I can see the worldliness in the world (movies and music), but where do I see it in my church? Or where do you see it in your church?
I see it running rampant thru the body of Christ on a number of levels ...
1. The body is being "entertained to death" (spiritual death to be exact): Hours of TV watching, hours of computer gaming or playing online which is of no spiritual benefit, thinking more about "responsibilities" than relationship with Jesus (ie: working more to get a bigger house, better car, etc) = materialistic thinking; Believers desiring to be one of the 'whos who' in the church; Focusing on how we look to others; more concern about social gatherings than about God = Christian social gatherings in which yes believers all gather together, but no one is talking about or focused on Yeshua instead they're talking about Jim Bob & Mary Ellen with short intervals of "I'll pray for them" .... the list goes on.. Much of the body is not serious about God.. they want to be entertained and are being lulled to sleep.. which brings us to the topic of the great apostasy.
2. Being more concerned about how one 'looks' to society than holding to God's standards of the heart; The mixing of pagan holidays since the days of Constantine (I think it was Constantine who melded Christianity in with Roman paganism?); and throwing strange new age junk & old house wives tales into the mix of Christian beliefs, etc ad nauseum (lol)