I post this here as it's an issue 5 years old & ongoing
In fact, it has its roots in CND decades ago
& begs the question, does anyone recall 'anti-war' demos which had no placard at all against Al Qaida or Saddam Hussein?
Or against the Taleban & other suicide bombers?
Or against Hamas/Hizbullah/PLO/Arab League/Iran vows to annihilate Israelis - ever since 1947, if not 1917?
How many Christians have lobbied MPs & the media @ Revelation 9:13-18 & Revelation 16:12 etc @ Iraq - R Euphrates as catalyst for a third of mankind to die in a war begun there?
& @ that river being dried up, (by being diverted, as in several wars in history), for 200 million oriental troops to invade Israel via the mountains in between, sparking Armageddon - as in Joel 3, Zechariah 14, Isaiah 24, Matthew 24, etc?
& @ Genesis 12, Genesis 15, Jeremiah 31 & Ezekiel 36, Isaiah 40-45, etc promises of God to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & descendents, forever, of the Promised Land - specified as extending from the borders of Egypt to R Euphrates?
See http://www.BibleGateway.org
UK branded 'a disgrace' in Iraq
Press Assoc. - 12 minutes ago
The Government has been branded a "disgrace" for continuing to be involved in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan on the fifth anniversary of the huge anti-war demonstration.
The oldest and youngest people on the original march five years ago in London joined a delegation handing in a letter to 10 Downing Street calling for British troops to be withdrawn.
Leaders of CND, the Stop The War Coalition, MPs and peace activists including Bianca Jagger, walked up Downing Street to hand in the letter to Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Among the delegation was Alicia Marr, 36, who was 33 weeks pregnant with her son Alfie when she took part in the march.
Holding Alfie's hand she said: "I felt it was very important to join the march because of my sense of frustration that we were being led in to an illegal war with huge implications for generations to come.
"I feel even more frustrated today because Iraq is a terrible mess which is ruining the lives of Iraqi children."
Hetty Bower, 102, from north London, said she remembers vividly the huge anti-war demonstration that attracted between one and two million protestors.
"I have walked on every march against us going to war because I am against war but this is a particularly horrible war. We have no business to be in Iraq. This was the biggest demonstration of my long life and I am proud I took part."
Kate Hudson, chairwoman of CND said: "Tony Blair became exceptionally unpopular because of his lies over Iraq. We had great hope that Gordon Brown would pull the troops out and recognise the huge majority of public sentiment against the occupation. But five years on we are still waiting for a British Prime Minister to act."
The group handed in a letter which said it was a "disgrace" that the Government continued to participate in the conflict in Iraq.
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/pressass/20080 ... e80_1.html
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/default.stm - try later
Ask here for a public debate @ this vital global security issue:-
http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/index.aspx?WT.svl=menu - try later
Ask http://www.cbn.com/700club/features/Bri ... T.svl=menu to cover it
http://www.jpost.com - try later ...
or use archive search to verify history of ...
"Woe to those who say, 'Peace! Peace!' when there is no peace!"
Anyone recall the many '70s articles & features exposing how international terror groups work, train & fundraise together in extremely deceptive ways?
Anyone read Daniel 11:32 etc @ the Antichrist coming to world power by corrupt deception?
& 2 Thessalonians 2 occult driving force?
You know Jesus called Satan the 'father of lies' & the 'great deceiver'
& 'Apollyon/Abaddon', in Revelation 8-9 both mean 'destroyer'
John 10:10 - "The thief comes only to steal, kill & destroy'
"Satan masquerades as an angel of liight & so do his servants...their fate will be clear to all" ..
To all who take God at His Word, that is!
How @ you?
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/in ... TQjsysKrkU
In fact, it has its roots in CND decades ago
& begs the question, does anyone recall 'anti-war' demos which had no placard at all against Al Qaida or Saddam Hussein?
Or against the Taleban & other suicide bombers?
Or against Hamas/Hizbullah/PLO/Arab League/Iran vows to annihilate Israelis - ever since 1947, if not 1917?
How many Christians have lobbied MPs & the media @ Revelation 9:13-18 & Revelation 16:12 etc @ Iraq - R Euphrates as catalyst for a third of mankind to die in a war begun there?
& @ that river being dried up, (by being diverted, as in several wars in history), for 200 million oriental troops to invade Israel via the mountains in between, sparking Armageddon - as in Joel 3, Zechariah 14, Isaiah 24, Matthew 24, etc?
& @ Genesis 12, Genesis 15, Jeremiah 31 & Ezekiel 36, Isaiah 40-45, etc promises of God to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & descendents, forever, of the Promised Land - specified as extending from the borders of Egypt to R Euphrates?
See http://www.BibleGateway.org
UK branded 'a disgrace' in Iraq
Press Assoc. - 12 minutes ago
The Government has been branded a "disgrace" for continuing to be involved in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan on the fifth anniversary of the huge anti-war demonstration.
The oldest and youngest people on the original march five years ago in London joined a delegation handing in a letter to 10 Downing Street calling for British troops to be withdrawn.
Leaders of CND, the Stop The War Coalition, MPs and peace activists including Bianca Jagger, walked up Downing Street to hand in the letter to Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Among the delegation was Alicia Marr, 36, who was 33 weeks pregnant with her son Alfie when she took part in the march.
Holding Alfie's hand she said: "I felt it was very important to join the march because of my sense of frustration that we were being led in to an illegal war with huge implications for generations to come.
"I feel even more frustrated today because Iraq is a terrible mess which is ruining the lives of Iraqi children."
Hetty Bower, 102, from north London, said she remembers vividly the huge anti-war demonstration that attracted between one and two million protestors.
"I have walked on every march against us going to war because I am against war but this is a particularly horrible war. We have no business to be in Iraq. This was the biggest demonstration of my long life and I am proud I took part."
Kate Hudson, chairwoman of CND said: "Tony Blair became exceptionally unpopular because of his lies over Iraq. We had great hope that Gordon Brown would pull the troops out and recognise the huge majority of public sentiment against the occupation. But five years on we are still waiting for a British Prime Minister to act."
The group handed in a letter which said it was a "disgrace" that the Government continued to participate in the conflict in Iraq.
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/pressass/20080 ... e80_1.html
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/default.stm - try later
Ask here for a public debate @ this vital global security issue:-
http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/index.aspx?WT.svl=menu - try later
Ask http://www.cbn.com/700club/features/Bri ... T.svl=menu to cover it
http://www.jpost.com - try later ...
or use archive search to verify history of ...
"Woe to those who say, 'Peace! Peace!' when there is no peace!"
Anyone recall the many '70s articles & features exposing how international terror groups work, train & fundraise together in extremely deceptive ways?
Anyone read Daniel 11:32 etc @ the Antichrist coming to world power by corrupt deception?
& 2 Thessalonians 2 occult driving force?
You know Jesus called Satan the 'father of lies' & the 'great deceiver'
& 'Apollyon/Abaddon', in Revelation 8-9 both mean 'destroyer'
John 10:10 - "The thief comes only to steal, kill & destroy'
"Satan masquerades as an angel of liight & so do his servants...their fate will be clear to all" ..
To all who take God at His Word, that is!
How @ you?
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/in ... TQjsysKrkU