The Sea turns to Blood...


Jan 26, 2012
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When we were in grade school long ago, one of the teachers took us out to the ocean in his boat, and showed us a strange phenomenon, red tide. He told us this is what will happen when the sea turns to blood, I brushed it off at the time, but now the sea is turning red like blood on the coasts of Florida with red tide killing everything in the sea and the canals have filled with toxic blooms which are going out into the oceans to a level I have never seen in all my years....I am wondering...

Revelation 16:3
And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

Hey reddogs

Always good to be aware of such events, but it would have to grow on a fairly massive scale to do what the prophecy of God's word says that it will be and be doing. Every living soul in the sea dies. But we know that God can bring about such eventualities. The flood of Noah's day killed every living creature upon all the land of the earth, save the 8 in Noah's family.
My belief is the literal fulfilment of Rev 16:3, will come from a close bypass of a comet or asteroid. Just as what happed in Egypt, Exodus 7:14-21 Proved by most of the other effects then and again in the last days.
Rev 16:1-7

There are five oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Southern and Indian. There are one hundred and thirteen seas altogether if you include the three landlocked ones. The Atlantic Ocean connects to forty, the Arctic connects to seventeen, the Pacific connects to thirty three, the Southern Ocean connects to eleven, the Indian Ocean connects to nine and there are three landlocked seas being The Dead Sea, Caspian Sea and Aral Sea although these could be classed as salt lakes.

Then we have rivers and fresh water creeks we get our filtered drinking water from. Without fresh water man dehydrates and dies, but this will not affect those who are in Christ as God supplies all our need even when it comes to fresh drinking water like that of Moses who God instructed to strike the rock and fresh water came out of it, Exodus 17:6. Let us now continue with the second vial judgment.

The sea became as the blood of a dead man. The sea does not turn into actual blood as in Revelation 8:8, 9 as this verse says “as”, emphasis on as, like the blood of a dead man. When one dies their blood coagulates meaning the blood turns into a semisolid or a solid mass as the heart is no longer pumping the blood through the body and the lack of oxygen causes the tissues and cells to die making the blood become a solid or semisolid in time.

God causes the water of the sea to become thick like the blood of a dead man. This possibly could come from and increase of algae called microorganism dinoflagellates that is already growing in the sea that causes a reddish thick substance. God in His supernatural powers could increase the algae on a massive scale. This will cause a lack of oxygen and food source that is vital for all sea life to exist as it will poison the water causing all sea life to die. The stench from the water and rotting carcasses of sea creatures would be tremendously unbearable and also shut down the fishing industry and also the trade industry as merchant ships will no longer be able to travel port to port by sea.

The third angel follows suit as he pours out his vial and all rivers and fountains of water that are our fresh water ecosystems are also turned to this thick form of blood like substance. The angel of the waters proclaims that the Lord is righteous in His judgments against those who have slaughtered the saints and prophets from the very beginning when Cain killed his own brother Able.

Those who have killed the saints and prophets of God are worthy to drink putrid waters of Gods righteous indignation as they deserve nothing better for what they have done against the saints and prophets of God as God has forewarned man to not touch His anointed, 1 Chronicles 16:22; Psalms 105:15.