Tiny dinosaur discovered
http://www.ITN.com - Tuesday, February 12 09:31 am
Scientists believe they have found evidence of a tiny pterodactyl in China.
The toothless flying reptile has been studied at Brazil's national museum, where it was found to have a wing span of just 250 millimetres (9.8 inches) and unexpectedly-curved toes.
Most pterodactyl fossils are found in coastal areas but this specimen was discovered in the western part of China's Liaoning province, which would have been covered in forest 120 million years ago.
As a result, scientists have called the reptile "Nemicolopterus crypticus," which means 'hidden flying forest dweller',
Palaeontologist Alexander Kellner said: "The fundamental importance of this discovery is that it opens up a new chapter in the history of evolution of these flying reptiles.
"So far, we never knew that these animals were adapted to live in the canopies of the trees, which is the case of the Nemicolopterus."
The tiny fossilised reptile has a skull that is not fully fused, so it died before reaching adulthood, but the ends of the bones were developed, so it was not a hatchling either.
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Let's see & influence global news coverage, OK?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/articles/ - slow again - try later to inform 'em - or ASAP?
http://www.cbn.com - try later to inform 'em - or ASAP?
http://www.jpost.com - try later to inform 'em - or ASAP?
Google/yahoo media ..
@ Berlin .. Paris .. Vienna .. LA .. NYC .. Sydney .. Auckland .. Hong Kong .. Singapore .. London .. Mumbai .. Beijing .. Toronto .. Rome .. Lisbon.. Madrid .. etc .. etc
& link 'em to the many learned articles, magazines, books, DVDs, CDs, MP3s etc @
https://store.creationontheweb.com/uk/i ... 866d8687f7
http://www.creationontheweb.com/content/view/4859/ - details of 50/60 events all over UK soon
http://www.creationism.org/library/index.htm - inc audio cassettes & DVDs etc
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Do link 'em to my lyric, in Creative Writing Forum, "All The Wonders Of The Universe"
One-liner buffs can just say ..
Intelligent Design Creationists walk round with our eyes open ..
& clean the lens of telescopes/microscopes before use ..
Do you?
Darwin drivel is a flimsy house of cards whose collapse was accelerated by Dr Adrian Snelling & Prof Philip Johnson's UK lecture tour of UK, 3/4 years ago, that released public demand for what is now the 3rd edition, A4 size full colour magazine format 28-page student mobiliser offered in Feb Elim Direction & AoG new magazine from New Life Publishing
Day One Publications '07 book "Truth, Lies & Science Teaching" by award-winning Dr Paul Taylor, M.SC, M.Ed, foreword by the brilliant, witty CEO of AiG - Scouse Prof Dr Monty White
Correct 'The Nutty Prof' - Richard ('Dorky') Dawkins at his blasphemous imminent http://www.Liverpool.08.com public Culture Vultures' lecture @ Liverpool Uni, 6.30, Feb 25
He has defined biology as the study of species that appear to have been designed for a purpose
They were, Dork![/b]
Each & every species were Designer-made by the Most Brilliant Brain In The Universe - its Almighty Creator
& John 1, Colossians 1 & Hebrews 1 are crystal clear that Jesus is the Almighty Creator in human form
Cue Romans 1:18-32 & 1 Corinthians 1:18-27 - http://www.BibleGateway.org
See also The Revised Expanded Answers Book, editted by Dr Jonathan Sarfati of http://www.AnswersInGenesis.org
& daily lunchtime & evening AiG shows at http://www.Genesis.TV & http://www.RevelationTV.com
Yahoo have a 2nd feature @ the theories @ dinosaur extinction, which Dr Monty White famously & repeatedly exposed & mocked in several phone-ins there recently, yes?
Ban the sinister establishment's atheistic brainwashing from continually forcing vulnerable young pupils & sudents to parrot evo-loopy lies
& from forbidding them to expose the ridiculous microbes-to-man, goo-to-you garbage
Their lectures are demos of how trash gets from the lecturers' notes to the students' notes without passing thru the brains of either
Altogether now...
"We don't need no thought control!
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone!!
Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone!!
All in all, it's just Another Brick In The Wall!
All in all, you're just Another Brick In The Wall![/i]
Campaign for freedom of academic thought!
Campaign for freedom of speech!!
God bless!