I am curious as to what Catholics and Orthodox believers think about these Historical facts.
Much is written and spoken today concerning the "anti-Christ". A common interpretation of 2 Thessalonians 2:4 says that the "anti-Christ" will take his position in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and will rule the world from this point. For this reason, Christians are often warned not to participate in activities concerning the possible rebuilding of the temple.
There is an alternative view of Paul's word to the Thessalonians. In every other reference where Paul speaks of the "temple", he is referring to the Church. The Church is seen as the "Temple of God". Therefore, it is possible that a future world ruler could "take his seat in the temple" by assuming authority over the Church and by controlling the position and direction of it. This is much more subtle than going to Jerusalem and usurping a position in a rebuilt "third" Temple. We believe that this is a much more likely development. Indeed, we maintain that there is a historical precedent for such an event. It happened in 325 AD when Emperor Constantine convened and orchestrated what has come to be known as the First General Conference of the Church at Nicea.
During the third century AD, the Roman empire began to experience decline due both to internal corruption and to external assault. Throughout this time, the Church was growing throughout the empire. Churches were established in every city. Local churches were under the authority of bishops. There were five main or regional centers of authority including: Rome, Ephesus, Antioch, Alexandria, and Carthage. Indeed, it appears that, to some degree, the Church became "a state within the state". During the reign of Decius (249-251) and Diocletian (284-305), general persecutions of the Church were implemented in an effort to destroy it. The opposite occurred. The Church grew in strength and resolve.
When Constantine became emperor, he reasoned that the Church could serve as the grassroots backbone for the crumbling empire. He therefore legalized Christianity and made it the official religion of the empire. The fortune of the Church was suddenly reversed. Church property was returned to the Church. Bishops and pastors that had suffered loss during the periods of persecution were given government pensions. Laws were passed that strengthened the position of the Church.
For the Church to serve in the capacity envisioned by Constantine, unity was essential. Unfortunately for Constantine, it was at this very time that the Arian dispute arose. Arius was a presbyter at Alexandria. He wrote concerning his belief that Jesus was a "created being". His bishop. Alexander, disagreed with this position and a lively dispute resulted. This dispute spread throughout the Church and threatened to be the source of a major schism. Obviously, such a division in the Church would destroy its role as envisioned by Constantine.
The threat felt by Constantine was so strong that he embarked upon the unprecedented calling for an assembly of the bishops from throughout the empire to deal with this question and to resolve the issue. He personally invited the bishops, paid for their conveyance and maintained them through the conference which lasted for two months. Upon convening the assembly, he told the bishops what he expected to be accomplished and even defined their responsibility to the society. Finally, when the council ended, he gave the bishops "valuable" gifts and sent them on their way. He implemented and enforced the findings of the council, even to the point of the death sentence for anyone harboring materials written by Arius. All of this was done by Constantine while he was the undisputed secular world leader. He was not officially a part of the Church during this time. Constantine as a secular world leader literally "took his seat" in the midst of the Church and ruled over it. He usurped the position of the rightful "Lord" of the Church, Jesus the Messiah; therefore, he was an "anti-Christ".
Is it possible that we will see a repetition of the incident discussed above in the future? Could there be a General Council of Christendom today convened and directed by a secular world leader? Would this be a fulfillment of the vision set forth by Paul in his second letter to the believers at Thessalonica? We maintain that all of these things are not only possible, but indeed very likely.
In John's visions recorded in the book of Revelation (chapter 13), he describes a beast with seven heads ruling the world. One head of this beast represents the Rome of Constantine's days. John prophesied that another head would eventually arise and rule over the entire world. We have every reason to believe that this future "global" ruler would be like Constantine. John describes also another "beast", a religious beast, which causes all the peoples to worship or serve the first beast.
The interpretation of "beast" in the Scripture is empire. The nearest thing to a global empire apparent on the world scene today is the United Nations. Representatives from all member nations participate in the general assembly, but real power is reserved to the Security Council, which is controlled, in turn, by the five permanent members. In reality, the real power is reserved today to the single remaining "superpower".
Can we expect a global religious organization formed in the likeness or pattern of the UN? Who would be member "nations" or denominations? Would there be a "Security Council" type body to govern the real administration of such an organization? If such an organization were formed, can you envision the coming world leader "taking his seat" or position of authority in such a council? This, we believe, outlines the most probable fulfillment of Paul's prophecy spoken to the church at Thessalonica. This would be an "anti-Christ" usurping the position of Messiah Jesus.
Take care today lest you get caught participating in such an organization. The consequences are eternal
Again I am not trying to upset anyone I truly want to know your thoughts about these facts.
