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This Is A Crazy Translation Of The Bible

Do you have any evidence that the Bible has been altered or is that your opinion? I am not saying that there are no mistranslations.....I could show you a few but they don't change the Bible drastically and can be detected even by comparing different versions. The Spirit of God can even show you the minor errors that are there.

The Bible tells us that mankind will become worse than they were in distance past. Do you believe that people in the Old Testament time ever thought that people would entertain themselves by watching pornography? Or that some men would rape babies? Sure there were some Nations such as Sodom and Gomorrah that were very immoral people, but they were not the majority. Don't take me wrong, I am not saying that most people back then were righteous either.<O:p</O:p

Evidence? Read about ancient Mesopotamian history. Start with the Sumerians. Read about Babylon and all of the cultures myths and religions merged/destroyed just because opposing armies took over. Look at Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.. all altered versions of each other. Then you have all of the translations and denominations. Obviously, people have differing beliefs to the point where they will hate each other for some reason.

It really baffles me that people can be so arrogant about their own version of the bible.. all the while people are holding their version of the bible and doing the same exact thing.
Evidence? Read about ancient Mesopotamian history. Start with the Sumerians. Read about Babylon and all of the cultures myths and religions merged/destroyed just because opposing armies took over. Look at Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.. all altered versions of each other. Then you have all of the translations and denominations. Obviously, people have differing beliefs to the point where they will hate each other for some reason.

It really baffles me that people can be so arrogant about their own version of the bible.. all the while people are holding their version of the bible and doing the same exact thing.

You still have not provided any proof that the Bible is altered, all you did was make more accusations.
Friends, The KJV (KING JAMES VERSION), is good enough for most Christians. It is mainly WRONG in Hebrews 6:6, when the KJV says "IF". It should read, "And having fallen away ..." NOT "IF they should fall away ...". There is no "IF" in the Greek of the NT. in USA Scott Harrington

Personally, I do not adhere to any particular translation…..I have 21 versions of the Bible. The KJV has its problems that some other translations do not. But even those same one do have some problems as well. It is not always easy to translate from one language to another, let alone something that was written thousands of years ago. So it is always best to have several different translations.<O:p</O:p
You still have not provided any proof that the Bible is altered, all you did was make more accusations.

I figured that would be the answer.

What you want me to reply with is.. I have no evidence that God didn't protect the bible from man's inherent sin.

What are the Christian Bible and the Qur'an if not altered versions of the Torah?
They're the Torah altered or with added stories.

That's like saying Harry Potter is a rip off of Lord of the Rings just because they both have elves or that Star Wars is a rip off of Star Trek because they both got ugly species of humanoids.

I realize you are probably going for that "awe" factor, but seriously, at what cost man, at what cost?! I mean "awe" factors are great and all, but your status as an intelligent person is not worth that, is it?

Yes I just insinuated that by saying the Gospel is an altered Tanakh is the verge of stupidity.
I figured that would be the answer.

What you want me to reply with is.. I have no evidence that God didn't protect the bible from man's inherent sin.

What are the Christian Bible and the Qur'an if not altered versions of the Torah?

You would need to provide proof. But I already know the answer to that……you don’t have any; it is just your opinion.<O:p</O:p
That's like saying Harry Potter is a rip off of Lord of the Rings just because they both have elves or that Star Wars is a rip off of Star Trek because they both got ugly species of humanoids.

I realize you are probably going for that "awe" factor, but seriously, at what cost man, at what cost?! I mean "awe" factors are great and all, but your status as an intelligent person is not worth that, is it?

Yes I just insinuated that by saying the Gospel is an altered Tanakh is the verge of stupidity.

Christianity and Islam sprouted from Judaism, right? Judaism is a collection of stories influenced or taken from Ancient Mesopotamian cultures myths and religions.. like the Sumerians, The Akkadians, The Canaanites, Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Hurians, and Midianites.. etc.. I mean, all of those mentioned had myths and stories that are in the old testament.. and most of them seem to stem from some Sumerian mythology. The Tower of Babel, the Great Deluge.. etc.

Islamic people believe that the Hebrew Bible, and New Testament are neglected, corrupted, or altered in time by Jews and Christians.

