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Bible Study The way of the Cross


Matthew10:16-42 Our Lord warned his disciples to prepare for persecution. They were to avoid all things which gave advantage to their enemies, all meddling with worldly or political concerns, all appearance of evil or selfishness, and all underhand measures. Christ foretold troubles, not only that the troubles might not be a surprise, but that they might confirm their faith. He tells them what they should suffer, and from whom. Thus Christ has dealt fairly and faithfully with us, in telling us the worst we can meet with in his service; and he would have us deal so with ourselves, in sitting down and counting the cost. Persecutors are worse than beasts, in that they prey upon those of their own kind. The strongest bonds of love and duty, have often been broken through from enmity against Christ. Sufferings from friends and relations are very grievous; nothing cuts more. It appears plainly, that all who will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution; and we must expect to enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations. With these predictions of trouble, are counsels and comforts for a time of trial. The disciples of Christ are hated and persecuted as serpents, and their ruin is sought, and they need the serpent's wisdom. Be ye harmless as doves. Not only, do nobody any hurt, but bear nobody any ill-will. Prudent care there must be, but not an anxious, perplexing thought; let this care be cast upon God. The disciples of Christ must think more how to do well, than how to speak well. In case of great peril, the disciples of Christ may go out of the way of danger, though they must not go out of the way of duty. No sinful, unlawful means may be used to escape; for then it is not a door of God's opening. The fear of man brings a snare, a perplexing snare, that disturbs our peace; an entangling snare, by which we are drawn into sin; and, therefore, it must be striven and prayed against. Tribulation, distress, and persecution cannot take away God's love to them, or theirs to him. Fear Him, who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. They must deliver their message publicly, for all are deeply concerned in the doctrine of the gospel. The whole counsel of God must be made known, Ac 20:27. Christ shows them why they should be of good cheer. Their sufferings witnessed against those who oppose his gospel. When God calls us to speak for him, we may depend on him to teach us what to say. A believing prospect of the end of our troubles, will be of great use to support us under them. They may be borne to the end, because the sufferers shall be borne up under them. The strength shall be according to the day. And it is great encouragement to those who are doing Christ's work, that it is a work which shall certainly be done. See how the care of Providence extends to all creatures, even to the sparrows. This should silence all the fears of God's people; Ye are of more value than many sparrows. And the very hairs of your head are all numbered. This denotes the account God takes and keeps of his people. It is our duty, not only to believe in Christ, but to profess that faith, in suffering for him, when we are called to it, as well as in serving him. That denial of Christ only is here meant which is persisted in, and that confession only can have the blessed recompence here promised, which is the real and constant language of faith and love. Religion is worth every thing; all who believe the truth of it, will come up to the price, and make every thing else yield to it. Christ will lead us through sufferings, to glory with him. Those are best prepared for the life to come, that sit most loose to this present life. Though the kindness done to Christ's disciples be ever so small, yet if there be occasion for it, and ability to do no more, it shall be accepted. Christ does not say that they deserve a reward; for we cannot merit any thing from the hand of God; but they shall receive a reward from the free gift of God. Let us boldly confess Christ, and show love to him in all things.

Matthew Henry's Commentary
These two verses came to mind as I read through this.

2Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

We always need to be about our Fathers business no matter what comes against us.
Matthew10:16-42 Our Lord warned his disciples to prepare for persecution. They were to avoid all things which gave advantage to their enemies, all meddling with worldly or political concerns, all appearance of evil or selfishness, and all underhand measures. Christ foretold troubles, not only that the troubles might not be a surprise, but that they might confirm their faith. He tells them what they should suffer, and from whom. Thus Christ has dealt fairly and faithfully with us, in telling us the worst we can meet with in his service; and he would have us deal so with ourselves, in sitting down and counting the cost. Persecutors are worse than beasts, in that they prey upon those of their own kind. The strongest bonds of love and duty, have often been broken through from enmity against Christ. Sufferings from friends and relations are very grievous; nothing cuts more. It appears plainly, that all who will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution; and we must expect to enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations. With these predictions of trouble, are counsels and comforts for a time of trial. The disciples of Christ are hated and persecuted as serpents, and their ruin is sought, and they need the serpent's wisdom. Be ye harmless as doves. Not only, do nobody any hurt, but bear nobody any ill-will. Prudent care there must be, but not an anxious, perplexing thought; let this care be cast upon God. The disciples of Christ must think more how to do well, than how to speak well. In case of great peril, the disciples of Christ may go out of the way of danger, though they must not go out of the way of duty. No sinful, unlawful means may be used to escape; for then it is not a door of God's opening. The fear of man brings a snare, a perplexing snare, that disturbs our peace; an entangling snare, by which we are drawn into sin; and, therefore, it must be striven and prayed against. Tribulation, distress, and persecution cannot take away God's love to them, or theirs to him. Fear Him, who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. They must deliver their message publicly, for all are deeply concerned in the doctrine of the gospel. The whole counsel of God must be made known, Ac 20:27. Christ shows them why they should be of good cheer. Their sufferings witnessed against those who oppose his gospel. When God calls us to speak for him, we may depend on him to teach us what to say. A believing prospect of the end of our troubles, will be of great use to support us under them. They may be borne to the end, because the sufferers shall be borne up under them. The strength shall be according to the day. And it is great encouragement to those who are doing Christ's work, that it is a work which shall certainly be done. See how the care of Providence extends to all creatures, even to the sparrows. This should silence all the fears of God's people; Ye are of more value than many sparrows. And the very hairs of your head are all numbered. This denotes the account God takes and keeps of his people. It is our duty, not only to believe in Christ, but to profess that faith, in suffering for him, when we are called to it, as well as in serving him. That denial of Christ only is here meant which is persisted in, and that confession only can have the blessed recompence here promised, which is the real and constant language of faith and love. Religion is worth every thing; all who believe the truth of it, will come up to the price, and make every thing else yield to it. Christ will lead us through sufferings, to glory with him. Those are best prepared for the life to come, that sit most loose to this present life. Though the kindness done to Christ's disciples be ever so small, yet if there be occasion for it, and ability to do no more, it shall be accepted. Christ does not say that they deserve a reward; for we cannot merit any thing from the hand of God; but they shall receive a reward from the free gift of God. Let us boldly confess Christ, and show love to him in all things.

Matthew Henry's Commentary
Hello jillo.
I don't know how Matthew Henry could rightfully understand persecution of believers as evil, but then say of 1Pet.3:18,

2. The reason or meritorious cause of Christ's suffering was the sins of men: Christ suffered for sins. The sufferings of Christ were a true and proper punishment; this punishment was suffered to expiate and to make an atonement for sin; and it extends to all sin.

There's nothing proper in conspiring to kill an innocent man.

.3. In the case of our Lord's suffering, it was the just that suffered for the unjust; he substituted himself in our room and stead, and bore our iniquities. He that knew no sin suffered instead of those that knew no righteousness.

In Mt.10, our Savior says his followers will suffer as he did. Jesus was horribly sinned against and rather than destroy those who hated him, he bore it.
These two verses came to mind as I read through this.

2Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

We always need to be about our Fathers business no matter what comes against us.
You have well said and in truth. Your comment helps me and I hope it also helps others to keep the balance of our understanding about persecutions. But, the main purpose of the above message is that to Prepare us for any cost that may come from anywhere, at anytime, by anyone , in various forms and so on. In fact, it is not by our own strength but through the grace that we may receive from our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 11:22 kjv
22. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.

King David understood the direction we see in life.

When we walk through the shadow of death.

The shadow of death is our physical life on earth. We live through birth, life and death. At death we are separated from the living.

King David understood that the Rod of discipline would cause a return to God if he sinned.

King David understood the Crooked Shepard Staff Would draw him in the right direction. Pre Holy Spirit, but direction of life.

The Holy Spirit now directs us in the New Born Again life. The a Second Death is avoided by Spirit Filled people warning us or the inner warning of the Holy Spirit.
Parallel to Rod.

The Holy Spirit works in us to will and do of his good pleasure. Paul would tell when
You have well said and in truth. Your comment helps me and I hope it also helps others to keep the balance of our understanding about persecutions. But, the main purpose of the above message is that to Prepare us for any cost that may come from anywhere, at anytime, by anyone , in various forms and so on. In fact, it is not by our own strength but through the grace that we may receive from our Lord Jesus Christ.

people were filling the right way. The quickening spirit works in us to will and do of his good pleasure.
Parallel to Staff.

journeyman Matthew Henry surely understood both.

Evil comes against us, but the Crook of the Staff catches us to draw us near.

Mississippi redneck
What is the second death? I left off the definition. Probably everyone already knows. Physical death separates us from the living, but the second death separates us from God for eternity. The second death is tre ultimate death. Our physical death is just a shadow of things to come. When Jesus overcame his death, that establishes our hope of eternal life in heaven. We await the last trump and the Resurrection and judgement.

journeyman Matthew Henry surely understood both.

Evil comes against us, but the Crook of the Staff catches us to draw us near.

Mississippi redneck
Our Lord appeared "in stead of our Father." He commissions believers the same way,

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 2Cor.5:20

Jesus wasn't punished in place of sinners as the reformers taught. He was punished in place of God, as his followers we be.
t FCCeddif,
Our Lord appeared "in stead of our Father." He commissions believers the same way,

Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 2Cor.5:20

Jesus wasn't punished in place of sinners as the reformers taught. He was punished in place of God, as his followers we be.
I know we do not see everything just alike.

