- Jan 3, 2024
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- #21
A spirit of abominable desolation 1/2
We clean our souls, but we may not invite Jesus inside every evening. And the evening is an important moment.
Our house can be cleaned after confession and decorated with prayers. Unfortunately, it may be empty. It is simply an abomination of desolation. It looks like a church without a tabernacle.
So what if I can even invite church hierarchs and so on, they pass by in their red clothes, but there is no tabernacle. The abomination of desolation is a prophetic concept, first signifying a temple without the presence of God.
This Jerusalem temple without the Shekhin, but also a believer who does not care about the state of sanctifying grace. He believes, but he is not in a close relationship with Jesus, he has nothing to do with Jesus at all, not to mention what He imagines about God, because it may even offend Him.
This is what the Lord is calling us to today, let's listen to one more word: Matthew 12:44. Then this unclean spirit, seeing that it cannot find peace in the wilderness and in waterless places, says to itself: "I will return to my house, from whence I came." And when he came to him, he found him unoccupied, swept, and garnished.
This word is important: unoccupied, empty. The Latin text could be translated: "found unoccupied, cleansed and decorated with brooms." Three features are highlighted that characterize a person capable of accepting, without noticing, this demon and his seven cronies, because the inside of a person is unoccupied.
Someone was missing there. Whom? God. What are these seven other ghosts? You don't have to be very clever to guess that these are the 7 deadly sins. The parable gives us the cause of all our sins, whether there are 20 of them, these deadly sins, or 7, or 5, the number is arbitrary.
One thing is important: all sins depend on whether the heart is occupied by God or not.
If I don't look him in the eye during the day, it's a matter of minutes or hours before the guys with this one unclean spirit will come back. It's a matter of time. Then the evil spirit goes and takes with him 7 other spirits more malicious than himself.
They go in and live there, and the man's subsequent condition becomes worse than his former condition. So it will be with this perverse generation. The evil spirit enters without any problem, why? Because the house was unoccupied.
This "unoccupied" is 15 minutes, half an hour in the evening, when darkness is approaching. Your soul can become the prey of evil spirits at any time. If you haven't invited Jesus into your heart yet.
In the biographies of the most holy people we can see what Satan's work means. They often felt very overwhelmed, and only because they had a huge attachment to Jesus, these evenings were truly Jesus-like, and because this attachment was strong, they did not become possessed and did not fall into sins.
And even if they fell, God raised them up and they converted. In violent winds you need to be tied tightly to some mast to be stronger than the wind. We know a myth about Odysseus, who tied himself to the mast of the ship when the voices of sirens deceived him, he no longer trusted himself and became tied to his own strength.
To be attached to Jesus is to be attached with feelings, otherwise there is a risk of invasion by these seven and eighth evil spirits. Some saints tested what the action and power of evil spirits meant. This is not pleasant at all.
Father Docampo, who lived in the 16th century, was beaten with his own hands and involuntarily destroyed images of Our Lady. Saint Teresa the Great writes in one of her texts one day: "Satan was causing me terrible pain and causing such confusion in my soul and body that it seemed impossible for me to bear it any longer.
Saint Teresa: Through movements that I could not resist, I was torturing myself pain, hitting my head, shoulders, whole body on objects around me."
Some saints were tempted by Satan to commit suicide. They almost started putting it into practice. He can, for a very small reason, cause a grudge against God, accuse God, and annihilate himself.
The evil spirit made them curse their lives, for example, Saint Magdalene, in one of her great trials, suddenly left the chapel, ran quickly to the refectory, took a knife to kill herself. She didn't know what she was doing next time, so she ordered herself to be tied up so as not to succumb to similar tendencies.
This is what wrestling with evil spirits of action means. However, these actions did not incriminate these saints because they were involuntary, they were done in the suspension of consciousness, so that others looking at this event would realize who they were dealing with.
It's not about some little devils from souvenir shops in Krakow. These are not souvenirs, these are powers, either one power or the other power, will rule over you and all thanks to one night with Jesus.
Quite often our souls and the souls of saints were attacked by various ideas, blasphemous and hideous. Sometimes people cannot distinguish it from sin, they cannot tell whether there is something wrong with them, and this is an attack of the evil spirit.
If there was no connection with Jesus, people could go crazy because of it: nightmares, dreams, some visions, terrible images. Saint Alphonsus had shameless visions that even tempted him to doubt his faith.
Saint Alphonsus Liguori, even at the end of his life, had such attacks that he screamed at the entire monastery, not letting others sleep. It was similar with Saint. John Vianney and Padre Pio. We all know what attacks they endured. They were strong wrestlers and they made sure to be with Jesus every day. What could be with us.
The advantage of evil spirits is that we do not believe in them or we underestimate their power. This makes our alertness very sleepy. When I read about Saint Francis, who turned 43, she had a lot of ecstasies and visions at that time,
and these phenomena were interrupted by attacks of demons who even beat her cruelly, disappeared immediately as soon as the household members, attracted by the noise, came to the room, and they say: "I think Franciszka is thinking of something."
Saint Catherine was thrown into the fire several times and emerged unharmed, but this could have terrified her. Saint Agnes was beaten at least twice a week. Saint Magdalene was thrown down the stairs. While she was sitting with her sisters, an invisible hand removed the chair and it fell to the floor. Strange things were happening.
Teresa of Avilla was 62 years old, and an evil spirit threw her down the stairs and she broke her arm. These are not just some games somewhere in our imagination, these are sometimes attacks directly on our body, even on our lives.