God bless,
Much is written and spoken today concerning the "anti-Christ". A common interpretation of 2 Thessalonians 2:4 says that the "anti-Christ" will take his position in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and will rule the world from this point. For this reason, Christians are often warned not to participate in activities concerning the possible rebuilding of the temple.
There is an alternative view of Paul's word to the Thessalonians. In every other reference where Paul speaks of the "temple", he is referring to the Church. The Church is seen as the "Temple of God". Therefore, it is possible that a future world ruler could "take his seat in the temple" by assuming authority over the Church and by controlling the position and direction of it. This is much more subtle than going to Jerusalem and usurping a position in a rebuilt "third" Temple. We believe that this is a much more likely development. Indeed, we maintain that there is a historical precedent for such an event. It happened in 325 AD when Emperor Constantine convened and orchestrated what has come to be known as the First General Conference of the Church at Nicea.
During the third century AD, the Roman empire began to experience decline due both to internal corruption and to external assault. Throughout this time, the Church was growing throughout the empire. Churches were established in every city. Local churches were under the authority of bishops. There were five main or regional centers of authority including: Rome, Ephesus, Antioch, Alexandria, and Carthage. Indeed, it appears that, to some degree, the Church became "a state within the state". During the reign of Decius (249-251) and Diocletian (284-305), general persecutions of the Church were implemented in an effort to destroy it. The opposite occurred. The Church grew in strength and resolve.
When Constantine became emperor, he reasoned that the Church could serve as the grassroots backbone for the crumbling empire. He therefore legalized Christianity and made it the official religion of the empire. The fortune of the Church was suddenly reversed. Church property was returned to the Church. Bishops and pastors that had suffered loss during the periods of persecution were given government pensions. Laws were passed that strengthened the position of the Church.
For the Church to serve in the capacity envisioned by Constantine, unity was essential. Unfortunately for Constantine, it was at this very time that the Arian dispute arose. Arius was a presbyter at Alexandria. He wrote concerning his belief that Jesus was a "created being". His bishop. Alexander, disagreed with this position and a lively dispute resulted. This dispute spread throughout the Church and threatened to be the source of a major schism. Obviously, such a division in the Church would destroy its role as envisioned by Constantine.
The threat felt by Constantine was so strong that he embarked upon the unprecedented calling for an assembly of the bishops from throughout the empire to deal with this question and to resolve the issue. He personally invited the bishops, paid for their conveyance and maintained them through the conference which lasted for two months. Upon convening the assembly, he told the bishops what he expected to be accomplished and even defined their responsibility to the society. Finally, when the council ended, he gave the bishops "valuable" gifts and sent them on their way. He implemented and enforced the findings of the council, even to the point of the death sentence for anyone harboring materials written by Arius. All of this was done by Constantine while he was the undisputed secular world leader. He was not officially a part of the Church during this time. Constantine as a secular world leader literally "took his seat" in the midst of the Church and ruled over it. He usurped the position of the rightful "Lord" of the Church, Jesus the Messiah; therefore, he was an "anti-Christ".
Is it possible that we will see a repetition of the incident discussed above in the future? Could there be a General Council of Christendom today convened and directed by a secular world leader? Would this be a fulfillment of the vision set forth by Paul in his second letter to the believers at Thessalonica? We maintain that all of these things are not only possible, but indeed very likely.
In John's visions recorded in the book of Revelation (chapter 13), he describes a beast with seven heads ruling the world. One head of this beast represents the Rome of Constantine's days. John prophesied that another head would eventually arise and rule over the entire world. We have every reason to believe that this future "global" ruler would be like Constantine. John describes also another "beast", a religious beast, which causes all the peoples to worship or serve the first beast.
The interpretation of "beast" in the Scripture is empire. The nearest thing to a global empire apparent on the world scene today is the United Nations. Representatives from all member nations participate in the general assembly, but real power is reserved to the Security Council, which is controlled, in turn, by the five permanent members. In reality, the real power is reserved today to the single remaining "superpower".
Can we expect a global religious organization formed in the likeness or pattern of the UN? Who would be member "nations" or denominations? Would there be a "Security Council" type body to govern the real administration of such an organization? If such an organization were formed, can you envision the coming world leader "taking his seat" or position of authority in such a council? This, we believe, outlines the most probable fulfillment of Paul's prophecy spoken to the church at Thessalonica. This would be an "anti-Christ" usurping the position of Messiah Jesus.
Take care today lest you get caught participating in such an organization. The consequences are eternal
Again I am not trying to upset anyone I truly want to know your thoughts about these facts.
God bless,