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Bible Study Thy Kingdom Come


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When we pray, 'Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.' (Matt 6:7) what does it mean, 'Thy kingdom come?' What are we actually asking?

I'm doing a study on the Lords Prayer. Would appreciate hearing different people’s perception concerning this part of it.


Cyberseeker said:

When we pray, 'Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.' (Matt 6:7) what does it mean, 'Thy kingdom come?' What are we actually asking?

I'm doing a study on the Lords Prayer. Would appreciate hearing different people’s perception concerning this part of it.



I think that a clue to what you are asking is in Revelation 5:8-10. And what are the saints praying? The fulfillment is in Revelation 11:15 and Revelation 12:10 since from the start of time it was a constant battle between Satan's Kingdom and God's Kingdom, i.e. "THY Kingdom come..." God's Kingdom will be fully realized in the end as Revelation states.

I personally believe there will be an actual physical Kingdom here on this earth but is merged with that which is Spiritual. The Bible teaches an earthly counterpart and "type" of the spiritual. But one cannot be separated from the other.
Well, Cyberseeker, i will give my understanding of this passage, but it's up to each one to study and compare.

Upon careful reading in Matt. 5:1, I see Jesus went up on a mountainside away from the crowds, where his disciples came to him.

So, this model prayer, as well as the Beatitudes and all the rules for true living He taught, were to his disciples.

I believe "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.." is a prayer asking for the Messianic kingdom to come. This kingdom has been the hope of Israel for centuries. For that to have happened, all Israel would have had to repent and be 'born again'. So, the attitude of the heart was the important thing for his disciples to learn.
Now, this would not be something new, for after his baptism and subsequent temptation by Satan, and after he heard that John the baptist was in jail, he began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." (Matt. 4:17).

Sorry, I’ve been away for a month. I’ve finished my study on the ‘Lords Prayer.’ Thanks for the comments and help. Here is my conclusion concerning the bit about “thy kingdom come.†Hope you like it. :)
"Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (Matt 6:10)

The kingdom of God is both present as well as future. It is that kingdom where his will is done, and wherever there are people who do His will, there is the kingdom of God. It is an outpost, so to speak, of the kingdom which is in heaven. So when we pray, "Your kingdom come" we are saying, "Gods kingdom already pioneered on earth be extended." Simultaneously we are saying, "Gods kingdom in its fullness come", when he returns.




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