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Bible Study Vows to God


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mr anonymous

Anyone who read my previous post will know I have ocd and so this question may well be strange I,m not to sure.

First I would like people who answer this question to tell me whether they are fundamentalist or not because I like to know what kind of person is answering the question.

If you think the words I make a vow does that make it a vow?
Lately I keep thinking the words so eveytime I do something I think the words I make a vow' I don't meen it they just pop into my heard possibly because of my ocd possibly because I think about it all the time.
So if I think the words but don't meen them does that count as a promise to God which I must keep or do I have to meen them for it to count?
One other thing
If people could tell me whether they have ever really thought about it aswell I would be gratefull
If you would like titles, yes you could call me a fundamentalist, as I believe every word of the Bible and that it is the infallible inspired word of God.

As for your question:
Thoughts that occur to us are often uncontrollable, and can pop into your head suddenly without explanation, yet you can at that point then reject or accept such thoughts. Thoughts of lust and other temptations have often poped into my head, but they can be shot down the second they run through my mind if I consciously reject the thought. No, a vow would not be binding unless you meant to make such a vow with all your heart, with your full consent. If regretable thoughts enter your mind just remember that Jesus can help you take captive of your thoughts and submit them to Him, as the Bible says we should be doing, "taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5). Whether you have OCD or not, God can preserve your mind and keep you blameless before him. Do not fear, God will be with you, and do not fear because fear is Satan's tool, because rather God has won the victory for us already for those who trust in Him.

God Bless,

Another more serious one was a few months ago' I was on a train and for some reason I said to God in my mind I will not do something or I,ll go to Hell.
Now I don't think I have done what I said I wouldn't yet but does that count as a promise.
I didn't meen it I don't know why I did it but I did think about it first and still decide to do it' but I don't know if i had much faith then' I certainly wouldn't do it now.
mr anonymous said:
Another more serious one was a few months ago' I was on a train and for some reason I said to God in my mind I will not do something or I,ll go to Hell.
Now I don't think I have done what I said I wouldn't yet but does that count as a promise.
I didn't meen it I don't know why I did it but I did think about it first and still decide to do it' but I don't know if i had much faith then' I certainly wouldn't do it now.

Mr. Anonymous,

Luckily for us we don't quite get to decide where we end up, other than how we explicitly live our life styles and react to God - meaning that God can save us from our circumstances, no matter how dire. No vow could bind you to go to hell short of a pact with the devil that is followed up on. Such vows, of saying you will go to hell if you don't do something, would be meaningless since going to hell requires a lifestyle of wickedness on the part of the person who goes there, not a momentary lapse of judgement or something you said. And since you are even concerned about this it shows that you never made a conscious commitment, otherwise you would be more certain and not opposed to it, thus you have nothing to worry about. Perhaps if it helps, if this keeps occuring, you could write your thoughts down so you do not forget them, this may help confusion a bit also.

Honestly, I believe Satan can put thoughts into our head to discourage us and make us fear. I am far from having a detailed account of knowing what your thoughts were or what your supposed vow was, but this could indeed be an attack on you from Satan to play with your mind (I've had that happen to me more than once - in my sleep no less, when its hard to put forth conscious resistance). Don't allow condemnation to creep in on you saying, "You didn't keep your vow, you're going to hell, God can't save you anymore, its hopeless." Such messages are contrary to the love of God and his Gospel through Jesus. Run to God with your problems. Pray. If you aren't quite sure how to pray I can most certainly try to help you learn how. In the mean time I will pray for you, that God would protect your mind.

Remember, God is bigger than vows, and bigger than your circumstances, and He will help all that ask Him in sincerity.

I didn't meen it I don't know why I did it but I did think about it first and still decide to do it' but I don't know if i had much faith then' I certainly wouldn't do it now.

Don't worry, God knows your heart, and he sees your sincerity. I can assure you that if indeed everything you have said to me is true that God does not hold you to any vow you think you have made which you are now fretting over. God doesn't hold it against you. :)

God Bless,

Don't worry, God knows your heart, and he sees your sincerity. I can assure you that if indeed everything you have said to me is true that God does not hold you to any vow you think you have made which you are now fretting over. God doesn't hold it against you.
Good stuff, Josh.

Mr. A, I am fundamental as far as the greatest of the essential doctrines go. See our Statement of Faith. I'm a bit more analytical when it comes to certain passages in the Bible to try and discern whether they are metaphorical or not; especially in my End Times studies.

As for vows, only two count in my "book"; the one we make when we accept Jesus as our Messiah and more importantly, the one He makes with us. :angel:


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