nero committed suicide, It is beyond delusional to say that was YESHUA destroying him with the brightness of His coming in 70 AD
2Th 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom HaAdonai shall consume with the Spirit of His Mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming:
Preterism at its core is anti-Jewish...Saying YAH is done with the Jewish people as a couldn't be more is a doctrine of demons...a lie from the father of lies
Preterism is strong delusion, if the light that it in you is darkness, how deep is that darkness
I read in another post and I do not remember if it was in this forum or another where someone said exactly what I believe ....I am only responsible for what I say ... Not what you believe ... He will bring every work into judgment whether IT be good or bad......after Pentecost 666 discoveries.. doing these daily, not in advance, takes my undivided attention...I made a mistake earlier...For those who saw It and see the correction or made it themselves, we learned something.... the traffic to the biblewheel site has more than doubled over the past few months, breaking the most online at one time on 5/12/14 823, breaking the record set a week earlier...which broke the record which stood for the past couple of years which was 705, my goal is to get it to 1000, then 5000 YAH willing, and He is...It is not my site, I am banned from the forum...Richard saw the latest in a private e-mail awhile back and said, I will let you post IT, but he didn't because that time I came with Probability and statistics occurrence factors that began at 700 million to 1 then Immeasurable, so high...on the right hand column of this page
I know what this Is, others are getting IT Too
Baruch haShem
Boker Tov Yisra'EL