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[_ Old Earth _] To "Christian" evolutionists


I've always been curious about what "Christian" evolutionists tell their children about where they came from. Do they tell them that they're no better than animals who came from the wombs of apes? Or do they tell them they were created by a God who loves them? :-?

I'm also curious what part "Christian" evolutionists think God plays in our creation. When does he enter the picture in forming us human beings? Do Christian evolutionists think that we're all accidents of nature like atheists believe? If not, then when did God start "knitting" us in the womb? Maybe after the first 200 transitional species? Or perhaps when man became fully speaking and started dressing more civilized?

Or maybe Christian evolutionists don't think God had anything to do with man's creation and he just has to deal with the accidental mutations that occurred when an unknown beast mated with another unknown beast and had an unknown offpsring. So what do "Christian" evolutionists believe? Thank you. :)
The point of genesis is to show that God created everything. "Christian" evolutionists as you call them, don't believe in a literal interpretation of the whole Bible (mainly Genesis) and tell their children that they were born from a woman's womb by the grace of God.

So Heidi what do you "Christian" creationists believe? How do you pick and choose what to take literally and not? Why do you stick your fingers in your ears when you hear about science and evolution?

By the way, you still have not shown any comprehension of the Theory of Evolution. Perhaps you should stick with a subject you can comprehend because it is blatantly obvious you don't know what the Theory of Evolution is because its not acceptable how you argue against evolution. Thats fine if you disagree with evolution but at least try and learn it.
Most Christians accept that evolution is consistent with our faith. We teach our kids the same things Jesus taught.

We don't add things like a 4,000 year old earth, or "life ex nihilo" that are part of YE creationism. We don't add them, because we think it is wrong to add to God's Word.
blunthitta4life said:
The point of genesis is to show that God created everything. "Christian" evolutionists as you call them, don't believe in a literal interpretation of the whole Bible (mainly Genesis) and tell their children that they were born from a woman's womb by the grace of God.

So Heidi what do you "Christian" creationists believe? How do you pick and choose what to take literally and not? Why do you stick your fingers in your ears when you hear about science and evolution?

By the way, you still have not shown any comprehension of the Theory of Evolution. Perhaps you should stick with a subject you can comprehend because it is blatantly obvious you don't know what the Theory of Evolution is because its not acceptable how you argue against evolution. Thats fine if you disagree with evolution but at least try and learn it.

We don't play God. That means we don't decide which parts of the bible are true and which are false. As Jesus says; "Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God." And God tells us how he created man in Genesis; from the dust of the ground.

So since I understand evoution to claim that man came from apes and you say I don't understand it, then once again you are denying your own theory. But if evolution claims that man came from somewhere else, then by all means, explain it to me which I asked you to do in my OP. :)
The Barbarian said:
Most Christians accept that evolution is consistent with our faith. We teach our kids the same things Jesus taught.

We don't add things like a 4,000 year old earth, or "life ex nihilo" that are part of YE creationism. We don't add them, because we think it is wrong to add to God's Word.

And where did Jesus teach that man came from apes? :o Verses please. Or are you adding to Jesus words? :-? If not, then you should be able to provide the verses where Jesus taught us that man was formed from the wombs of apes. So let's see them. :)
As a Christian I accept the fact of evolution. It is beyond mere theory though that is the word used by all scientists. The facts are irrefutable.

All of creation is sacred. One of the truths taught in the myths of creation is that "God saw all that He had made and it was very good." To quote a small child. "God don't create no junk."

What did I tell my children?--the truth.

Where does God come into it all. Right at the very beginning even before the big bang.

Ted :D
Ted said:
As a Christian I accept the fact of evolution. It is beyond mere theory though that is the word used by all scientists. The facts are irrefutable.

All of creation is sacred. One of the truths taught in the myths of creation is that "God saw all that He had made and it was very good." To quote a small child. "God don't create no junk."

What did I tell my children?--the truth.

Where does God come into it all. Right at the very beginning even before the big bang.

Ted :D

What facts? What you call facts are all refutable because:

1) Animals can't breed human descendants because they don't have human genes
2) There are no accounts of ancient peoples anywhere on earth talking about their vine-swinging ancestors. :lol:
3) No one has witnessed an animal turning into a human being
4) Hybrids are almost always sterile so they can't breed any offspring much less large populations of their own. So humans cannot be the hybrid of a fictious beast who mated with another fictitions beast. :lol:
5) No one know who this common ancestor is, how many there were what they look like, when they lived or how they got on earth. So they're as imaginary as king kong is.
6) No one knows who the first talking man was, when he lived and who his parents were
7) There's no way to prove what these "transitional species" wore, what they did, what color eyes and hair they had, etc. those are all drawings from the imaginations of men.
8)Lions, tigers, bears, gorillas, zebras, etc. no more change into humans than humans change into animals.
9) The theory of evolution is thus, as imaginary as looking at skulls and bones and speculating what they could be. :lol:

And on and on and on. So the only reason you believe in evolution is because any Tom, Dick or Harry who completed the courswork in college to receive a degree says so. :lol: So since evolution is from the imaginations of men, then it's as imaginary as claiming that te skulls and bones they found were once Martians (as some scientists have actually claimed).

