that shall come to rule again and stand against the Messiah Prince ....Jesus Christ at the time of the end [Daniel 9:24-27].
This beast [in the little horn] will conquer the Middle East including Israel, and will fend off all other national opposition including the noted destruction of the "great city" [civilization] of the Gentiles [Revelation 17,18].
Those who oppose his rule from the south, far east, and far north outside of the Middle East proper will be vanquished [Daniel 11:36-44, 12:7].
The Lord's two Israelite prophets will stand for the Lord against this entity and his false prophet [also a fallen angelic who will manifest in two human cleric leaders of the two main branches of Islam] during his 42 month rule of a conquered Israel [last 1,260 days of the 7 year tribulation period].
The Lord will protect His two prophets during their service which will take place in Jerusalem, which will be occupied by the little horn and his followers .... the adherents of Islam.
The Lord will then turn on him and his human followers and destroy them in the next 30 days consumating in the battle of Armageddon [Revelation 16, 19].
The beast and the false prophet will be destroyed in the lake of fire [only the Lord can destroy angelics], the little horn and his followers will become bird food and their remains will be buried by Israel, and satan will be tossed into the same abyss where the beast was before his release [Revelation 19,20].
Mohammud's claims of a visitation by Gabriel were false and he was most likely visited by satan .... or it is possible that he just made the whole story up to support his ambitions of control and conquest.
The situation in the Middle East today is ripe for the coming of the "other prince" .... the Mahdi of the Islamic nation.
The little horn will appear in the northern Middle East rising up among 10 other Middle Eastern kings who will follow him at the time of the end .... his appearance will occur just at the beginning of the tribulation period.
Abaddon is the first beast of Revelation who will come out of the abyss .... released by satan. Here the term "beast" is used to describe a fallen angelic.
This term is used differently in Daniel's visions and symbolizes the succession of different Middle Eastern empires ... three historical and the future and last of Abaddon-Apollyon's human dominions.
This final dominion will include two phases ... a 6th smaller dominion in the northern Middle East followed quickly by an expanded dominion of the region with 10 other kings.
His presence on the earth and actions are noted specifically in chapters 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, and 19. He is the "angelic prince" that shall come to rule again and stand against the Messiah Prince ....Jesus Christ at the time of the end [Daniel 9:24-27].
This beast [in the little horn] will conquer the Middle East including Israel, and will fend off all other national opposition including the noted destruction of the "great city" [civilization] of the Gentiles [Revelation 17,18].
Those who oppose his rule from the south, far east, and far north outside of the Middle East proper will be vanquished [Daniel 11:36-44, 12:7].
The Lord's two Israelite prophets will stand for the Lord against this entity and his false prophet [also a fallen angelic who will manifest in two human cleric leaders of the two main branches of Islam] during his 42 month rule of a conquered Israel [last 1,260 days of the 7 year tribulation period].
The Lord will protect His two prophets during their service which will take place in Jerusalem, which will be occupied by the little horn and his followers .... the adherents of Islam.
The Lord will then turn on him and his human followers and destroy them in the next 30 days consumating in the battle of Armageddon [Revelation 16, 19].
The beast and the false prophet will be destroyed in the lake of fire [only the Lord can destroy angelics], the little horn and his followers will become bird food and their remains will be buried by Israel, and satan will be tossed into the same abyss where the beast was before his release [Revelation 19,20].
Mohammud's claims of a visitation by Gabriel were false and he was most likely visited by satan .... or it is possible that he just made the whole story up to support his ambitions of control and conquest.
The situation in the Middle East today is ripe for the coming of the "other prince" .... the Mahdi of the Islamic nation.