- Oct 23, 2010
- 14,319
- 10,803
Me, yet again.
Verna's got some health problems. I understand that health problems become more of an issue as one gets older, and Verna is in her mid-70s. I "get it," at some level, but...
...I want her to be healthy and whole, and I want her to have a good quality of life, too. At this point, she's been dealing with kidney infections that either do not respond to antibiotics, or respond and then...return, with a vengeance. She was in the hospital for 5, 6 days not too long ago, and they gave her IV antibiotics. Once she was released, she was sent off to an outpatient doctor, who prescribed yet another round of oral antibiotics....
...and all signs point towards her --still-- having an infection, right now. They've done some kind of culture for her...basically, from the way she described it, its a 2-step process. 1st step is determining if there's an ongoing infection. Step 2 is figuring out what sort of antibiotic(s) might be appropriate.
I am thankful that modern medicine has an array of antibiotics and such available for Verna and countless others. Really, I am. And I am thankful that God's work in her life is such that she's lived a good, godly life, and she now lives in a good home she and her beloved deceased husband bought together, and she's living off his pension and she even has excellent health coverage through his former job, where he was a godly, dedicated employee. God has been good to Verna, and He was (and is) good to Ronnie. I am thankful, trust me.
Its just..well, she's probably the 1st --real--, geniune, bona fide friend I've ever had, in my entire life. The Lord put her in my life before I even got saved (that was and is a miracle, in and of itself..), and she's taught me so much about life, friendship, faith, etc., and I am thankful for that, too.
The health issues, her struggles with family problems, her obvious grief over losing Ronnie (don't get me wrong; by God's grace, Verna has handled the whole thing quite well...)...the whole thing is beginning to touch my heart, in a big way. I guess this is what genuine friendship is all about?
OK. I've rambled quite enough, LOL. I ask that you pray for Verna, please. I understand that death is a part of human life, here on earth, and that Christians have eternal life in Christ...or at least, I'm getting there, gradually.
I just pray that God will move mightily in Verna's life, at all levels, according to His will. My preference, of course, would be a quick prescription of some easy-to-tolerate, incredibly effective antibiotic, family reconciliation, and decades more of a quiet, godly, comfortable life. But...
...ugh. This is where it gets rough. His ways are higher than --my-- ways, that's for certain. Not everyone lives to be 100. Not all Christians' families embrace them, even in their old age. I'm beginning to get that, now...perhaps this yet another step in growing up, as who I am and who I am becoming, in Christ Jesus (?).
I don't know. Sometimes, honestly, I wonder if maybe Verna's time here on earth is coming to a close. There are good people in the world, still, and good people in churches, too, but...the world today is so different from the world she grew up in, lived in, etc. Am I being...pessimistic, maybe that's the thinking that if its God's will to take Verna home soon, maybe it would be the best thing for her?
OK. Now, I really --have-- rambled, entirely too much. Please pray for Verna, and that The Lord will move in all aspects of her life, body included. Thanks.
Verna's got some health problems. I understand that health problems become more of an issue as one gets older, and Verna is in her mid-70s. I "get it," at some level, but...
...I want her to be healthy and whole, and I want her to have a good quality of life, too. At this point, she's been dealing with kidney infections that either do not respond to antibiotics, or respond and then...return, with a vengeance. She was in the hospital for 5, 6 days not too long ago, and they gave her IV antibiotics. Once she was released, she was sent off to an outpatient doctor, who prescribed yet another round of oral antibiotics....
...and all signs point towards her --still-- having an infection, right now. They've done some kind of culture for her...basically, from the way she described it, its a 2-step process. 1st step is determining if there's an ongoing infection. Step 2 is figuring out what sort of antibiotic(s) might be appropriate.
I am thankful that modern medicine has an array of antibiotics and such available for Verna and countless others. Really, I am. And I am thankful that God's work in her life is such that she's lived a good, godly life, and she now lives in a good home she and her beloved deceased husband bought together, and she's living off his pension and she even has excellent health coverage through his former job, where he was a godly, dedicated employee. God has been good to Verna, and He was (and is) good to Ronnie. I am thankful, trust me.
Its just..well, she's probably the 1st --real--, geniune, bona fide friend I've ever had, in my entire life. The Lord put her in my life before I even got saved (that was and is a miracle, in and of itself..), and she's taught me so much about life, friendship, faith, etc., and I am thankful for that, too.
The health issues, her struggles with family problems, her obvious grief over losing Ronnie (don't get me wrong; by God's grace, Verna has handled the whole thing quite well...)...the whole thing is beginning to touch my heart, in a big way. I guess this is what genuine friendship is all about?
OK. I've rambled quite enough, LOL. I ask that you pray for Verna, please. I understand that death is a part of human life, here on earth, and that Christians have eternal life in Christ...or at least, I'm getting there, gradually.
I just pray that God will move mightily in Verna's life, at all levels, according to His will. My preference, of course, would be a quick prescription of some easy-to-tolerate, incredibly effective antibiotic, family reconciliation, and decades more of a quiet, godly, comfortable life. But...
...ugh. This is where it gets rough. His ways are higher than --my-- ways, that's for certain. Not everyone lives to be 100. Not all Christians' families embrace them, even in their old age. I'm beginning to get that, now...perhaps this yet another step in growing up, as who I am and who I am becoming, in Christ Jesus (?).
I don't know. Sometimes, honestly, I wonder if maybe Verna's time here on earth is coming to a close. There are good people in the world, still, and good people in churches, too, but...the world today is so different from the world she grew up in, lived in, etc. Am I being...pessimistic, maybe that's the thinking that if its God's will to take Verna home soon, maybe it would be the best thing for her?
OK. Now, I really --have-- rambled, entirely too much. Please pray for Verna, and that The Lord will move in all aspects of her life, body included. Thanks.