How is this even remotely comparable to the Islamic belief of gettng rewarded or guaranteed a place in heaven for committing jihad ?
Can you provide one scripture from the Bible that says believers get rewarded for committing atrocities ?
You are now both twisting my words and what the word Jihad means.
Nice try. You want me to back up a misrepresentation.
A Jihad in Islam is
ANY act in the name of Allah. In the US, the only time Americans hear the word jihad, is when its tied to terrorism. But if you had actually read the very Chapters you quote mined you would learn that Jihad is the equivalent to acts of God that Hindus, Christians, and Jews also do.
Jihad is manipulated to convince people to do horrible acts, just like how some Christians blow up abortion clinics because the doctors are going agaisnt God.
You are going in a cirlce. You want to justify your biggotry towards a group of people by searching for cryptic passages in their holy book. Just like how many people scower the Bible for cryptic passages to use against Christians.
Here's a classic from the book of Mathew., "blessed is he who bashes their children against the wall" See, anyone can find fun little passages to throw at people.
Just admit you have problems with Muslims, and instead of attacking individual leaders you just lump them all together in a nameless mass, and use singular lines fished out of the Koran to justify it.
I'm getting tired of this " I'm special, they are evil" mentality in this country. Here's another Mathew verse.
7.5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye
Context, Jesus told his followers to first acknowledge their own faults before lambasting others for the SAME faults.