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The Supernatural encounters/experiences thread.


Post your Physical (physical senses/contact) with demonic, supernatural, things in the cryptozoology (i.e bigfoot, werewolves, Sasquatch, loch ness etc)and Angels encounters and/or experiences.

I am very interested in these stories. I have only 2 experiences. 1 was about 6 months ago, i was sleeping and had my 2 dogs in my room. At about 1 AM my dogs started to go nuts, growling and barking, i woke up fast and i seen this dark figure in a corner of my room, it was hooded and had no bottom half. It was floating at about 9 feet high.

I realized that my door was locked and no one could have gotten in, so in the space of a few seconds on impulse i darted and went to punch it, but before i got too close it vanished.

The second encounter was about a year ago, it was late at night and i was outside in my back yard. I live in the woods and behind my house is an open field. Anyway i heard these cries that were very loud. i have been an outdoors man for years and i have NEVER heard noises such as this, they were almost like deep growls/screams at the same time. I grabbed a flashlight and shotgun and went to investigate but i turned up noting, no eyes in my flashlight, no tracks nothing. To this day i have no clue what could have made a noise like that.
Oh gosh, where do I start :) I have cast demons out of people, I have healed people
I have had a couple of encounters with demons I think when I was little, but I would rather talk about angel encounters. I had a great one a few Christmases ago. I had four foster girls and two biological so all together we had six kids, to say money was tight was a gross understatement. So my favorite thing to do was to shop the day after Thanksgiving sales (ugh). I started out at 3:00 am and by noon I had almost finished with all my shopping but I had to make one more stop at Best Buy for my sweet foster daughter Dani. I was feeling anxious, because I had promised my 88 year old mother I would be over to see her at noon so I was already going to be late. But I really wanted this stereo for Danni, I thought about the last Christmas when the girls came home so excited about the gifts they had each received from their various family members, when Dani came in she was so proud and excited because her mother gave her some Suave shampoo and Conditioner.

I pulled in and the parking lot was packed, so I said a quick prayer. I even remember the prayer. I said "Jesus, you know how sweet that girl is, and I know you want to give Dani this gift even more than I do, but you also know I have disappointed my poor Mama more than once, please let the line be short so I can get to my Mom's before too long.

As I walked through the front of the store, my heart sank, the the line went from the registers all the way to the back of the store and almost up to the front door. I was one of the longest lines I had seen all morning. I kind of murmured and grumbled, but still set off to find the stereo. It was such a great price and I knew I wouldn't be able to afford another one if I didn't get it there. So I foraged ahead, trying to think up excuses as to why I wouldn't make it to see my mom today as she lived a too far away from me, and it was going to be at least two hours in this line. I was relived they still had the stereo, but I was still miffed that God didn't miraculously get rid of the line.

I had been standing in line about five or ten minutes, the line didn't seem to be moving at all but it was getting longer behind me every second. Then out of nowhere, a tall blond man walked up to me, and said "there is a register in internet sales and they will take you there". I was surprised and happy, I thanked him and got out of line to walk back to the internet sales area. When I arrived at the register there was only one customer in line ahead of me. I was so excited, I might still be able to get to see my mom! I couldn't believe it (At that time I didn't even think of it as an answer to my prayer, I was just thinking how much smarter I was than the poor people in line. :nono

As I got to the register, I sat the stereo on the counter and the clerk said, I am sorry this is only for internet sales. Oh I was furious! I said "One of your customers just walked up to me in line and told me I could come here, someone should stop him from doing that because now I will have to get all the way to the back of the line". :mad

The clerk said well I guess I could go ahead and ring you up here. As I walked away I was amazed at my good fortune and feeling a tad smug about the whole thing, when the same tall man who told me about the open register walked up to me and said, "Everything go alright?" I said YES! Thank you. He smiled and walked away.

On the way out of the store, I started thinking how strange that was, the more I thought about it the slower I walked... I wasn't at the very back of the line, I was somewhere in the lower third or so... and the man walked right up to me... only me... nobody else followed... Suddenly the scripture in Hebrews came to mind

Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.

