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Types of Christians?


When I joined this forum I said that I had 1000 questions. I have so far only asked two. I have been lurking around and reading and now feel that this is what could be called conservative, or is it fundamental? Certainly not liberal? So my question here is two-fold: What type of site is this? And by who's definition is that? (maybe three-fold?) Could someone point me to the easiest to understand comparision and definitions? Please don't post hundreds of lines of text here, that soon gets real boring and causes speed reading, just give me a link.
Conservative Christian?
Fundamental Christian?
Liberal Christian?
Quoting of scripture is fine, but please no bashing of beliefs.
The site itself is best defined by its statement of faith and terms of service...which I think would mostly be considered conservative Christian.

I wouldn't apply "fundamental" because "fundamental" tends to be very limited in how it views how one should apply the Scriptures...when I think of "fundamentalists" I think of women who never wear make-up or cut their hair and that every text is viewed literally, whether it's clear from the context that it's figurative or metaphorical....something that the SofF departs from by this statement:
We believe that the Bible is inspired by God in its entirety, and is without error in the original autographs, a complete and final written revelation from God.
Fundamentalists would more likely state the bible is inerrant in the KJV version (and only the KJV version, for many fundies.), liberals tend to not hold to biblical inerrancy, or the virgin birth or that man is depraved by nature.

Of course, we have members of all beliefs....
Thank you Handy,
But sorry to say that you have confused me even more.

"and that every text is viewed literally, whether it's clear from the context that it's figurative or metaphorical...."

Even tho I agree totally, this could, and probably does open many cans of worms as to who has the right to say that it is clear. "Fundies" must love this argument.
So, a fundamental would accept no change, a conservative would agree to what we call common sense change, and a liberal? Do they even read it?

I was hoping for some more definitions from all the scholars here. It seems google and my buddy wikipedia fail me in my goal of a few simple paragraphs defining different christian faiths.
I'll chime in with answers to a couple of your questions.

This "site" I would say is a mixing pot of quite a few different "faiths". And so while it is deemed a "Christian" site, not all on here follow Christ. So, what that means is you really cannot put your finger on what "kind" of Christian site this is. In all reality, it just depends on the person you speaking with at the time.

The definition I arrive at is my own. Courtesy of yours truly. ;) But I take it straight from the Bible. Because if a man or woman is not of the faith of Jesus, and following Him, then by His own definition they cannot be "Christians".

Christian -
a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

Luk 9:23 And he said to all, If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
The site itself is best defined by its statement of faith and terms of service...which I think would mostly be considered conservative Christian.
Whoops I am in the wrong place.
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When I joined this forum I said that I had 1000 questions. I have so far only asked two. I have been lurking around and reading and now feel that this is what could be called conservative, or is it fundamental?
Quoting of scripture is fine, but please no bashing of beliefs.

Conservative Christian?
likes lower key church services dresses modestly.

Also in here in this category is the brown suit on Sunday christian sitting on the wooden pew singing the from hymnal with the kjv bible ready.... as we have always done it and always will.

Fundamental Christian?

Fairly rigid in views on the bible and faith. All scripture is god inspired

Liberal Christian?

Questions stories in bible and attempts to incorporate science and mans own reasoning into its theology.

What is liberal Christian theology?
I don't prefer to separate Christians into types, but I have observed gradients of fundamentalism among Christians. Some believe that the things that Jesus did, we can do today if we believe; preach to the lost, heal the sick, deliver the captives, etc. Now the gradient the other way seems to me to be nothing at all. Jesus is not who He say He is and Christianity is little more than a series of ethics that one can believe or not believe.

Personally, I give this stuff little thought. I found the Lord through reading the Bible and believe that ever person is accountable to God for what he or she actually believes in the heart. One gets that by studying the word, prayer, listening to preachers and teachers that one percieves as being genuinely tuned into God.

I find it quite disappointing that most people do not search truth for themselves but are content to let preachers thy like spoon feed them for truth. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit was sent to teach us all things. So, I feel that one has the right to find truth for himself or herself.

