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Bible Study The Wonder Of Creation


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Friday 2-4-22 6th. Day Of The Weekly Cycle Adar 2, 5782 46th. Winter Day


The Wonder of Creation


Read: Genesis 1:9–13 | Bible in a Year: Exodus 34–35; Matthew 22:23–46
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Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it.” Genesis 1:11

While Tim was hiking on Root Glacier in Alaska, he came across something he’d not seen before. Though Tim studies glaciers professionally, the vast number of small balls of moss were completely unfamiliar to him.

After tracking the bright green balls for many years, Tim and his colleagues discovered that, unlike moss on trees, the “glacier mice” are unattached and—even more surprisingly—move in unison, like a herd or flock. At first, Tim and his colleagues suspected they were blown by the wind or were rolling downhill, but their research ruled out those guesses.

They haven’t yet discovered exactly how the moss balls move. Such mysteries highlight God’s creativity. In His work of creation, God appointed the land to “produce vegetation” in the form of plants and trees (Genesis 1:11).

His design included glacier mice too, though most of us won’t see them firsthand unless we visit a glacier that provides a suitable environment for them.

Glacier mice have been charming scientists with their fuzzy green presence since their discovery in the 1950s. When God observed the vegetation He’d created, He declared “that it was good” (v. 12).

We’re surrounded by God’s botanical designs, each demonstrating His creative powers and inviting us to worship Him. We can delight in each of the trees and plants He’s made—for they are good!

When has something in God’s creation brought you joy? What aspect of His creative work most prompts you to worship?

Thank You, God, for the wonder of Your creation and the privilege to learn about You through it.

Although the word Trinity never appears on the pages of Scripture, the idea is pictured repeatedly, beginning with how the Bible describes the events of creation. In Genesis 1, we see God at work in creation (v. 1) and the Spirit of God “hovering” (v. 2) over the created spaces.

In the New Testament, we see Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, play His part in creation. John 1:3 tells us, “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”

Paul added in Colossians 1:16, “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”

The collaborative, harmonious relationship of the three persons of the Godhead becomes to us the ultimate example of unity of heart and purpose.

Learn more about the doctrine of the Trinity.

By Kirsten Holmberg|February 4th, 2022

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Love, Walter and Debbie