We clean our souls, but we may not invite Jesus inside every evening. And the evening is an important moment.
Our house can be cleaned after confession and decorated with prayers. Unfortunately, it may be empty. It is simply an abomination of desolation. It looks like a church without a tabernacle.
So what if I can even invite church hierarchs and so on, they pass by in their red clothes, but there is no tabernacle. The abomination of desolation is a prophetic concept, first signifying a temple without the presence of God.
This Jerusalem temple without the Shekhin, but also a believer who does not care about the state of sanctifying grace. He believes, but he is not in a close relationship with Jesus, he has nothing to do with Jesus at all, not to mention what He imagines about God, because it may even offend Him.
This is what the Lord is calling us to today, let's listen to one more word: Matthew 12:44. Then this unclean spirit, seeing that it cannot find peace in the wilderness and in waterless places, says to itself: "I will return to my house, from whence I came." And when he came to him, he found him unoccupied, swept, and garnished.
This word is important: unoccupied, empty. The Latin text could be translated: "found unoccupied, cleansed and decorated with brooms." Three features are highlighted that characterize a person capable of accepting, without noticing, this demon and his seven cronies, because the inside of a person is unoccupied.
Someone was missing there. Whom? God. What are these seven other ghosts? You don't have to be very clever to guess that these are the 7 deadly sins. The parable gives us the cause of all our sins, whether there are 20 of them, these deadly sins, or 7, or 5, the number is arbitrary.
One thing is important: all sins depend on whether the heart is occupied by God or not.
If I don't look him in the eye during the day, it's a matter of minutes or hours before the guys with this one unclean spirit will come back. It's a matter of time. Then the evil spirit goes and takes with him 7 other spirits more malicious than himself.
They go in and live there, and the man's subsequent condition becomes worse than his former condition. So it will be with this perverse generation. The evil spirit enters without any problem, why? Because the house was unoccupied.
This "unoccupied" is 15 minutes, half an hour in the evening, when darkness is approaching. Your soul can become the prey of evil spirits at any time. If you haven't invited Jesus into your heart yet.
In the biographies of the most holy people we can see what Satan's work means. They often felt very overwhelmed, and only because they had a huge attachment to Jesus, these evenings were truly Jesus-like, and because this attachment was strong, they did not become possessed and did not fall into sins.
And even if they fell, God raised them up and they converted. In violent winds you need to be tied tightly to some mast to be stronger than the wind. We know a myth about Odysseus, who tied himself to the mast of the ship when the voices of sirens deceived him, he no longer trusted himself and became tied to his own strength.
To be attached to Jesus is to be attached with feelings, otherwise there is a risk of invasion by these seven and eighth evil spirits. Some saints tested what the action and power of evil spirits meant. This is not pleasant at all.
Father Docampo, who lived in the 16th century, was beaten with his own hands and involuntarily destroyed images of Our Lady. Saint Teresa the Great writes in one of her texts one day: "Satan was causing me terrible pain and causing such confusion in my soul and body that it seemed impossible for me to bear it any longer.
Saint Teresa: Through movements that I could not resist, I was torturing myself pain, hitting my head, shoulders, whole body on objects around me."
Some saints were tempted by Satan to commit suicide. They almost started putting it into practice. He can, for a very small reason, cause a grudge against God, accuse God, and annihilate himself.
The evil spirit made them curse their lives, for example, Saint Magdalene, in one of her great trials, suddenly left the chapel, ran quickly to the refectory, took a knife to kill herself. She didn't know what she was doing next time, so she ordered herself to be tied up so as not to succumb to similar tendencies.
This is what wrestling with evil spirits of action means. However, these actions did not incriminate these saints because they were involuntary, they were done in the suspension of consciousness, so that others looking at this event would realize who they were dealing with.
It's not about some little devils from souvenir shops in Krakow. These are not souvenirs, these are powers, either one power or the other power, will rule over you and all thanks to one night with Jesus.
Quite often our souls and the souls of saints were attacked by various ideas, blasphemous and hideous. Sometimes people cannot distinguish it from sin, they cannot tell whether there is something wrong with them, and this is an attack of the evil spirit.
If there was no connection with Jesus, people could go crazy because of it: nightmares, dreams, some visions, terrible images. Saint Alphonsus had shameless visions that even tempted him to doubt his faith.
Saint Alphonsus Liguori, even at the end of his life, had such attacks that he screamed at the entire monastery, not letting others sleep. It was similar with Saint. John Vianney and Padre Pio. We all know what attacks they endured. They were strong wrestlers and they made sure to be with Jesus every day. What could be with us.
The advantage of evil spirits is that we do not believe in them or we underestimate their power. This makes our alertness very sleepy. When I read about Saint Francis, who turned 43, she had a lot of ecstasies and visions at that time,
and these phenomena were interrupted by attacks of demons who even beat her cruelly, disappeared immediately as soon as the household members, attracted by the noise, came to the room, and they say: "I think Franciszka is thinking of something."
Saint Catherine was thrown into the fire several times and emerged unharmed, but this could have terrified her. Saint Agnes was beaten at least twice a week. Saint Magdalene was thrown down the stairs. While she was sitting with her sisters, an invisible hand removed the chair and it fell to the floor. Strange things were happening.
Teresa of Avilla was 62 years old, and an evil spirit threw her down the stairs and she broke her arm. These are not just some games somewhere in our imagination, these are sometimes attacks directly on our body, even on our lives.