Nice layout, fairly easy to navigate, friendly feel. I like the cartoony clip art. It's obvious this church is serious about Jesus, but in a friendly way.
The top picture is nice but takes forever to load. I'd consider going with a smaller or lower-resolution version.
Being our church webmaster and a person who has moved to a new part of town/looked for a church to join in my area a few years ago, I like to see the address, phone number, etc. prominently. That way I can rule out visiting a church that might be too far from my home or is right in my neighborhood. I also couldn't find a phone number or physical address in case I had a question. I couldn't find the service times very easily either. There is a reference to Crawford County, but where is that?
Also, I noticed a term called "VLC Study"...I'm assuming that is an acronym for Victory Life Center, but potential visitors may not know that. We got around this problem by building a page called "FBCL A-Z" with a list of about 20 in-house terms we use around a church but a visitor or new member may not know, including FBCL (First Baptist Church-Lakeside). We have a reception/dining/fellowship area called "The Teague Building" but it was 6 months before we as new members knew where/what that was.
Overall, keep up the good work--may your church be blessed through the work you do for God via your website. I look at the work I do for our church website as a ministry of sorts...everything to His glory!