Hi Elijah here:
To understand where this Only Believe or Once Saved Always Save stuff originates from, all that is needed first is that THESE [ALL DIED IN THE FAITH]! (Heb. 11:13)
OK: The PATTERN of the Earthly Sanctuary was where God directed His Truth for Salvation & met with them! Exod. 25:8-9, Ps. 77:13. God GAVE THE REQUIREMENTS for [ALL TO FOLLOW!] (IF they would, huh!)
It is a required Study for the ones who Truly Love Christ who was then God/Christ & not the Son yet. What we want here though, is what the requirement was & [IF] there could be ANY NEW THING UNDER THE SUN?? Eccl. 3:15. God says that there IS NOT. (unless He has recorded that fact,, such as the 'rainbow' in the sky + Nah. 1:9's Truth)
SO: Surely if one does what satan teaches today, we can check it out in the ones who DIED IN THE FAITH! They were twice daily required to offer a sacrifice on the alter of the Earthly Sanctuary. So when the offering was [FINISHED]... (as we constantly hear by the satan's crew of today ones) ...in the morning offering, then they as we were [IF FAITH] Rom. 8:1 without any CONDEMNATION! Now what was the next required COMMAND? WOW! satan say's, you ARE SAVED & can go back home, there is nothing more to do, WORKS MERIT NOTHING! IT IS FINISHED AND YOU ARE ONCE SAVED AND ALWAYS SAVED!
And friends: Your record Books are still being accurately kept until it is finished! Eccl. 12:13-14.
NO. We are told the next step REQUIRED of God. Even following on & washing at the lavor God had told it in such a way that NO ONE COULD BE 'BABBLING CONFUSED, He stated it 'TWICE THAT THEY DIE NOT'. (try Exod. 30:17-21 & surely one knows about the service of communion & the requirement of self examination? 'many sickly + asleep!)
But the only believism ones as one (Keith) rightly calls them, do teach that these ones were saved by faith at the altar of sacrifice with NO MORE 'ETERNAL CONDITIONAL REQUIREMENT NEEDED FOR BELIEF IN GOD'! Such as Being WASHED, + going Inside Where Christ was & IS at to do the Matt. 4:4 Truth! + the Altar of Incense representing our daily REQUIRED Prayers! And the Candlestick representing the seven (Church) divisions of Earth's LIGHT TO THE WORLD. And only 3 on each side of the CENTER OF THE ETERNAL GOSPEL'S (Rev. 14:6) CENTER/FOLD, THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST!
And regardless of this DAILY requirement for the Holy Place, they were allowed temporary mistakes (sins) up until the yearly Day Of Atonement in the MOST HOLY PLACE. (Lev. 16:5 on) This representing the last WORK OF CHRIST, that is now, PRESENT DAY TRUTH! Both the Jew + the worldly Gentile convert that did not make amends of REQUIRED WORK IN FAITH on the Day of Atonement were to be [CUT OFF],! Lev. 17:8-9.
And these only belivism ones fold, with the Hosea 4:6 INCREASED KNOWLEDGE has been teaching their other garbage as well (Rev. 17:5) for way longer than God bore with the 120 years preaching of Noah + the Holy Spirits STRIVING WITH THEN!
To understand where this Only Believe or Once Saved Always Save stuff originates from, all that is needed first is that THESE [ALL DIED IN THE FAITH]! (Heb. 11:13)
OK: The PATTERN of the Earthly Sanctuary was where God directed His Truth for Salvation & met with them! Exod. 25:8-9, Ps. 77:13. God GAVE THE REQUIREMENTS for [ALL TO FOLLOW!] (IF they would, huh!)
It is a required Study for the ones who Truly Love Christ who was then God/Christ & not the Son yet. What we want here though, is what the requirement was & [IF] there could be ANY NEW THING UNDER THE SUN?? Eccl. 3:15. God says that there IS NOT. (unless He has recorded that fact,, such as the 'rainbow' in the sky + Nah. 1:9's Truth)
SO: Surely if one does what satan teaches today, we can check it out in the ones who DIED IN THE FAITH! They were twice daily required to offer a sacrifice on the alter of the Earthly Sanctuary. So when the offering was [FINISHED]... (as we constantly hear by the satan's crew of today ones) ...in the morning offering, then they as we were [IF FAITH] Rom. 8:1 without any CONDEMNATION! Now what was the next required COMMAND? WOW! satan say's, you ARE SAVED & can go back home, there is nothing more to do, WORKS MERIT NOTHING! IT IS FINISHED AND YOU ARE ONCE SAVED AND ALWAYS SAVED!
And friends: Your record Books are still being accurately kept until it is finished! Eccl. 12:13-14.
NO. We are told the next step REQUIRED of God. Even following on & washing at the lavor God had told it in such a way that NO ONE COULD BE 'BABBLING CONFUSED, He stated it 'TWICE THAT THEY DIE NOT'. (try Exod. 30:17-21 & surely one knows about the service of communion & the requirement of self examination? 'many sickly + asleep!)
But the only believism ones as one (Keith) rightly calls them, do teach that these ones were saved by faith at the altar of sacrifice with NO MORE 'ETERNAL CONDITIONAL REQUIREMENT NEEDED FOR BELIEF IN GOD'! Such as Being WASHED, + going Inside Where Christ was & IS at to do the Matt. 4:4 Truth! + the Altar of Incense representing our daily REQUIRED Prayers! And the Candlestick representing the seven (Church) divisions of Earth's LIGHT TO THE WORLD. And only 3 on each side of the CENTER OF THE ETERNAL GOSPEL'S (Rev. 14:6) CENTER/FOLD, THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST!
And regardless of this DAILY requirement for the Holy Place, they were allowed temporary mistakes (sins) up until the yearly Day Of Atonement in the MOST HOLY PLACE. (Lev. 16:5 on) This representing the last WORK OF CHRIST, that is now, PRESENT DAY TRUTH! Both the Jew + the worldly Gentile convert that did not make amends of REQUIRED WORK IN FAITH on the Day of Atonement were to be [CUT OFF],! Lev. 17:8-9.
And these only belivism ones fold, with the Hosea 4:6 INCREASED KNOWLEDGE has been teaching their other garbage as well (Rev. 17:5) for way longer than God bore with the 120 years preaching of Noah + the Holy Spirits STRIVING WITH THEN!