His_nee (Jeff)
perhaps this isn't 'casual' like for the lounge, but really is important more and more, well, always, in all lives.
God isn't pleased when we get tricked into wasting our time (me, my, I do, oy veh! ) with tv, internet, games, distractions, etc et al ad infinitum, ad nauseum, intercostaldispensational -isms (a'right, made that one up
but, still, casually and seriously, is my/our/your/his/her/their time spent serving the One True God Yhwh Elohim, or any other ?
no, we can't be a monk (although I like the tv show, except for the sikologists) , unless God says "You're a monk" which would not be likely, at least not in english, in the common vocation of monk (nor a nun).... (but and or that's for another door/thread/notice )
NO OTHER GOD'S ...... simple, right ?
aarrgghum (clear's throat) ... Excuse me. Not so simple. Well, yes, 'simple' for a child... but not so simple in our society nor in our churches nor anywhere human's dwell on earth (yet) as 'adults' mess things up so readily (willingly and often, almost always).....
well, time is short (in sooooo many ways..) and I've got to go pay bills ("W" 'o' "R" 'k')....... for a while.
Tonight, Shabbat Shalom ! YEAH!
oh, i forgot about g..gl, .m.zon. or f.ceb..k... --- the 'gods' of the internet web.....
HAPPY to forget those things for a while, for a good long while..... until later then, SHALOM to all who love ABBA and seek His Life in Christ Jesus the Lord and Savior forever. Amein.
my 'j' "O" 'b' takes me in and out a lot, daily, often, frequently, fairly often, sometimes not, so I'll see you when I see you, Lord Willing.
.......................................................... "as Christ's, heal one another" ....................................................................
God isn't pleased when we get tricked into wasting our time (me, my, I do, oy veh! ) with tv, internet, games, distractions, etc et al ad infinitum, ad nauseum, intercostaldispensational -isms (a'right, made that one up

but, still, casually and seriously, is my/our/your/his/her/their time spent serving the One True God Yhwh Elohim, or any other ?
no, we can't be a monk (although I like the tv show, except for the sikologists) , unless God says "You're a monk" which would not be likely, at least not in english, in the common vocation of monk (nor a nun).... (but and or that's for another door/thread/notice )
NO OTHER GOD'S ...... simple, right ?
aarrgghum (clear's throat) ... Excuse me. Not so simple. Well, yes, 'simple' for a child... but not so simple in our society nor in our churches nor anywhere human's dwell on earth (yet) as 'adults' mess things up so readily (willingly and often, almost always).....
well, time is short (in sooooo many ways..) and I've got to go pay bills ("W" 'o' "R" 'k')....... for a while.
Tonight, Shabbat Shalom ! YEAH!
oh, i forgot about g..gl, .m.zon. or f.ceb..k... --- the 'gods' of the internet web.....

my 'j' "O" 'b' takes me in and out a lot, daily, often, frequently, fairly often, sometimes not, so I'll see you when I see you, Lord Willing.

.......................................................... "as Christ's, heal one another" ....................................................................