It may cause confusion to try to label people as fundamental or liberal Christians. There are all levels of gradient from full belief to none at all.
Just to get insight, what brought you to this conclusion?

Be blessed, Stay blessed!

Well I guess it would be the overwhelming number of questions that are simply answered with a scripture quote. And this is this and that is that and if it's in the book it's good enough for me attitude. Again I mean no disrespect to that view, in fact it is to those type of believers that my questions are generally directed. Also it is good to know that my in vain attempt to categorize believers into three distinct labels is just not possible. For awhile there I thought that I had missed the secret handshake or knock upon the door. I would like to be a Conservative Christian, if they were just not so conservative. I sometimes think of myself as a Liberal Christian. But the real ones are just too liberal for me. :)
Thank you Handy,
But sorry to say that you have confused me even more.
:lol I've done that more than a few times in my should talk to my husband and kids!

I guess I come from a different view of what is "Conservative", "Fundamental" and "Liberal"...

Not really having to do with individuals and how they dress or whatever, but rather philosophies of how to view basic tenets of the faith...:D I view myself as fairly conservative, but I wear blue jeans to church!

Fundamentalists being very rigid and very literal in how they interpret things. For instance, I have known some Fundamentalist women who sort of roll up their hair, they roll it up because according to the Scriptures they can't cut it, nor braid it...That reflects an ideology of extreme literalness.

Conservatives being...well...conservative in how they view the Scriptures and the tenants of the faith...but realizing that certain things, like what women did with their hair, were more cultural in nature. But, most conservative Christians will answer spiritual questions using Biblical texts, because we view the God-inspired wisdom in the Scriptures as far more applicable and more accurate than our own attempts at wisdom.

Liberals believing that everything is subjective...up to and including the Divinity of Christ, the virgin birth, the inspiration of Scriptures...

I viewed your question as about the site itself...rather than the members here. We have members of all beliefs....the whole gamut of Christian thought, people of other religions, agnostics and atheists. But, as for the site, I can only go by the sites "Statement of Faith" and that statement is, to me at least, indicative of a conservative approach to Christianity.

There is no secret handshake for this site...none at all...but, after you've reached your 5000th post, we'll explain about the chickens...:o
I don't prefer to separate Christians into types, but I have observed gradients of fundamentalism among Christians. Some believe that the things that Jesus did, we can do today if we believe; preach to the lost, heal the sick, deliver the captives, etc. Now the gradient the other way seems to me to be nothing at all. Jesus is not who He say He is and Christianity is little more than a series of ethics that one can believe or not believe.

Personally, I give this stuff little thought. I found the Lord through reading the Bible and believe that ever person is accountable to God for what he or she actually believes in the heart. One gets that by studying the word, prayer, listening to preachers and teachers that one percieves as being genuinely tuned into God.

I find it quite disappointing that most people do not search truth for themselves but are content to let preachers thy like spoon feed them for truth. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit was sent to teach us all things. So, I feel that one has the right to find truth for himself or herself.

It may cause confusion to try to label people as fundamental or liberal Christians. There are all levels of gradient from full belief to none at all.

I agree
Conservative Christian?
likes lower key church services dresses modestly.

Also in here in this category is the brown suit on Sunday christian sitting on the wooden pew singing the from hymnal with the kjv bible ready.... as we have always done it and always will.

Excuse Me??? I am a conservative Christian and Ill have you know Chris I wear a Blue suit and read from the NASB :lol ( I am being funny here)

Riverwolf said,
Well I guess it would be the overwhelming number of questions that are simply answered with a scripture quote. And this is this and that is that and if it's in the book it's good enough for me attitude.

Actually if it is not in the "Book" thin it is not good enough for me.

When I found this site, I read the statement of faith, I agree with that. I love to fact that there is a diverse group of believers and non believers here, this is not where I get fed let me make that clear. I get fed in my Church and through my personal devotions with God in His word. But this is where I get a lot of knowledge and wisdom. I enjoy reading the different views on certain subjects and I have learned a lot. I do not care what denomination or affiliation one comes from here, as long as we can hold a decent conversation and most times agree to not agree, but in a friendly way.

