Engleman's book on the end times is written from an EO conception of the antichrist which is very, very close to the Dispensational view.
About the "great chasm of time" between the 69 and 70th week of Daniel
"This interval, often referred to as the Church age, was a gift to believers -- to those who, as Saint John wrote, "lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. [Rev. 20:4]" Ultimate Things
Engleman believes in a future 7 year period of tribulation, Dan. 9:27 [Prince that is to come] is viewed as the antichrist.
Quoting St. Ephraim the Syrian, "When three and a half years of the rule and deeds of the foul one will have been fulfilled, and all the temptations of the earth will have been completed, then, as foretold, the Lord will finally appear, lke a lightning flashing in the sky, the holy, most-pure, terrifying, and glorious God of all with incomparable glory. Preceding His great glory will be a host of angels and archangels, all of them like a fiery flames; and the river of terrible boiling fire; Cherubim with downcast eyes and Seraphim flying and covering out: 'Arise, you who have died, it is the Bridegroom Who cometh!"
About antichrist:
"He will drag every man after himself and drive innumerable men before himself." St. Gregory the Great
"For the father of falsehood will make a show of the works of falsehood, that the multitude may think that they see a dead man raised, who is not raised, and lame men walking, and blind men seeing, when the cure has not been wrought." St. Cyril of Jerusalem
"None other than antichrist...is...to raise the kingdom of the Jews." St. Hippolytus
A quote from Engleman, "Antichrist will facilitate the rebuilding of Solomon's temple, both to please the Jews and to erase all doubts that he is their Christ. Saint Andrew of Caesarea insisted that Antichrist will restore the Jewish temple precisely to demonstrate, by fulfilling the Prophet's word, that he is in fact the Messiah: 'I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down.'"
This really is an interesting read, Engleman quotes from Grant R. Jefferys, makes mention of C. I. Scofield and provide a good amount of quotations from Eastern Orthodox fathers...mostly Russian.
About the "great chasm of time" between the 69 and 70th week of Daniel
"This interval, often referred to as the Church age, was a gift to believers -- to those who, as Saint John wrote, "lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. [Rev. 20:4]" Ultimate Things
Engleman believes in a future 7 year period of tribulation, Dan. 9:27 [Prince that is to come] is viewed as the antichrist.
Quoting St. Ephraim the Syrian, "When three and a half years of the rule and deeds of the foul one will have been fulfilled, and all the temptations of the earth will have been completed, then, as foretold, the Lord will finally appear, lke a lightning flashing in the sky, the holy, most-pure, terrifying, and glorious God of all with incomparable glory. Preceding His great glory will be a host of angels and archangels, all of them like a fiery flames; and the river of terrible boiling fire; Cherubim with downcast eyes and Seraphim flying and covering out: 'Arise, you who have died, it is the Bridegroom Who cometh!"
About antichrist:
"He will drag every man after himself and drive innumerable men before himself." St. Gregory the Great
"For the father of falsehood will make a show of the works of falsehood, that the multitude may think that they see a dead man raised, who is not raised, and lame men walking, and blind men seeing, when the cure has not been wrought." St. Cyril of Jerusalem
"None other than antichrist...is...to raise the kingdom of the Jews." St. Hippolytus
A quote from Engleman, "Antichrist will facilitate the rebuilding of Solomon's temple, both to please the Jews and to erase all doubts that he is their Christ. Saint Andrew of Caesarea insisted that Antichrist will restore the Jewish temple precisely to demonstrate, by fulfilling the Prophet's word, that he is in fact the Messiah: 'I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down.'"
This really is an interesting read, Engleman quotes from Grant R. Jefferys, makes mention of C. I. Scofield and provide a good amount of quotations from Eastern Orthodox fathers...mostly Russian.