So you don't have faith in evolution because it's imaginary. Your faith is in scientists who change their minds with the seasons. Yes, indeed, as God says, the wisdom of the world is foolishness in his sight" as the theory of evolution shows. ;-)
Heidi, you are entitled to your opinion. It is one that I strongly disagree with. People keep telling me there are no transitional fossils. That is an out and out lie.

I might very well be a monkey's uncle but that is unimportant. The current understanding is that both primates and man came from a common ancestor. The more research that is done the older the fossils are, that are discovered. No I accept evolution because it is beyond theory there is enough evidence to make it a fact whether some like it or not.

Anyway you are certainly entitled to your opinion as I am.

Ted :D
Heidi, "the wisdom of the world is foolishness" does not come from God but the very human who wrote that particular saying. God did not sit up there dictating. Although that picture in my head is rather humorous.

Ted :D
Ted said:
Heidi, you are entitled to your opinion. It is one that I strongly disagree with. People keep telling me there are no transitional fossils. That is an out and out lie.

I might very well be a monkey's uncle but that is unimportant. The current understanding is that both primates and man came from a common ancestor. The more research that is done the older the fossils are, that are discovered. No I accept evolution because it is beyond theory there is enough evidence to make it a fact whether some like it or not.

Anyway you are certainly entitled to your opinion as I am.

Ted :D

You can believe anything you want. But claiming you have facts to back up your beliefs is as false as claiming there are facts that the world was once ruled by King Kong. :lol: It's not hard to do what evolutionary scientists do. All one has to do is find rocks and declare that they were once Martians because he has a Ph.d. And laymen who can't think for themselves say; 'Duh, yeah, I can't tink, so dose scientists must be right, uh-huh, uh-huh." :lol:

So my beliefs are baed on the facts that apes don't turn into humans in reality. So I'll stick with reality. You can stick with made-up stories instead, which you're entitled to do. :)
Heidi, by all means stick to what you believe and I shall do likewise.

As far as proof of evolution goes one could start looking it up but it will take a long time to read it all. It is irrefutable.

And where did Jesus teach that man came from apes?

Same verse in which He said protons were part of atoms. You see, not everything that's true, is in scripture.

Or are you adding to Jesus words?

No, that is what you are doing, by adding your new doctrine of creationism to scripture. Since Genesis directly refutes the "life ex nihilo" doctrine of YE creationism, you cannot consistently believe God and be a YE creationist.
Ted said:
Heidi, "the wisdom of the world is foolishness" does not come from God but the very human who wrote that particular saying. God did not sit up there dictating. Although that picture in my head is rather humorous.

Ted :D

Do you know the difference between speculation and facts? Here's an example: If someone finds a rock and says; "that looks like a dog", does that prove it was a dog? :o No, because that's called speculation. And that's exactly what evolutionary scientists do whenever they find bones because they have a preconceived idea of what they're looking for. So they aren't being objective. Therefore, the old saying; "Archeologists alway find what they're looking for" shows the foolishness and bias of men. All you have to do is understand why humans don't breed giraffes as descendants and you will know why apes can't breed human descendants. ;-)
Heidi :D

Where are the concrete facts that you supposedly have? I haven't seen any.

Ted :D
Ted said:
Heidi :D

Where are the concrete facts that you supposedly have? I haven't seen any.

Ted :D

Then you're dliberately closing your eyes to them because they're all around you in the way animals and humans breed. Do you not know that apes breed baby apes and not transitional species? If not, then it might benefit you to go to a zoo or better yet, go to the children's dept. of your local library and look at a picture book to see what apes and humans breed.

And in order to know why evolution is impossible, you also have to know why humans don't breed giraffes as descendants. Do you know why that is? Or not? :o
And in order to know why evolution is impossible, you also have to know why humans don't breed giraffes as descendants.

See this is why America lags behind in science. Thank the religious right for Heidi's education.
Just admit it Heidi, your Christian beliefs are what makes you not accept evolution. It is obvious since you have not shown ONE single, tiny, minuscule amount of information to in anyway shape or form challenge evolution.

I just graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Texas and it amuses me and some of my science buddies at how ignorant people are of what the theory of evolution says and means. People like Heidi have no clue of the amount the theory of evolution is used in medical research, ecological research, and surprisingly information technology. There is no question whether or not evolution happens anymore. We use the principals of evolution all the time to treat new diseases, create new medicines, evaluate ecosystems, and come up with evolutionary based algorithms. So naive about the world of science Heidi.
It is interesting that humans share a good many of the same genes as other primates.

Ted :D
Ted said:
It is interesting that humans share a good many of the same genes as other primates.

Ted :D

No it isn't because it makes perfect sense considering that animals, like humans also have to; breathe, eat, sleept, drink, reproduce and protect themselves against predators. Dogs and cats look alike as well as lions and tigers. But that no more makes a dog a cat than it makes a lion a tiger. :lol: So atheists first have to distinguish between humans and animals so they can see why one cannot breed the other. It's really quite simple as the truth always is. Only lies are convulted, because they're doubletalk. :)
Heidi :D

The fact is we share many of the same genes because we come from the same source. Apes have one more Chromosome than humans. Those with Downs Syndrome have an extra but smaller "Y" chromosome.

There is nothing whatsoever imaginary about evolution except in the eyes of those who cannot face the truth.

A good question to consider is why they cannot face the truth.

Ted :D
Heidi :D

You have still not offered any facts to support your point of view. Look around me does not cut it. What are the facts that show evolution is false?

Ted :D