Oh and Handy, Ok I read several thousand posts now in the few months I been hanging around, so what about the Chickens??? lol
I don't think there should be any type of Christian, we all love and serve God and Christ the same.

Oh, I don't know...there are different types of people, so naturally there are going to be different types of Christians. The key is that we can't (or at least should never) judge someone just because of what "type" they are....that's where we make a big mistake. There are different types of people, but God loves all types.
Excuse Me??? I am a conservative Christian and Ill have you know Chris I wear a Blue suit and read from the NASB :lol ( I am being funny here)

You have to aspire to get a brown suit and a matching king James bible dont you. Thats the ultimate in conservative.
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Oh, I don't know...there are different types of people, so naturally there are going to be different types of Christians. The key is that we can't (or at least should never) judge someone just because of what "type" they are....that's where we make a big mistake. There are different types of people, but God loves all types.

That makes sense, and yes we should accept people for who they are.
The "type" of site this is depends totally on the membership. At some periods of time we have had many fundemenalist Christians, and at others many people that could be considered liberal Christians. Don't forget that we also have people from many other faiths (or non-faiths) here as well.

The direction that is set for the site and the staff is outlined in the Statement of Faith. The SoF doesn't dictate what a member here believes but what the staff believe (and the general membership believe) is the foundation that all Christians can call common. The "core values" if you like.

Overall, I'd say this site is more conservative Christian, but then again I think most Christians in general can be described as conservative Christians.
You have to aspire to get a brown suit and a matching king James bible dont you. Thats the ultimate in conservative.


I used to only use king james version. then I seen some the words were different in that than other bibles. then I researched, got facts. Most from hebrew and greek versions to get the truth of the issues. It was funny. then I though well there is many misprints in this thing. When I asked others about it they would tell me how the other versions try to make things more modern and not hold true to god's intent. When I asked about the original versions in hebrew and greek I lost all of them. Then I wondered why god would cover his word in orginal form and not in translation. I got that answer in studing other works from that day. I found that you never killed people in battle. That word back then was used the same way we use murder today. Then I learned that the meaning of the words changed over time. Today when I study I use 3 bibles to make sure I'm with the orginal meaning. It was an interesting journey.

I had to laugh when I seen your comment thou.
You have to aspire to get a brown suit and a matching king James bible dont you. Thats the ultimate in conservative.

But I hate brown lol. I do like the KJV but prefer to use the NASB but I also use several others for study.
Besides I hate to be stereotypical of the "GOP" I am a child of the Living King, and if my beliefs in His word and moral integrity cause me to fall on the more "conservative" side of the track so be it. But I would rather be considered A child of God rather then conservative or liberal when it comes to moral issues and Biblical principles, not to mention God's commands. God did not call us to be liberal or conservative, He called us to be His children and in doing so we should follow His Word, and I hate to mention this, but in order to do that, we would have to fall on a more conservative (todays standards) approach. I do not mean this statement to seem political (that is another thread in itself) but you have to admit when we begin a discussion like this Liberal vs Conservative we have a hard time separating Church and State. Politics will creep in there for sure.
But I hate brown lol. I do like the KJV but prefer to use the NASB but I also use several others for study.
Besides I hate to be stereotypical of the "GOP" I am a child of the Living King, and if my beliefs in His word and moral integrity cause me to fall on the more "conservative" side of the track so be it. But I would rather be considered A child of God rather then conservative or liberal when it comes to moral issues and Biblical principles, not to mention God's commands. God did not call us to be liberal or conservative, He called us to be His children and in doing so we should follow His Word, and I hate to mention this, but in order to do that, we would have to fall on a more conservative (todays standards) approach. I do not mean this statement to seem political (that is another thread in itself) but you have to admit when we begin a discussion like this Liberal vs Conservative we have a hard time separating Church and State. Politics will creep in there for sure.
Its alright I was only joking about outwards appearances from churches I have visited. I could say the same about us Pentecostals clothing = designer wherever possible. carries all versions of bible on latest device from the Apple company in digital form., handy nearby