Actually, I'd like to hear why these aren't the same religions altered by culture and time, if you'd like to share without being extremely hostile.
You would need to provide proof. But I already know the answer to that……you don’t have any; it is just your opinion.<O:p</O:p

I feel like people are even more arrogant and hostile now that someone put 'not a christian' next to my name.

I'd like to point out that I don't worship any other Gods. I'm not atheist. I grew up Christian and it feels like its just coded into my brain now.. theres no possible way I can choose another religion cause I'll always feel like Im going to go to hell for doing so.

But I do have a problem with some things that don't seem to make sense to me. This all stemmed from me reading about Ancient Mesopotamia.. but before then I wasn't exactly a good little Christian boy either. It just seems all the more odd now.
I feel like people are even more arrogant and hostile now that someone put 'not a christian' next to my name.

I'd like to point out that I don't worship any other Gods. I'm not atheist. I grew up Christian and it feels like its just coded into my brain now.. theres no possible way I can choose another religion cause I'll always feel like Im going to go to hell for doing so.

But I do have a problem with some things that don't seem to make sense to me. This all stemmed from me reading about Ancient Mesopotamia.. but before then I wasn't exactly a good little Christian boy either. It just seems all the more odd now.

Such as....
Actually, I'd like to hear why these aren't the same religions altered by culture and time, if you'd like to share without being extremely hostile.

Just because someone goes around telling people that George Clooney is their father because they have the same last name does not make George Clooney their father.

The Tanakh is the Christian Old Testament. When the Jews read their Tanakh and the Christians read the Old Testament they are reading the same exact book.

Islam comes along and does not uphold the Old Testament nor the New Testament. It's convenient for Islam to say that the Bible is "corrupted" and was changed and altered, yet provide no proof for this claim as to what was corrupted, when it was corrupted, and why it was corrupted.
Christianity and Islam sprouted from Judaism, right? Judaism is a collection of stories influenced or taken from Ancient Mesopotamian cultures myths and religions.. like the Sumerians, The Akkadians, The Canaanites, Babylonians, Assyrians, Hittites, Hurians, and Midianites.. etc.. I mean, all of those mentioned had myths and stories that are in the old testament.. and most of them seem to stem from some Sumerian mythology. The Tower of Babel, the Great Deluge.. etc.

Ah, I see where you are going. Sorry for the hostility before, I honestly thought you were going down one of those paths that crazy Bible-haters drudge down.

Listen, the Greeks have a flood story. The Native Americans have a flood story. The Norse have a flood story. The Celts have a flood story. The Egyptians have a flood story. The Chinese have a flood story. The tribes of Africa have a flood story. The Mayans have a flood story. The Gaelics have a flood story.

Does that mean that the Jews took the flood story from all of them also? No, the more logical conclusion is that a flood really did occur. Nearly every culture that dates back to at least 4000 years ago (roughly) has some sort of flood story. If Genesis wasn't so hated and dumped upon by "intellectuals" the conclusion would be a flood happened, but instead the conclusion is drawn that they "stole" stories from one another.

Furthermore if you approach the parallels between Sumerian culture and the Bible from any view besides that of a historian the whole thing becomes a shaky argument at best.

My own conclusion is that evidently Sumerian "myth" is really just the facts that have been embellished over, but for some odd reason people do not want to listen to this (probably because it is just SOOO easy).

As for the Bible thing, no the Gospel is not a reprint with alterations of the Tanakh it is the continued story. Is Kings a reprint with alterations of Genesis? Nope, and yet they were written at very different times. Some of the younger books in the Tanakh only predate the Gospel by 300 years or so, and some of the older books predate the younger books of the Tanakh by more than 500 years. Further, the gospel is only divided in some Christian denominations. Many of the Arabic and African denominations have a single Bible with no defining page between the OT and the NT.

FYI, you seem to be confused on this... Judaism and Christianity ARE the same thing. The problem is the Jews did not want to admit that the Messiah had come (due to power issues and such) and so the Christians had to be called something else, but for all intents and purposes modern day Christianity is the Judaism of Jesus' time and modern day Judaism is the thing that off-shot from Christianity... much like Islam