Jesus was at creation. Jesus was words at that time. Let Us make man in Our image. The word became flesh. Then the risen Jesus became a quickening spirit.

I reckon I more or less see the reformed viewpoint. Not because it is reformed, but because of 1 Peter 2:24

Romans 12:1 kjv
1. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

The mercy of God
John 3:16 kjv
16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Why did God need to be punished? What group believes that?

Mississippi redneck
I know we do not see everything just alike.

Jesus was at creation. Jesus was words at that time. Let Us make man in Our image. The word became flesh. Then the risen Jesus became a quickening spirit.
He always was the quickening Spirit. Mankind simply wasn't aware of that.
I reckon I more or less see the reformed viewpoint. Not because it is reformed, but because of 1 Peter 2:24
In 1Pet. 2:24, Peter means Jesus bore the sins of mankind by enduring the hatred and physical abuse inflicted on him.
Peter says we are healed by his stripes, He means we're healed because Jesus fought back against these wicked sins by loving the enemies who despised him. Jesus,

resisted unto blood, striving against sin. Heb.12:4
Romans 12:1.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

The mercy of God
John 3:16 kjv
16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Why did God need to be punished? What group believes that?

Mississippi redneck
I agree we should become living sacrifices as Christ was. We should love our enemies.
I don't believe Jesus needed to be punished. God doesn't love torture. God wasn't pleased by the agony of his Son. He was pleased by his Son enduring agony without destroying the sinners causing it.
He always was the quickening Spirit. Mankind simply wasn't aware of that.
1 Corinthians 15:45 kjv
45. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

Adam was a lifeless body. Ready to go but lifeless. The Spiri breathed breath into him and he became a living soul.

Jesus was The Word of God. He became a man. He died. Life was put in him. Previous to that life being put in him the Holy Spirit was on him (According to John the Baptist)

We see through a glass darkly.

Mississippi redneck
1 Corinthians 15:45 kjv
45. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

Adam was a lifeless body. Ready to go but lifeless. The Spiri breathed breath into him and he became a living soul.

Jesus was The Word of God. He became a man. He died. Life was put in him. Previous to that life being put in him the Holy Spirit was on him (According to John the Baptist)

We see through a glass darkly.

Mississippi redneck
Throughout 1Cor.15, the superiority of Jesus above Adam is contrasted,

The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. 1Cor.15:47

Our Lord from heaven created Adam,

For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.1Cor.15:27

Paul is saying that Jesus is God.
Jesus wasn't punished in place of sinners as the reformers taught. He was punished in place of God, as his followers we be.
Post 7

Got to be a lot of confusion somewhere.

2 Corinthians 5:20 kjv
20. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

God the Father sent his Son Jesus to save us (redneck words)

When Jesus spoke, Jesus was the ambassador of the Father.

Jesus then gave the message to the church to repeat as though it came from the Father and by extension, Jesus.
(The words of Paul and the Apostles being said to the Corinthians in the name of Jesus).

The apostles were just passing the information along.
The message (in Christs stead, be ye reconciled to God.)

We do not do God’s work in our name.
The Father gave authority to Jesus.
Before God sinners deserve death.
Thanks to the work Jesus did, salvation is available.

The apostles passed the word along.
We pass the word along.

If I was not clear. Everyone help.

Mississippi redneck
Post 7

Got to be a lot of confusion somewhere.

2 Corinthians 5:20 kjv
20. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

God the Father sent his Son Jesus to save us (redneck words)
Save us from the 2nd death, which is where the unrepentant go. For now, our Father is willing to forgive anyone who asks. This gospel is evidenced by how the Son could forgive his own murder.
When Jesus spoke, Jesus was the ambassador of the Father.
Way above ambassador. He chose not to enforce his rightful authority by law as King over mankind.
Jesus then gave the message to the church to repeat as though it came from the Father and by extension, Jesus.
(The words of Paul and the Apostles being said to the Corinthians in the name of Jesus).

The apostles were just passing the information along.
The message (in Christs stead, be ye reconciled to God.)

We do not do God’s work in our name.
The Father gave authority to Jesus.
Please redneck, understand that I never said or ever implied we do Gods' work in our name.
I said we preach in Christs' name. Thats' why followers of Christ will (to some degree) suffer as Jesus did.
The point is, those in Christ should now suffer for doing right.
Before God sinners deserve death.
Thanks to the work Jesus did, salvation is available.
Of course. Jesus temporarily withheld his wrath against his enemies.
The apostles passed the word along.
We pass the word along.

If I was not clear. Everyone help.

Mississippi redneck
It's clear to me that people who slapped God around hopefully repented before they died.