Why are people so passive can’t you see we are headed for marshal law. Has anybody here have done a deep study into the Illuminati? Well I suggest you do it quickly before it will take you unaware. Why do most Christians honor Satan by letting your children see or read Harry potter, and watch Disney movies? Can you ever wake up and smell the coffee, you are playing into the trap Satan has set for your children, and later these same children will betray you to the Antichrist. I am pleading with all of you to be aware of what is out there. You might say you do know but you really do not know. The economy is going to be destroy and new world order will be born out of disorder, we are going to see this soon, I study who are these Illuminati People and they are the top branch of all the little branches like the new age religion and Wicca all evil comes from them, they are the richest people in the world and yes they invade your schools your groceries your fuel, your economy It has infiltrated government on a local, state and national level; education and financial institutions; religion and the media. Based in Europe, it plans a "world order" that will make its earlier attempts, Nazism and Communism, look like picnics. One other detail: these people are not happy.
In all walks of life including religion, and false Christianity. I will give you a link from a former Illuminati who got saved blow the whistle and vanish like smoke. Also have you heard of underground concentration camps made to put people inside and 1000,s of coffins made out of plastic that can fit three people into one coffin? Why do you not check this out for yourselves, or are you asleep as the foolish virgins that came in to late and had no oil for their lamps were rejected by the smart ones. I say this to open your eyes to the truth. You know the Bible yes; than you know Antichrist comes in to fix the world’s problems. Can you see where the world is headed right now? Well are surprise all this is done purposely so that you will exchange your freedom for a false security. THEY WANT TO GIVE YOU THE CHIP AT ALL COST GET IT!!. So they will scare you into taking the mark of the beast, they will tell you there is food shortage and yes there will be food shortage when everything will escalate out of proportion. Over night the money will disappear and be just paper. Go look into your 401k and see how much you lost already. Tell the bank if you got lots of money that what do you have to do that you will like to close your account, and see what they answer you back and come and post it here.!! I am not telling you to take it out, but just ask. I heard a young girl at work she only wanted to take out 4,000 and they question her. Another Jewish man wanted to take out 6,000 and they gave him all sorts of warnings. This man I am telling you about is just one of the thousands who are speaking against the worlds system that want to bring disorder so they can implement order. A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT; maybe before December. Shalom. Love you all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ-DkS-XOOM&feature=related
In all walks of life including religion, and false Christianity. I will give you a link from a former Illuminati who got saved blow the whistle and vanish like smoke. Also have you heard of underground concentration camps made to put people inside and 1000,s of coffins made out of plastic that can fit three people into one coffin? Why do you not check this out for yourselves, or are you asleep as the foolish virgins that came in to late and had no oil for their lamps were rejected by the smart ones. I say this to open your eyes to the truth. You know the Bible yes; than you know Antichrist comes in to fix the world’s problems. Can you see where the world is headed right now? Well are surprise all this is done purposely so that you will exchange your freedom for a false security. THEY WANT TO GIVE YOU THE CHIP AT ALL COST GET IT!!. So they will scare you into taking the mark of the beast, they will tell you there is food shortage and yes there will be food shortage when everything will escalate out of proportion. Over night the money will disappear and be just paper. Go look into your 401k and see how much you lost already. Tell the bank if you got lots of money that what do you have to do that you will like to close your account, and see what they answer you back and come and post it here.!! I am not telling you to take it out, but just ask. I heard a young girl at work she only wanted to take out 4,000 and they question her. Another Jewish man wanted to take out 6,000 and they gave him all sorts of warnings. This man I am telling you about is just one of the thousands who are speaking against the worlds system that want to bring disorder so they can implement order. A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT; maybe before December. Shalom. Love you all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ-DkS-XOOM&feature=related