Unintelligent Design
Intelligent design is creation theory in drag. The same fundamentalists who push creation theory are the very same ones pushing intelligent design - so it is just a subversive way of trying implement creation theory.
You you cannot teach ID alongside a scientific subject like evolution, because ID can`t be scientifically or empirically proven. Sorrrrryyy!
Its also ridiculous to say "well for the sake of democracy and plurality of ideas, we should teach ID as an alternative". Thats nonsense - there are people who still believe the world is flat, so out of respect for plurality of ideas, should we be also teaching THAT in schools as an alternative to current scientific belief? Of course not.
Intelligent design is creation theory in drag. The same fundamentalists who push creation theory are the very same ones pushing intelligent design - so it is just a subversive way of trying implement creation theory.
You you cannot teach ID alongside a scientific subject like evolution, because ID can`t be scientifically or empirically proven. Sorrrrryyy!
Its also ridiculous to say "well for the sake of democracy and plurality of ideas, we should teach ID as an alternative". Thats nonsense - there are people who still believe the world is flat, so out of respect for plurality of ideas, should we be also teaching THAT in schools as an alternative to current scientific belief? Of course not.