We have been given a beautiful gift: Jesus died for our sins. That is right! His death paid for our sins. There is no more debt. We have been forgiven. Our works cannot add anything to this picture; neither can adherence to the old law. God has sent his beloved son to be sacrificed and die for us, reconciling all things to himself Colossians 1:20. Jesus is the new covenant. He is the Son of God made flesh for us to know and love; and we are to respond to Jesus with a yes or no. We are asked to accept the new covenant, to love the Lord. To place our faith in Jesus.
From Romans 5:8-10 we know Christ died for us, and that his death justified us before God, thus putting an end to our fears. Through his death Jesus paid the price and made possible our salvation. He sent us the Comforter. This is how much God loves us, imperfect human beings. He sent his only son.
Jesus' sacrifice, the blood of Jesus, is the new covenant, founded in God's love for us. We can accept or reject the sacrifice. But know that God loves us his children with indescribable love, and asks us to put our faith, love, and trust in Jesus and to accept him as our only way to salvation in return for that love.
We could never earn this gift, for how could we ever deserve it? The good news is the price is paid. Jesus has saved us from destruction. Accepting Jesus, the new covenant, is the one thing God asks of us, to believe the good news and trust in Jesus. To love each other. Romans 13:8
From Romans 5:8-10 we know Christ died for us, and that his death justified us before God, thus putting an end to our fears. Through his death Jesus paid the price and made possible our salvation. He sent us the Comforter. This is how much God loves us, imperfect human beings. He sent his only son.
Jesus' sacrifice, the blood of Jesus, is the new covenant, founded in God's love for us. We can accept or reject the sacrifice. But know that God loves us his children with indescribable love, and asks us to put our faith, love, and trust in Jesus and to accept him as our only way to salvation in return for that love.
We could never earn this gift, for how could we ever deserve it? The good news is the price is paid. Jesus has saved us from destruction. Accepting Jesus, the new covenant, is the one thing God asks of us, to believe the good news and trust in Jesus. To love each other. Romans 13:8
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