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Troubling Dream



Hi Everyone,

I had a troubling dream about a month ago and it continues to bother me so I thought I would share it with other Christians to get some advice. A little background needed before I discuss the dream: My parents are not Christians..well my dad accepted Christ years ago and was baptized but he does not pray, read daily, or go to church. He basically lives his life without Christ being a daily factor. My mother is Catholic and believes that Christ is God's son but doesn't believe he is God. I am a terrible evangelist. Even before I was a Christian, it was very difficult for me to speak to others about anything controversial, or anything at all for that matter, let alone being able to do it as a Christian. I clam up when I am asked questions I don't fully know how to answer. Anyway, put it simply, I share my faith when the issue comes up with them, for example, when my mother wanted to know why I wasn't baptizing my babies. I baptized my first child to make her happy but with my next two children I explained to her why baptism is not for infants. We continually disagree. Other than that, I do not out of the blue bring up the discussion of Christ with my parents.

So anyway, I had this dream one night where I was visiting at my parents home and as I was looking out their back patio window, I saw a bright light coming down from the sky. It was a blinding bright light. I instantly knew that it was Jesus returning to earth and I ran into the other room where my parents were and began telling them that they needed to come with me and go to Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior so they wouldn't go to hell forever. They came with me and I took them to Jesus. As we approched Jesus I fell at His feet but he started backing away from us. I cried out to Him telling him to please wait because my parents needed to tell Him something. I started panicking because I didn't want them to go to hell but I really started to panick when He not only was leaving them behind but He was leaving me! I begged to Him, please wait, and asked Him why are you leaving me but He just continued to leave and did not answer me.

After that I woke up and ever since I have been questioning my salvation. Could this dream mean that I am not really saved? Could I be left behind? Why would I have such a terrible dream like this?
tbenitez ,I say this that that is a terrifying Dream. I will say this with all seriousness. DID you continually keep praying to the Lord about this dream. I mean perservere in prayer for this matter because that is the best thing to do.

Matthew 7:7-8) Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Keep asking the Lord why you had this dream. Ask Him to open your unsterstanding on this matter to show you why you had this dream.

Second have you prayerfully tested youself by scripture, 1 John in particular?


1 john 1
6I) f we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:

7) But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.


8I) f we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

9) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

This is a serious thing to consider. Pray to the Lord! Seek the Lord in prayer.
Yes, that is a sad dream! But honestly, you know if you are truly saved or not. You can look through scripture and judge yourself...have you accepted Jesus as your saviour? If you have (and I know you have said you have) then you are saved forever. Our subconsciousness can be strange at times. Perhaps you have been thinking a lot lately about your parents' salvation, and since you know just how awful it would be for them to be rejected for their unbelief maybe your subconscious put you in that position as well. I would continue to pray about it as Copper has already said to do, but you should also trust that God does not lie, and if He has said in His word that "whosoever believes in HIM shall not perish", then that includes you. :yes
Take God at His Word. When I feel that doubt may be creeping in, I try to focus on the Word and His Truth, because my emotions are fleeting and not trust worthy...He alone is faithful and true. The dream seemed to really shake you, and I think it is an attack on your mind. Do not give deception a foothold, but trust God. Pray a simple prayer and ask Him to help you keep the truth forefront.

Just my thoughts.