I had no doubt, I had just entertained and angel, (but I wasn't very entertaining! I'm glad Dani's present didn't depend on my being gracious!) Dani loved her stereo but she loved it even more when I told her the story of the tall man, she felt special that God gave it especially to her. That was a way cool encounter!
Well not too long ago I asked Jesus to be close to him... I fast and read and prayed daily. So in about 3 weeks I went to bed at night. Then I notice the whole room was shaking. Like me and my bed. Everything in my room. (This happen to me about 3-4 times but ignored it) So this time I tried ignoring it... but. It only got harder and harder and I felt my body go up and down lol. So I tried closing my eyes and pillow on my head. Then I seen these eyes looking at me. So once I seen that it creep me out lol. I tried calling on Jesus but... My voice was mute. I kept trying .. so then after trying to say it 5 or 6 times I finally said Jesus. Jesus answered and he said "Something is hindering you from getting close to me". I knew it was Jesus. It was werid and my first time experincing something like that. So every since then I got rid of whatever that was hindering me and me and Jesus are best buds lol:) :pray
Fun.... once upon a time... just kidding. This took place before coming to Christ. I was 15. Once, there's been several but this one time. I was staying all night at one of my older brothers home. My sister, my mother and father had seen things in this house. Hog wash I thought. So like a brave soldier I spent the night "several in-fact." One night I was sleeping in the living room alone. I was up late watching some movie on the tube. Its winter time and I have a fire going in the fire place. The movie finished, turned off the tv, turn my back to the fireplace, this strange feeling came over me like someone was looking at me. I flipped back over toward the fireplace and someone was standing in front of it like they where cold. The light from the flame was in my eyes so I could not see his face. As I raised myself up on my elbow, don't get me wrong the only reason I did not wet the bed was I didn't think about it. Slowly the figure disappeared...and my sister said "see I told you so" :crazy

But since coming to Christ, nothing has happen like that again, my a powerful Lord we have... :clap
The second encounter was about a year ago, it was late at night and i was outside in my back yard. I live in the woods and behind my house is an open field. Anyway i heard these cries that were very loud. i have been an outdoors man for years and i have NEVER heard noises such as this, they were almost like deep growls/screams at the same time. I grabbed a flashlight and shotgun and went to investigate but i turned up noting, no eyes in my flashlight, no tracks nothing. To this day i have no clue what could have made a noise like that.

Do you have mountain lions up there? We have them 'panthers' here and late at night they put their face between their paws on the ground and 'scream'. It sounds like a woman!! They scream and cry for a few minutes and move on. It has made the hair on the back of my neck stand up!
John said:
Have you seen them in the physical?

Share a story man :eyebrow

Only as like shadows or something, usually you just know they are there.

When I lived with my roommate a few years back I used to lie awake at night watching those things surround his room, of course I have a feeling they are more afraid of me now (don't know why I just do)
I wish the demons that afflict people with depression, sickness, perverted desires, etc.. were recognized for what they are, but most times they stay hidden through ignorance of how they work in our lives.
Those are the destructive ones.
I've seen two doppelgangers in my lifetime. A doppelganger is a ghost image or version of someone still alive. The ones I saw were one of my mom, and the other of my dad.

It was when I was a lot younger, and I remember I had just woken up one of the times, so it could have been a dream I supose.
My mother once told me that when she was a child (of 7 or 8) she was walking through the woods outside our village and met a witch under an old tree (in Bangladesh, they believe demons gather under trees.) Upon seeing my mother, the witch chased her while chanting an evil spell.

I tried to explain to her that it was probably a homeless women (speaking in a different dialect) asking for food, but she wouldn't believe me. :lol
I have never had any supernatural experiences.

Just remember folks, any spirit that does not come as an agent of the Lord is from the enemy and should be ignored and admonished/rebuked.

Most everything in pop culture about ghosts/spirits is trash. There are no "good" spirits apart from angels of the Lord that come in His name.
Armor of God said:
I have never had any supernatural experiences.

Just remember folks, any spirit that does not come as an agent of the Lord is from the enemy and should be ignored and admonished/rebuked.

Most everything in pop culture about ghosts/spirits is trash. There are no "good" spirits apart from angels of the Lord that come in His name.

You're saved right? That IS a Supernatural experience .
MISFIT said:
Armor of God said:
Most everything in pop culture about ghosts/spirits is trash. There are no "good" spirits apart from angels of the Lord that come in His name.

You are right, the Lord showed me once a guardian angel that I had (he looked like a centurion from Buckingham Palace), other than that, beware.

I just admitted to a coworker about my house. Its wierd. Now he wants to come down and see for himself but I don't think it is going to work that way.

My exwife and I bought this place 4 years ago. In the first week of living there I got a call. I was on the road truck driving. My ex was in a panic there was someone in the house last night. She persisted someone had wakened her at 4am. I never saw anything new heard anything until we separated.

About a month after separating I heard it. The front door distinctly opens around 4am. Foot steps in the screened in porch right past my bedroom window. The foot steps go back to the next door. I heard it unlock, open and close. I jumped out of bed run around to the front door and see nothing. This happens so frequently I don't answer the front door much anymore.

