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Yes, I took a brief look...Chuck Missler is into the same thing...There are some folks who really believe in that stuff, but for me, I don't...I have a buddy who teaches theology at APU and he says it has some merrit to it...but I say, ''why would God conceal his message?...
Gabbylittleangel said:
For the same reason He spoke in parables?

a parable is different than concealing you mesage. A parable is used to give a better understanding of something, or to make you think more deeply about it.

Concealing it is just an attempt to hide it.

Theres an old Jewish saying that might apply here.

Remember the pig who says,

'I am kosher because I appear kosher. I have split hooves.'

Yet we know the pig is not kosher.

In other words; At first what they are saying appears kosher then it takes a sudden turn.

But then, one must think.... when it comes to study of such matter .... what is kosher? 8-)

And so the question must be asked.....
What is said in the old and new testaments about veering off in all different directions?

Could such studies as intricate as these be considered a type of mysticism that by the time one finds themselves so drawn deeply into it they only just discover that they have all along only been playing puzzling mathematical games that really don't give anything of real value.
Or could such studies truly be useful in revelation more so than what is in plain site in the scriptures without having to do all that mathematical comparisons that just simply assign numbers to names and in the end it means little in comparison to what Christ Jesus really meant to accomplish for us as a foundation from which to build our faith?

Sometimes all that what is sometimes simple, yet sometimes a complex mixing and matching of numbers reminds me of how the Rosicrusians attract people with their own way of the interpretations of numbers and symbols. :-?
It is interesting to see the that 888 means this and 666 means that and 777 means another thing, but really. Does it really help us find more revelation? Or is it like counting the stars and finding that they are all in a mathematical order. It just proves God is a God of order.... really. What more is there to learn from Gematria or this so called "new and improved" form of gematria?

But then I'm leary in spite of how interesting the order of it is, because I was once pulled into the occult and was considered a pro at astrology and numerology and studied many other forms of the occult back in the day before the Holy Spirit revealed to me that it's just elaborate mathematical nonsense, and that isn't the creator at all but is merely only a creation. Then one must make a decision.... and look at what the scriptures teach us as to which one am I told to focus on, the creation or the creator? should I really be studying numbers rather than studying the moral value of the "word". I think the answer is clear. :)

God favored David because he was a man after His heart. What do numbers have to do with the heart?
888 is just another name for Jesus, but in mathematical terms. What other value is there in knowing that much about an assigned number to a name?
I think that certain varieties of gematria isn't that much different than numerology.
There are many versions of it, not unlike the fact that there are many versions of the study of Kabbalah. So what is kosher here? Is it that important that we should delve into these types of interpretations, is it that important to do so? I have my doubts about going too deeply into gematria to the point that you loose sight of the creator and get lost in the creation....

Are these types of studies Golden calves maybe? :smt017

Also, looks to me like they want to sell you a wide variety of product and books, but then who isn't out to do that now a day? :-?

I would think there is a very thin line that is drawn here and very careful consideration must be made as to decide to cross over it or not. Ya know? :smt102

Just some thoughts to toss around. :angel:

I've checked the site, and read almost all of the articles. I don't find anything wrong about it neither anything significant.

It is not bad to check though, but it takes wisdom to discern, so pray for God's wisdom to guide you if ever you plan on pursuing it.

However, if this theomatics goes far from the main theme and message of Christianity, it might not be wise.
Okay - I will be honest up front - I skimmed some of the pages - did not do a thorough reading of every article... However, i did find this gem which raised a few questions:

Theomatics said:
NOTE: Theomatics is not the very first time in history where the concept of the numerical values has been applied to Hebrew and Greek words in the Bible. (For example, the ancient practice of gematria and Jews with their Kabala).
However, theomatics is: (1) the first time in history where the principles according to which this structure operates have been discovered and made explicable, and (2) the fact that God did this can be proven in a scientific manner that is both repeatable and predictable. Nothing before in history has ever operated on the collective principles demonstrated in theomatics. But the basis is historical.

1) Are we supposed to rely on science to be a witness/testimony to God?

2) IF God used a "code" to reveal spiritual truths - does that not nullify the purpose of the Written Word?

3) Just because it has a 'basis in history' does not make it biblical.

Also, in one of the examples of Theomatics, it states that the number for Jesus Christ is 888 - and then it states that if you divide that in half you get 444, half again, 222, half again 111 - and then proceedes to show all the examples of 111 - but never explains why you had to divide 888 in half 3 times to get to 111 - why not just divide by 8?!?

Then I found this little gem that should be a warning to all:

What this numbering system that God has placed does, is bring forth the deeper meanings of scripture. In otherwords, God placed within the text of His Word a code or "hidden revelatory process" that will ultimately reveal the symbolism that exists in Genesis, Daniel, Revelation ~ and for that matter, the entire Bible.

Once all of this is understood more fully, we will for once and for ever arrive at determining what God's original intended meaning was. Theomatics takes nothing away from the literal words, but establishes the fact that God has protected His truth with symbolism, parables, and allegories. Theomatics completely destroys the popular fundamentalist/evangelical premise of trying to interpret everything in the Bible ONLY historically and ONLY literally.
I am skeptical of Theomatics and in agreement with alonevoice's characterization and suspicions.