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Understanding Types & Shadows


2024 Supporter
For a long time, I didn't understand types and shadows from the OT. As I read & studied more, I came to realize that, Jesus is on almost (if not all) every page of the OT.

Every time there's weirdness in a situation or rule given by God in the OT, it points straight to Jesus...

Am I a Johnny come lately on this, or is there confusion & non-understanding about it in the body?

Just curious. :)
What's an example of a type & shadow that you know of? I see 'em all over the place, lol.
They are indeed ALL over the OT.
Righteous Abel suffering at the hands of unrighteous Cain is a picture of Christ.
The ground that was cursed because of the fall and which man must now work to bring forth it's fruit symbolizes the fallen human heart.
My favorite, of course, is Joseph and his relationship with his brothers. He is perhaps the clearest picture of Christ in the OT.
It really got me thinking the same thing when I started reading the book of Leviticus, and how some of the prep work for the burnt offerings reminded me of Jesus's teachings. Jesus said to His disciples that they are the salt of the earth, and on every kind of burnt offering, it said that salt was needed. On the logic that Jesus is the fulfillment of the OT offerings, then the salt bit made me think that most if not everything in the OT is directly attributed to Jesus, or a direct result of what He was going to teach.
What's an example of a type & shadow that you know of? I see 'em all over the place, lol.
Well you could start with Adam as a type of Christ and Eve as a type of the Church, and go from there.

And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. (1 Cor 15:45-49).
This type of thing is actually a book.

In it is all kinds of types and shadows and symbols... Some are lost to us.

Even numbers have meaning... So do deliberate misspellings.

So do the genealogy records.

All point to Christ

I use a couple of formulas for determinations. Psalms and the Torah and the Hebrew alphabet.

The blend of art and science... And either a madman genius or God wrote it all.

I'm going to go with God.
This type of thing is actually a book.

In it is all kinds of types and shadows and symbols... Some are lost to us.

Even numbers have meaning... So do deliberate misspellings.

So do the genealogy records.

All point to Christ

I use a couple of formulas for determinations. Psalms and the Torah and the Hebrew alphabet.

The blend of art and science... And either a madman genius or God wrote it all.

I'm going to go with God.

You're right, Brother. Madman genius might have been possible ...if there wasn't so many authors transcribing the books, lol. That's proof right there of the bible's authenticity. :)
There was the brass serpent hung up in the wilderness. Look to that when you're dieing and you live.
Gee, that's a hard one, lol.
This type of thing is actually a book.

In it is all kinds of types and shadows and symbols... Some are lost to us.

Even numbers have meaning... So do deliberate misspellings.

So do the genealogy records.

All point to Christ

I use a couple of formulas for determinations. Psalms and the Torah and the Hebrew alphabet.

The blend of art and science... And either a madman genius or God wrote it all.

I'm going to go with God.
The acrostic.btw the psalms are chants. Try listening to one.psalms 23 was 5 minutes long.
Even numbers have meaning... So do deliberate misspellings

I believe this. Even the spaces between the words and punctuation. All that Bible code stuff came out and God used ELS codes to put many messages in scripture. This means that not only was the Word inspired by God, but actually was given as dictation, letter by letter...every yot and every tittle of it.
For a long time, I didn't understand types and shadows from the OT. As I read & studied more, I came to realize that, Jesus is on almost (if not all) every page of the OT.

Every time there's weirdness in a situation or rule given by God in the OT, it points straight to Jesus...

Am I a Johnny come lately on this, or is there confusion & non-understanding about it in the body?

Just curious. :)
What's an example of a type & shadow that you know of? I see 'em all over the place, lol.

I'm a dissenter to the flow (so far) in this thread.

Who says they are types or shadows? Is that up to our own inventions about certain OT people?

Surely we need more than our ideas to make types out of people and events. I need it to be directly stated as such, otherwise it becomes allegorical interpretation/preaching or postmodern creation.

I'm not about to make something a type or shadow as my own creation.

But I can't get into a debate about this as this is 'The Lounge'.

Who says they are types or shadows?
Well Christ Himself told us that there are types and shadows. According to Him, Jonah was a type of Christ in his *death, burial, and resurrection*. Also according to Him, the Brazen Serpent was a type of Christ on the Cross.
Well Christ Himself told us that there are types and shadows. According to Him, Jonah was a type of Christ in his *death, burial, and resurrection*. Also according to Him, the Brazen Serpent was a type of Christ on the Cross.


Yes we have Jonah as a 'sign' of Jesus passion-resurrection (Matthew 12:39-41 ESV). That is stated clearly for us to read.

John 3:14 (ESV) provides the link between Moses and the serpent in the wilderness and Jesus crucifixion.

I have no difficulty with these as they are clearly stated in the NT.

It's the speculation in this thread that bothers me when it seems to be left up to us mere human beings to determine that 'Jesus is on almost (if not all) every page of the OT' (stated in the OP).

Well you could start with Adam as a type of Christ and Eve as a type of the Church, and go from there.

And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. (1 Cor 15:45-49).


Concerning Adam we find the purpose for this age; That the Son of God would have His eternal soul-mate... for it's not good that Man should be alone.

“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Ephesians 5:31-32

And -

To determine who will follow God, and who will follow Satan.

What's an example of a type & shadow that you know of?

Here's one that I'm sure some will disagree with, but is instrumental in teaching us the things God hates, and considers as sin, as well as portrays Christ and His work on the cross to cleanse mankind from the fullness of sin.

It helps us consider some things we may have not considered, in viewing the children of Israel as examples for us.

The Ark of the Covenant and it's contents.

...the golden censer and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant; Hebrews 9:4

Jesus is the Ark itself.

In the Ark, contained the [threefold] fullness of sin.

The two tablets containing the Ten Commandments.
The golden jar of manna.
The rod of Aaron that budded.

Rejecting God's word. Jesus is the Word.
Rejecting God's provision. Jesus is the bread that came down from Heaven.
Rejecting God's appointed authority. Jesus is our High Priest.

The Ark is a picture of Christ, who contained the sin.

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21

Here's one that I'm sure some will disagree with, but is instrumental in teaching us the things God hates, and considers as sin, as well as portrays Christ and His work on the cross to cleanse mankind from the fullness of sin.

It helps us consider some things we may have not considered, in viewing the children of Israel as examples for us.

The Ark of the Covenant and it's contents.

...the golden censer and the ark of the covenant overlaid on all sides with gold, in which were the golden pot that had the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant; Hebrews 9:4

Jesus is the Ark itself.

In the Ark, contained the [threefold] fullness of sin.

The two tablets containing the Ten Commandments.
The golden jar of manna.
The rod of Aaron that budded.

Rejecting God's word. Jesus is the Word.
Rejecting God's provision. Jesus is the bread that came down from Heaven.
Rejecting God's appointed authority. Jesus is our High Priest.

The Ark is a picture of Christ, who contained the sin.

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21


Ohh, I hadn't ever put that one together before, but it makes perfect sense to me. :yes
I'm pretty sure the Passover was a shadow of the last supper/crucifixion. God's firstborn died.

Wow. Jesus is all over the OT!!
I'm a dissenter to the flow (so far) in this thread.

Who says they are types or shadows? Is that up to our own inventions about certain OT people?

Surely we need more than our ideas to make types out of people and events. I need it to be directly stated as such, otherwise it becomes allegorical interpretation/preaching or postmodern creation.

I'm not about to make something a type or shadow as my own creation.

But I can't get into a debate about this as this is 'The Lounge'.


I'm pretty sure that Paul was talking about types & shadows in 1 Corinthians 10:1-12

Check that out and tell me what you think.