The doorbell rings and no one is there. Sometimes things get loud. A single loud bang. A couple winters ago a friend came to watch videos. Because it had been getting worse I warned him that strange noises are normal in my house. Sure enough during the movie there was more than one sharp loud bang. The first time he thought the house was going to come down.

I was doing dishes one day about a month ago and watched as the front door opens and closes. I told it to stop playing around. A few weeks ago, I was in the basement and there was a loud knock at the door. I ran upstairs and ran over to the door asking the kids who is here? My 6 year old told me come on dad you know the house is haunted. My boys and I have no fear of this thing it seems very friendly.

Bed time with the children I have to shut their bedroom door when I am reading a bedtime story because the bedroom door opens and closes.

About a week ago something happened to help add things together. I heard children's voices distinctly. I was in the basement and could hear them run from the living room to the kitchen. I ran upstairs and the voices where right in front of me but no children, finally I went back downstairs. I kind of accept that this is how it is going to be. So far it seems to be working for me and the kids.
Kelli said:
I have had a couple of encounters with demons I think when I was little, but I would rather talk about angel encounters. I had a great one a few Christmases ago. I had four foster girls and two biological so all together we had six kids, to say money was tight was a gross understatement. So my favorite thing to do was to shop the day after Thanksgiving sales (ugh). I started out at 3:00 am and by noon I had almost finished with all my shopping but I had to make one more stop at Best Buy for my sweet foster daughter Dani. I was feeling anxious, because I had promised my 88 year old mother I would be over to see her at noon so I was already going to be late. But I really wanted this stereo for Danni, I thought about the last Christmas when the girls came home so excited about the gifts they had each received from their various family members, when Dani came in she was so proud and excited because her mother gave her some Suave shampoo and Conditioner.

I pulled in and the parking lot was packed, so I said a quick prayer. I even remember the prayer. I said "Jesus, you know how sweet that girl is, and I know you want to give Dani this gift even more than I do, but you also know I have disappointed my poor Mama more than once, please let the line be short so I can get to my Mom's before too long.

As I walked through the front of the store, my heart sank, the the line went from the registers all the way to the back of the store and almost up to the front door. I was one of the longest lines I had seen all morning. I kind of murmured and grumbled, but still set off to find the stereo. It was such a great price and I knew I wouldn't be able to afford another one if I didn't get it there. So I foraged ahead, trying to think up excuses as to why I wouldn't make it to see my mom today as she lived a too far away from me, and it was going to be at least two hours in this line. I was relived they still had the stereo, but I was still miffed that God didn't miraculously get rid of the line.

I had been standing in line about five or ten minutes, the line didn't seem to be moving at all but it was getting longer behind me every second. Then out of nowhere, a tall blond man walked up to me, and said "there is a register in internet sales and they will take you there". I was surprised and happy, I thanked him and got out of line to walk back to the internet sales area. When I arrived at the register there was only one customer in line ahead of me. I was so excited, I might still be able to get to see my mom! I couldn't believe it (At that time I didn't even think of it as an answer to my prayer, I was just thinking how much smarter I was than the poor people in line. :nono

As I got to the register, I sat the stereo on the counter and the clerk said, I am sorry this is only for internet sales. Oh I was furious! I said "One of your customers just walked up to me in line and told me I could come here, someone should stop him from doing that because now I will have to get all the way to the back of the line". :mad

The clerk said well I guess I could go ahead and ring you up here. As I walked away I was amazed at my good fortune and feeling a tad smug about the whole thing, when the same tall man who told me about the open register walked up to me and said, "Everything go alright?" I said YES! Thank you. He smiled and walked away.

On the way out of the store, I started thinking how strange that was, the more I thought about it the slower I walked... I wasn't at the very back of the line, I was somewhere in the lower third or so... and the man walked right up to me... only me... nobody else followed... Suddenly the scripture in Hebrews came to mind

Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.

I had no doubt, I had just entertained and angel, (but I wasn't very entertaining! I'm glad Dani's present didn't depend on my being gracious!) Dani loved her stereo but she loved it even more when I told her the story of the tall man, she felt special that God gave it especially to her. That was a way cool encounter!

angels really can come in human form like that?? That is amazing
Just thought I would post an update.

Minutes ago what ever it is just moved along the kitchen floor. This was the back porch of the house before the large addtion. My kids are sleeping close by and I have check on them three times. As a father you know when your kids get up and walk around. They are only 5 and 7. I thought my 7 yrs old was having a nightmare but now I am sure he is sleeping soundly buy the walking still happens.

It sounds like a murmer, jumping out of bed and running up to the kitchen. I am in the basement the stairs are at my back. I have run up three times now, thinking one of my boys is having a nightmare. Each time the noise stops when I arrive in the kitchen. I am going to try setting up a video camera.