brother Paul
- Apr 10, 2014
- 1,420
- 221
Just an opinion here but would love to hear some perspectives...
As we learn more and more it will turn out that we will come to realize through science that it is information fuels the Universe. This is all NOT the result of chance whatsoever. Information directs the formation of all structure and form and directs and commands all innate function. Existence as we know it is not the cause of information, but the effect of it. Information is a predetermined set of parameters that thingness (matter and energy) follows, resulting in purposed subsequence.
Biologist George Williams (see Natural Selection: Domains, Levels, and Challenge, 1992)begins the realization of this within biological processes when he says “Evolutionary biologists have failed to realize that they work with two more or less incommensurable domains: that of information and that of matter.
He also says in an interview later that...
These two domains will never be brought together in any kind of the sense usually implied by the term "reductionism." You can speak of galaxies and particles of dust in the same terms, because they both have mass and charge and length and width. You can't do that with information and matter. Information doesn't have mass or charge or length in millimeters. Likewise, matter doesn't have bytes. You can't measure so much gold in so many bytes. It doesn't have redundancy, or fidelity, or any of the other descriptors we apply to information. This dearth of shared descriptors makes matter and information two separate domains of existence, which have to be discussed separately, in their own terms.
The gene is a package of information, not an object. The pattern of base pairs in a DNA molecule specifies the gene. But the DNA molecule is the medium, it's not the message. Maintaining this distinction between the medium and the message is absolutely indispensable to clarity of thought about evolution.
In biology, when you're talking about things like genes and genotypes and gene pools, you're talking about information, not physical objective reality. They're patterns.
In cultural evolution, obviously, the idea of a coffee cup or a table is something that persists. The coffee cups and tables don't persist, they recur as a result of the persistence of the information that tells people how to make coffee cups and tables. It's the same way in biology: hands and feet and noses and so on don't persist, they recur as a result of genetic instructions for making hands and feet and noses. It's the information that lasts and evolves. Obviously, it's because of the physical manifestations of the information that we know about the information.”
Now though Williams in this presentation
does not necessarily agree with my perspective I do believe this is the indication of direction in his thought
He sees a sort of error inherent in emphasizing the ”replication, rather than of proliferation of information.”
Information is neither Mass/Energy nor the result of Mass/Energy….IMHO Mass/Energy either follow information, or they came into existence together.
Again IMO, information governs the forms and functions of Mass/Energy. Biological “systems” deal with the recording, preservation, transmission, and use of information in performing pre-purposed tasks necessary to their perpetuation and purpose. Their forms, forces, functions and all their various inter-dependencies result FROM the information/instruction inherent in their formation. Information can take control over and even oppose nature’s entropy (at least for a while).
IMO for order to arise from chaos information must be an extant probability. Information as a kind of event that affects the state of any dynamic system that can interpret the information makes us rethink the concepts of Universe, the Solar system, and even the cell. The universe is (as well as the living cell) because of information. There is information behind it all…it is the cause that determines the effect and the effect is never greater than the cause. Such complex systemized determinative information does not just “poof” into existence, it came from a source, a determining source (and it is neither mass or energy).
According to Williams and others you can explore The Information by James Gleick (Pantheon 2011); Programming the Universe by Seth Lloyd (Vintage 2007); Decoding the Universe by Charles Seife (Penguin 2007); Decoding Reality by Vlatko Vedral (Oxford 2010); and Information and the Nature of Reality, a collection of essays edited by Paul Davies (Cambridge 2010) if you want different views on this concept!
What is information?
Where did it came from?
Does it instruct form and function or come from it?
Can inanimate matter develop highly complex information based instructional systems from coincidence over time?
There are a lot of questions even physicists are asking that are pointing us to a new frontier as far as theory is concerned. There certainly is enough evidence for the role and importance of information...
What are your thoughts…or perhaps you have never considered it?
As we learn more and more it will turn out that we will come to realize through science that it is information fuels the Universe. This is all NOT the result of chance whatsoever. Information directs the formation of all structure and form and directs and commands all innate function. Existence as we know it is not the cause of information, but the effect of it. Information is a predetermined set of parameters that thingness (matter and energy) follows, resulting in purposed subsequence.
Biologist George Williams (see Natural Selection: Domains, Levels, and Challenge, 1992)begins the realization of this within biological processes when he says “Evolutionary biologists have failed to realize that they work with two more or less incommensurable domains: that of information and that of matter.
He also says in an interview later that...
These two domains will never be brought together in any kind of the sense usually implied by the term "reductionism." You can speak of galaxies and particles of dust in the same terms, because they both have mass and charge and length and width. You can't do that with information and matter. Information doesn't have mass or charge or length in millimeters. Likewise, matter doesn't have bytes. You can't measure so much gold in so many bytes. It doesn't have redundancy, or fidelity, or any of the other descriptors we apply to information. This dearth of shared descriptors makes matter and information two separate domains of existence, which have to be discussed separately, in their own terms.
The gene is a package of information, not an object. The pattern of base pairs in a DNA molecule specifies the gene. But the DNA molecule is the medium, it's not the message. Maintaining this distinction between the medium and the message is absolutely indispensable to clarity of thought about evolution.
In biology, when you're talking about things like genes and genotypes and gene pools, you're talking about information, not physical objective reality. They're patterns.
In cultural evolution, obviously, the idea of a coffee cup or a table is something that persists. The coffee cups and tables don't persist, they recur as a result of the persistence of the information that tells people how to make coffee cups and tables. It's the same way in biology: hands and feet and noses and so on don't persist, they recur as a result of genetic instructions for making hands and feet and noses. It's the information that lasts and evolves. Obviously, it's because of the physical manifestations of the information that we know about the information.”
Now though Williams in this presentation
does not necessarily agree with my perspective I do believe this is the indication of direction in his thought
He sees a sort of error inherent in emphasizing the ”replication, rather than of proliferation of information.”
Information is neither Mass/Energy nor the result of Mass/Energy….IMHO Mass/Energy either follow information, or they came into existence together.
Again IMO, information governs the forms and functions of Mass/Energy. Biological “systems” deal with the recording, preservation, transmission, and use of information in performing pre-purposed tasks necessary to their perpetuation and purpose. Their forms, forces, functions and all their various inter-dependencies result FROM the information/instruction inherent in their formation. Information can take control over and even oppose nature’s entropy (at least for a while).
IMO for order to arise from chaos information must be an extant probability. Information as a kind of event that affects the state of any dynamic system that can interpret the information makes us rethink the concepts of Universe, the Solar system, and even the cell. The universe is (as well as the living cell) because of information. There is information behind it all…it is the cause that determines the effect and the effect is never greater than the cause. Such complex systemized determinative information does not just “poof” into existence, it came from a source, a determining source (and it is neither mass or energy).
According to Williams and others you can explore The Information by James Gleick (Pantheon 2011); Programming the Universe by Seth Lloyd (Vintage 2007); Decoding the Universe by Charles Seife (Penguin 2007); Decoding Reality by Vlatko Vedral (Oxford 2010); and Information and the Nature of Reality, a collection of essays edited by Paul Davies (Cambridge 2010) if you want different views on this concept!
What is information?
Where did it came from?
Does it instruct form and function or come from it?
Can inanimate matter develop highly complex information based instructional systems from coincidence over time?
There are a lot of questions even physicists are asking that are pointing us to a new frontier as far as theory is concerned. There certainly is enough evidence for the role and importance of information...
What are your thoughts…or perhaps you have never considered it?
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